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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Picture Page

    I've always been a big fan of DEVO. Spuds feature in their mythology. I don't recall the exact song this is from but I'll post it when I find it. "Time to show those evil Spuds what's what." This is one of my all time favorite songs, "We're through with being cool!" It's sort of been my personal anthem since I was in High school. "if you live in a small place, you might meet a dozen young alien types who step out and declair "we're through being cool" Well, it's worked. No one would ever think of me as being "cool." Spud says I'm so not cool, I"m like the anti-cool. Which impresses him. I don't look too bad in this pix, considering I was on 2 percocet and into the 2nd hour of a hot flash.
  2. vinesqueen

    Dog with an ATTITUDE!

    oh Teresa, I am so really sorry for you and your dogs. One of the reasons I decided to put Tipper to sleep was because there was no way I could ever live with myself if he ever bit a child. I too felt like a complete hostage in my own house. I had considered giving him away, but I wouldn't be able to control what happened to him once he left my house. I know that it would always be my responsibility. And If I read in the news 2 years from now that he mauled a child because I didn't put him down when I should have I believe that would be criminial of me. I'm not saying that is your situation, it was mine. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and your family.
  3. vinesqueen

    Picture Page

    Here's a rare sighting of me... This is at my Spudboy's high school graduation. I'm so proud of my baby.
  4. vinesqueen

    Exercise Queen in Pain!!!

    HAH! No excuses here! Zoe! get your boot!
  5. vinesqueen


    Mr. & Mrs Smith. My kind of Chick Flick.
  6. vinesqueen

    My Heart Is Broken

    Oh Christina, I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my cheecks, my nose all stuffy from crying. I'm so very sorry that your very dear friend is gone. You have just made the hardest desision I think a person can make. I know there are many people who would condem you for what you've done, because they don't understand. I know you are probably inconsolable right now. I know that Gunner was an older dog, and I think it takes a special person to care for older pets and people. It took me years between the last pet I lost and getting my dear sweet Astro. You will be in my thoughts. *sniff* ((((hugs))))
  7. vinesqueen

    what is the actual surgery like?

    I have no memory of my actual surgery. I did get the naughty-nurse stockings though. my experience: they had me go potty, and put on the stockings. Then they started the IV, several people came to talk to me, but I was out-gone before I was even wheeled away from the starting bed. Woke up in my hospital room, didn't have a single memory of the recovery room.
  8. vinesqueen

    food getting stuck

    I've only gotten a few things stuck, but for me it is an "oh-my-gawd-let-it-stop!" sort of feeling. NOt something you want to have happen. Usually from a bit of food that hasn't been chewed well enough. Although some people can chew something to absolute liquid an still have problems with it. As for bump, when a thread is inactive for a while, someone will "bump" it so it become active again. Only bump I can think of...
  9. vinesqueen

    What NOT to Wear?

    no shorts or capris if your are more than a size 6??! To hell with that! But then, I'm notorious for not giving a fig what other people think. Wearing or not wearing shorts won't have any impact on whether my body looks short and round. You know why? Be cause I AM short and round! (but only short by marriage.)
  10. vinesqueen

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    How funny is that! I'm always amazed at how small the world is, internet or not. No, I'm having the procedure here in Seattle. I sure don't want to have it in Pocatello!
  11. vinesqueen

    The Reason I was rebanded

    thanks for posting Kat. The band isn't "one-size-fits-all." Espeically if you have ... diviatiations from "standard" physiology. (hi mom!)
  12. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6834&highlight=article I thought there was more discussion on it though. The link in the first is dead, but it the same exact article.
  13. I dunno, since I didn't see the show. It is well worth the read.
  14. vinesqueen

    Dairy Challenge

    I used to make yohurt when I was in high school, 8 million years ago. My mom had an electric yohurt maker, and as I recall, it was easy-peasy. So... do jalipeno poppers count as dairy or veg?
  15. vinesqueen

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    I'll be having the ablation http://www.gynalternatives.com/ablation.htm procedure. If the ablation doesn't work, then it would be likely the cauterization, then the big H.
  16. okay, as soon as I'm done dealing with this piece of stuck chicken, I'll see if I can dig up the thread we had on this when the article first came out
  17. vinesqueen

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    Hey Vera, when I read your post the first thing that popped into my head was ' what are you doing living in my body?!" I'm not elegible for the IUD, since my uterus has two chambers. (both viable) I'm going with the electocution thing next month, but my doctor has scheduled "another procedure" at the same time. I tried to make my doc understand that if you are bleedeing everyday for months on end, how the hell do you know where one cycle starts if the other one hasn't ended? My sister and sister-in-law are pushing the H on me, but I'm a basket case.
  18. vinesqueen

    How to deal with misinformation?

    You could always say something like "look, you RNY folks are experts on your WLS, but you don't have a clue about the band because you don't have one. You are experts on the explosive diahrea politely called "dumping." You are experts on the issue around malnutrishion, not me. You don't have a band, so you can not speak to it or it's issues. I DO have a band, and I am an expert on chewing, making good food choices, and perhaps even the mighty PB."
  19. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Dylansmom! (Kelly)

    Well, I just ckecked, and all I can say Kelly, is that you couldn't pay me to be 30 again. It only gets better from here.
  20. vinesqueen

    Calling all March 05 bandsters!

    okay, banded March 14. Had my first fill 2 weeks ago, and my first unfill 2 weeks ago. (I'm at 1cc) The scale hasn't moved for weeks, but inches are going. My tape measure is packed in ID, so I'll need to buy a new one for home. I've got serious "girl stuff" going on, so I'm not stressing about the scale. Still down 25 pounds. And being down 25 pounds is a hellava lot better than not being down 25 pounds
  21. vinesqueen

    What NOT to Wear?

    So. Time to take Kathy to the woodshed for a metaphysical attitude adjustment. Why is it that your husband is more deserving of the $60 for a transient afternoon of gold, but you are not deserving of the $60 spent on yourself? (and from the sounds of it, your husband got more fun out of the jeans than he would have and afternoon of golf... ) Sure, you could have spent less on another pair, but would they have looked as good on you? (okay, I have to fess up, this is something definately is one of my devils. I can't spend money on me, I'd rather save it than spend on me. Part of it is a feeling of not deserving.) ((stupid wolves))
  22. vinesqueen

    Kathy's (Best ME) Needle Biopsy:eek:

    beams of white light for protection, streams of healing blue light and a quick prayer to the goddess
  23. vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Dylansmom! (Kelly)

    May the cities in your wake burn like candles on your cake!
  24. vinesqueen

    Love Your New Pic Lisa (delarla)

    The motion has been seconded and the has moved to the floor for a vote. all in favor? AYE! See? that settles it. It's official, so now you HAVE to post a bigger pix. Sorry Lisa, rules are rules. And Robert's Rules of Order dont' get any more official...
  25. vinesqueen

    Exercise Queen in Pain!!!

    Don't stop the advair. Drink more water, eat that bananna and have some milk. It's likely a combination of needing all of the above.

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