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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    pictures in my mind

    Bumping this thread because it ties so closely with "body size and dysmorphia"
  2. vinesqueen

    I cant stop cheating!!!!

    You dont' have to do this forever. You can do anything for a few weeks. Anything!
  3. vinesqueen

    I think i feel my port...YUK!!

    Mine's on the rightside, just below my ribs
  4. vinesqueen

    Restless Leg Syndrome???

    MIRAPEX! It makes the most amazing difference!!!! Some people think that restless legs are caused by a folic acid deficinecy. Taking folic acid helps me too. I have a chronic folic acid deficiency...
  5. vinesqueen

    fun thread -- names

    So... when someone goes for teh wynne it has a whole different meaning.... My older sister was being teased by some kid when they were little. My sister's last name was Howell, and this mean little girl would literally howell at my sister every time she saw her, or wanted to tease her. My mom asked what the big meanie's name was. It was.... Wolfe.
  6. vinesqueen

    I think i feel my port...YUK!!

    When my husband first wanted me to feel his port I was totally and completely grossed out. I mean the gore was rising sort of freaked out. I actually find rubbing my port no so muc soothing as reasuring. Yup, it's there, yup, I really have a chance.
  7. vinesqueen

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    That's because short fat people are invisible. Weren't you paying attention?
  8. vinesqueen

    Frustrated and angry with my docs

    Okay, more hugs. I had to run to my math class, but I had more to say to you. (((hugs))) I know you are really worried that you are going to gain the weight back. I mean, hell, that's been all our story, hasn't it. We are great at taking the weight off, but we absolutely suck at keeping it off. I mean, if we were any good at keeping it off we wouldn't our silycone angel, right? Breathe, relax, you are going to be fine. Honest. You have just gone through something that I can't even imagine. Not even with pictures will I be fully about to understand what you have just done to your body. (and we want pictures!) But I do know that you will be fine. You still need extra calories to heal. You've been working really, really hard, and I am sure that the thought of going above your maintenance amount of calories must scare the hell out of you. But you must have the proper nutrition to give your body time to heal. Isn't this time to heal? Time to not worry about weight loss? I know we give that same advice to our new bandsters, that the first few months are time to heal, not time to worry about losing weight. We even tell them that if they gain a few pounds that it is not the end of the world, that they are not a failure. I know that you have told our baby bandsters this same advice, and when you haven't told them, you've thought it at them. Right? I have no experience with what you've just done, but I'm sure it is the same thing. Babs we are all so excited for you! We really are, even the lurkers are excited, I can feel it! (Wave at the lurkers "Hi everybody!" And all the lurkers wave back...) Of course you are mad at the docs. I'm sure you are feeling ... maybe a little betrade? I mean, the PS told you he was only removing some of you fill, and you believed him. You believed the lie he told you. It was a white lie, but a lie none the less. It is completely understandable. But, consider for the moment that you thought you had a partial fill, right? Look at how freaking well you did FLYING SOLO! You didn't even need a fill and look how well you did! We are all so very proud of you Babs! Say it with me "I did really well FLYING SOLO!" (you have to yell the last part.) Okay, say it again, this time with feeling! Okay everybody (even the lurkers this time, in the privacy of your own home), say it with me "Excellent job Babs!"
  9. vinesqueen

    Frustrated and angry with my docs

    Okay, first things first. ((((((HUGS))))))) You thought you had 2ccs in your band, so you acted like you had 2ccs in your band. You did great with no fill what so ever. Let me repeat that. YOU DID GREAT WITH NO FILL. So now you have a fill. Now you have more restriction than you had before you got the fill. Now you have more restriction than the restriction you thought you had. Do not let that number rule your life! Knowing how many CCs in your band is just as bad for some people as obsessing over what the damn scale says. Babs, honey, you are doing amazing.
  10. vinesqueen

    NSV anyone?

    Woot! that's Normal people BP!
  11. vinesqueen

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    I've bumped the thread "I hate fat people" in this forum
  12. vinesqueen

    VEGAS BASH 2005 Final Countdown

    So.. this means you won't be drinking enough of Delarla's Ice Tea???
  13. vinesqueen

    can you help me think of possible co morbidities?

    By restrictive lung disease, is Asthma part of that? Resperatory failure.
  14. vinesqueen

    I hate fat people!!!

