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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Mother needs help

    Hello Daughter (17)! Welcome to the Banded Gentry. What a truely brave and heroic thing you have done for yourself. This probably doesn't mean much, but I am very proud of you to taking this scary step. There are many people here, and elsewhere for that matter, who whish desperately that they could have done what you have just done--get their band when they were young. You are two weeks into the band, and have probably started on soft and/or mushy foods. Life does get better, and soon you will be able to have real food again. It is even possible that you will be able to eat everything you had before the band, Just not the same quantiites. I know at least a couple of bandsters who can still eat cheeseburgers and pizza. (Me for one.) I just can't eat an entire pizza, but a serving of pizza is supposed to be "uh slice" not "uh pizza" You are probably going to feel somewhat isolated, being the only teen you know who has a band. Don't worry, there are lots of people who are the only bandster in their area. For a while, I was the only person in a large chunk of an entire state with the band. (Now there are about 3 of us.) Good luck Daughter (17). You are most welcome here. (and yes, I am a smart ass)
  2. vinesqueen

    Did This Happen To Anyone Else?

    I believe Kathy (the best me) also had some major swelling, but her's was due to an unfortunate Jello incident. My DH was in the hospital for 5 days because of swelling. He was also a very special case because his BMI was so high it was meaningless -- 89. He weighed 600 pounds when his band was placed. I think someone else recently had a really bad swelling thing from a fill. I think it was Nykee. Yeah, ain't it grand to be special? So very glad you are better and belatedly, welcome to Bandlandia
  3. vinesqueen

    I was an Angel today....

    oh, and another thing I was going to say... "and today is diffent how?"
  4. vinesqueen

    Questions about borderline BMI-Help

    We have a wide viarity of BMI folks here, from low BMI to Extraordinary Bandsters--those who fall into the Super Obese and beyond catagories. You might do a search on "low BMI" and check all those threads. Welcome to LBT
  5. vinesqueen

    Thread Library?

    Okay, don't know why my post got eaten, but well, the internet gods are like that sometimes.... I think this is an excellent suggestion Jonathan. It might also be a good idea if no new threads could be started there, only moved there. The only extra thread that I would like to see would be a glossary or dictionary, so folks don't have to constantly try to figure out PB or Stuck.
  6. vinesqueen

    Mind vs Body

    Hi Aileena, I would say listen to your body. Have a small healthy snack. Don't starve yourself, if you are like me, I get into HUGE TROUBLE if I wait to eat and am ravinous. Things get stuck...
  7. vinesqueen

    I was an Angel today....

    right on Michelle!
  8. vinesqueen

    stuck on everything?

    Okay, I still don't know if other people have the same problem when they get stuck as I do. However, I did find out some other things. PBing and getting things stuck are not the same. When you get that "golf ball" feeling it's because you are in the process of strecting your esofogus. But you do get the "golf ball" for the same reasons you PB. Your food was too dry, too rubbery, or you were not being mindful when you were eating. E.g. eating too fast, not chewing properly, taking too large bites, etc.
  9. vinesqueen

    What's your July 4th plans?

    I doen't matter what I want to do. I want to go camping. But I have twin sister-in-laws and they have their birthday on the 4th. So I don't get to go camping ever again for the 4th of July weekend. Yeah, they get all the holidays. I never get to host a single holiday. I had to make up my own holiday-Crystal's Anual Going to School Day holiday...
  10. vinesqueen

    What is your opinion on the weight loss of the movie stars?

    I don't know if Oprah has had anything done or not. I mean, she's got a personal chef, and a personal trainer. If I had that, I woudn't have the band. There was a thread a long time ago about a woman who got the band and started to workout seriously. She looked amazing. A-freaking-mazing. unfortunately, I don't even know how to go about searching for that thead. I believe she started at close to 300 and ended up Wow without PC.
  11. actually chicken and Peanut Butter are quite nice. I make squers (can't spell to save my life) in different styles. I do a terryaki, a fajita and a satay. The Satay uses a peanut butter dipping sauce. Very nice. It's sort of like chicken and chocolate. Ye-gods! what is she thinking? It's called Mole` (Mexican)
  12. vinesqueen

    What is your opinion on the weight loss of the movie stars?

    yes, I've noticed and I don't even pay attention to celebrities. "oh I eat all the time, I just work out a lot." What? do you have a tape worm? it absoulutely sets a bad example. the Media hold up these impossibly thin women as the socity ideal, meanwhile, women who are a size 8 or 10 are ridiculed for being fat or "gross." In the fashion industry, models are refered to as "hangers" because they are showing off the clothes, not the model.
  13. vinesqueen

    I'm Leaving...for Mexico

    How very exciting! I"m wishing you the very best, and yes, we wants lots of pix, not just the pretty ones, just so we know what to expect when it is our turn.
  14. vinesqueen

    At What cost??

    You know, easier said than done. My DH has been super tight for about 3 weeks and just will not go in for an unfil. I am almost to the point of being a nag about it. Some people think that by being too tight that they will do "better" faster. Most of us had tremendous success on the liquid only, so they perhaps feel that they will recapture that rapid loss. Sometimes, when you are right in the middle of something, it is very difficult to recognize that's going on. This is one reason why clinically depressed people who are on anti-depressants commit suicide--they feel well enough to take action, whereas when they are at the bottom of the well, it just takes too much effort and energy to do themselves in. This is also one hypothisis for asthma deaths, it's really hard to get the energy to go to the drs or ER when you are trying to live on 80% O2 saturation.
  15. vinesqueen

    So sick of protein drinks I could hurl!!!

    what exactly do you mean by "trouble with meat?" are you using moist meat? or if they aren't particularly moist, are you using a good "lube?" Some of us cannot tolorate meat unless we use a good dipping sauce. How are you with tuna? a little mayo or my fav, miricle whip and no problems. You might find you have trouble with one type of meat, but can tolarate another cut of the same critter. Tofu is a good source of protien, as are nuts. Some people can do eggs, others cannot, or can if they are prepaired one way but not another. Please let us know exactly the difficulty and that way we can offer more specific advice. cheers
  16. vinesqueen

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Well, since I don't like any pix of me, I'll have to let someone else pick. Can you believe this has me in tears?
  17. vinesqueen

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Thanks Paula, you are too kind. I don't know if I'm ready for an actual avitar, but yes, if I don't strecth myself, I'll never grow. Could you please Penni?
  18. vinesqueen

    That time of the month and Food

    I'm in the middle of period hell, so I have no clue
  19. vinesqueen

    Exercise Video

    I have a pilaties video that I like, it came with a book too. I think I spent less than $10 on it pilaties is great for all levels, no implact.
  20. vinesqueen

    I'm starving

    if you are hungry, eat. You've got no fill, so your band in in hiberntation.
  21. vinesqueen

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    okay, I got home last night really late, and just tummbled into bed. I'm in for 10 for 10 Could one of the sweet moderators please montage my pix? I figured a facial closeup to measure any difference in my face. okay, here goes.
  22. vinesqueen

    Quote of the Day - Fun Thread

    One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. A. A. Milne Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. unknown I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. Mark Twain.
  23. Wow Don great work! down 43 pounds already! That's F.A.B work!
  24. vinesqueen

    Funniest Things Your Kids Have Ever Said

    When Spud was very small, like about 5, I was swearing up a blue streak. I musta stubbed my toe or something.. anyway, he says "Mother, I'm just a child, I shouldn't be exposed to such language." He called me "Mother" in a most formal way until he was about 12, then he switched to Mama, which he still calls me, unless he's being funny, then he calls me "Mum."

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