    Bumping. I think there are several current threads that are asking for this thread.
  15. vinesqueen

    Out of place

    Maybe this is what happens to women when we have a mid-life crisis. Maybe I've been in the middle of a mid-life crisis for years and was once again the only one who didn't see it. I realized last night that I am out of place. That I don't "fit" any place in the physical world. I dont' fell like I have anything in common with women my age. I don't know many women my age agonizing over their calc homework... And I don't have alot in common with the boys in my program. I believe only 1 or 2 of them had been born when I graduated High School... Sometimes I think I have more in common with teenaged boys than women my age.. I'd much rather be playing video games than doing my homework. But I don't look like most other women my age, I don't do the sorts of things they are doing, my family sure doens't look like theirs... I'm happy with who I am, happy with what I am, as a general rule. Of course, but again, I compair my journey with theirs... Of course, I realize that I have always felt like that, no matter what age I was. In the 5th grade all the girls were ga-ga about Donny Osmond and it was all I could to do keep from calling them idiots. (like Donny Osmond or David Cassidy was going to come to our little school and sweep them off their feet... People are arrested for that sort of thing, and rightly so...) I don't know, maybe I'm starting to be depressed ... Of course, I think I always get this way when I have to come back to Idaho. It just surves to highlight how alien I am here. I just spent my 3rd of 6 wedding aniversaries away from my husband. Next year, he's going to take vacation so he can spend it with me. Anyway, thanks for listening. Anyone else feel like they are out of place? Are we actually all out of place together?
  16. vinesqueen

    Out of place

    What do you call a woman who acts like a man? A bitch. Stuff that guys get away with all the time are just viewed as being manly, but if a woman acts even a little bit like a guy she is maligned. Kelly, you need to find different people to hang out with! I think any time anyone is called to do something is powerful. You feel that you have a powerful calling to server God. That is absolutly wonderful. I know that Jonathan recently changed his entire life to answer his calling. My calling is information security and assurance. Since god is everything and everywhere... well you know the rest.
  17. vinesqueen

    Exercise Challenge

    Debbydo, you can do as much as you want/can. If you want/need to commit to 5x a week, then honey, that's what you can do! Yay! Okay, in my dance class yesterday I had to admit that I really am 43, and not 23 anymore. Ddidn't say it out loud mind you, but I suppose I have to come to grips with that some time or another. A 90 minute class designed for dance majors is NOT the same as a class given at a communtiy rec center. Not even close... And I can't even hide in the back of the class with the other fat gurl. No, I have to be up front, FRONT ROW NEXT TO THE GIGANTIC MIRRORS because I can't hear the instructor over the music!
  18. vinesqueen

    Out of place

    While there are definately times I wish I could be more convential, never mediocre. I guess part of my thing is that once again I'm tired of being that nail that sticks up and won't hammer in right. I dunno. Maybe part of my trouble is what I give myself. Part of the problem is that there is no guide hole... if a nail is driven in the wrong spot without a needed guide hole it will spilt the wood. The funny part of what quote is that this guy was returning from duty in Iraq. I would have thought that he served with women who were at least as self-confident as I am, or as I appear anyway. I'm very assertive, yet not aggressive. I don't have to be agressive. As far as I know, "bitchy" is not something that people call me. Or if they do, perhaps they are too scared to call me that to my face?
  19. vinesqueen

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    I'm in. There are probably entire catagories of NSVs I haven't hit yet.
  20. vinesqueen

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    Fat was never about hating myself. Fat was/is about protection. Not gonna be date-raped if I don't go on dates. Shit! okay, that was increadably powerful, now I have to go cry.
  21. vinesqueen

    Just a question...

    If I don't eat breakfast I''ll eat lunch too fast.. not good.
  22. I think the top rule to not be broken is Chew to Goo. Pain is a harsh mistress. Avoid at all costs drinking with, or just after meals. Again, pain is a harsh mistress. (that and you don't want to wash the food out of your pouch.) Avoid the soft food, liquid calories. They don't fill your pouch.
  23. vinesqueen

    Out of place

    Well, when I'm in line for a movie, I almost always feel compelled to start 'baaaa-ing" ... once when I went to try out for a part as an extra in some movie... I started "mooing" in the line. I thought it was funny... Paining starkers! That really give a new twist to the old classic nude painting. Performance art? Are you going to post a pix of that on the "artist and their artwork thread" then? I can't imagine painting a room starkers. For one thing I'd need to do something with my boobs... it just wouldnt' work. hmmm, perhaps it would give some interesting texture to the paint. *squish*
  24. vinesqueen

    Out of place

    You are right, of course. Food doesn't judge. It simply provides succor and solance. I've never had teal hair. But I did have blue for a while. it was very pretty, but didn't last very long. No, I've had purple hair for so long, I was actually know as "the purple haired lady" at one place I worked. I sort of feel like it's my natural color. Partly because I'd always admired the little old ladies who had lavender or pink hair. I didn't want to wait until I was a little old lady before I had blue hair. But partly, I hate to be ignored. Part of the wolves thing. It is amazingly hard to ignore someone with fushia hair, let alone a 250 pound woman with fushia hair. One who's also capable of being amazingly loud. And now for your offical Bobby Sherman update... Well, it looks like Bobby is a cop... http://www.bobbysherman.com/ Bobby is going to have to get a bigger wallet to hold his newest badge. He was sworn in friday as a full fledged San Bernardino Country Sheriff. He will be teaching CPR and First Aid classes.
  25. vinesqueen

    NSV anyone?

    Congrats! Isn't it a great feeling!?

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