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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    3 pound weight loss

    okay, yesterday I had about 1300 calories. I also had about 58 oz of Water. Excersize level for the last two days: 30 minutes of yoga, 40 minutes of belly dance, about 60 minutes walking.
  2. vinesqueen

    Here today, gone tomorrow....

    Actually, I would wait a while before the fill. You've "only lost a couple of pounds" in a couple of weeks. Isn't that rate we are supposed to lose? You have just been through a very rough experience. I suggest you hold off on getting the fill because your body is still trying to sort out it's new conditon. Oh, and a double cheese burger from McDonalds's has about 460 calories, not 8 million calories. A small fry has about 230 calories. I don't know where you actually went, but you would have eaten about 460 total calories for that meal. A meal with that many calories is well within the bandster guidlines... You don't even break 1400 calories. I'm not advocating eatling like that everyday, but it is important to keep things in perspective. Also, the band is not about being restricted, it is about losing weight through reducing your caloric intake. Right?
  3. vinesqueen

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    I just think it odd that you go to your pastor's wife. Unless she went to divinity school, how is she any more or less qualified to give you advice on religious matters? Would you got to your plumer's SO for advice about a clogged drain? I suppose in some instances that it might be worth going to the SO... my DH has a good understanding of Computer Security, but I know nothing about Fiber channel storage issues. Funny how she went right away to addiction though. Funny how she didn't mention mutual masterbation. But of course, mutual masterbation is considered be sodomy. But then, when you examine the definition of sodomy, It pretty much covers anything but strict intercorse. sodomy: Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Gen 19:1-11 1 : copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal 2 : noncoital and especially anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex Copulation: to engage in sexual intercourse
  4. vinesqueen

    I'm Starving!

    Welcome to the Banded Gentry. Booga, sunshine, you are in no danger of death by starvation, for a little while anyway. Trust me, you will be fine. Honest to goodness, you will be fine. You already know that sugar is a danger for you, so stay away from it. Protien and fat keep you from feeling hunger.
  5. vinesqueen

    Haven't lost weight!

    thanks Diane. Sometimes when we are right in the middle of things it is hard to see. The forest for the trees sort of thing. It can be almost impossible to chart our way if we cannot see the way out of the forest if we are focused on the trees. That said, it is hard to see the general lay of the land if we only look at the trees. Sure, we are intimaely familier with the trees, the texture of the bark, the shape of the leaf or needle, the smell of the loam. We miss the underbrush when we focus on the trees. The delicate ferns, the sweet huckleberry, the various mosses. We miss the rock formations, the root patterns, the mushrooms, the streams. We miss the bird songs and the way the light filters through the tops of the trees. We are only focused on the trees. We miss the smells, the cool touch of breeze on our skin, the delicate chill of glacier fed winds when we only focus on the trees. I think plateaus give us a chance to see all these other things. I am trying to view my slow progress this way. It is giving me a chance to savor the small changes that I might otherwise miss in my pell-mell rush to a thinner me.
  6. vinesqueen

    WAY OT: Nail salons

    what adorable piggies!
  7. vinesqueen

    I Need Party Game Suggestions

    Not going to PM you on this. I think everyone could use this game... Maricino cherries... see who can tie a not in the stem only using their mouth.... uhm, I won again over and over... the secret is to chew the stem first... One of the other games that isn't x-rated is poor kitty. You want to talk about funny! the person who is "it" acts like a kitty and he or she tries to get the target to laugh. The target has to say "poor pussy" three times, dead seriously. No smiling, not smerking, no giggling. (this is actually a Victorian game, and I got it out of a book published in the 1950s... ) So.. you put this in the context of an adult party... and well, I think "poor pussy" has an entirely different meaning...
  8. vinesqueen

    Ice Cream Festival here in Vegas

    I'd go too! but I want y'all to know that garlic ice cream and wasabi ice cream are just... wrong. Some flavors just prove that just because something can be done that it shouldn't be done. Ice cream = love
  9. vinesqueen

    Welcome to my life

    Which quote? My "she's a sensation?" That's from one of my favorite Ramones songs. Or are you talking about "Don't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their throats. -- Howard Aiken?" I dunno, this one just struck me as one of the truths in life
  10. vinesqueen

    Haven't lost weight!

    It looks like she's lost about 23 pounds in 2 months. So that averages out to 2.6 pounds a week, more than 11 pounds a month. Higher than the average amount of weight loss! Hope this puts some perspective on things DianeChef.
  11. vinesqueen

    Welcome to my life

    I wasn't in the beta, but that is hillarious! I was on both betas for AC though I play via dial-up (stupid universtiy housing...) and it couldn't even estimate how long my patch was going to take to download. at 2.00 KB/s it was going to take about 30 hours to download the patch...
  12. vinesqueen

    3 pound weight loss

    I believe I'm getting enough Water, but today I'm tracking that as well. Just because I *think* I'm getting enough of something (or not too much of something else) doesn't mean reality matches up. Thanks for asking Paula, and yes, uhm, every thing is coming out all right, as it were. I have not checked recently to see if my meds cause weight gain. I am not currently on prednisone, but I was prior to being banded. I can't think that previous use of steroids would impact my current weight loss. But one of the very first things they want ot do to you here in SE ID is put you on a course of prednisone if you come into the ER with an asthma attack. If my oxygen is below 90%, they put me on steroids.
  13. Follow your dream Carmen, follow it. I, of course, never let my weight stand in my way. Two years ago I decided that I wanted to get a college education, I wanted a BS/BA degree. So, I just went for it. Damn the torpedos, full steam ahead!
  14. vinesqueen

    Welcome to my life

    the next few pannels are pretty funny too... I believe we are weirder than you. Or, I am, anyway. Okay, this strip is refering to a multi-player online video game called World of Warcraft, or WoW. ... I don't know if you've seen this Nana~ but I laughed so hard I'm crying... http://media.putfile.com/PurePwnage-WoWisafeeling you MUST have sound for this one!
  15. vinesqueen

    3 pound weight loss

    I've been thinking about this, and I really believe that I've been within the range of calories. So yesterday I tracked everything, and I came in at about 1400. I'll admit that yesterday was a big food day for me, but I find that after I work out I'm really hungry. When I'm hungry, I eat.... For lunch I had some chicken breast w/ bbq sauce (gotta find a different one) and dinner was about 1/2 a t-bone with mushrooms and onions, some broccoli and some mac'n'cheese. Okay, not much mac'n'cheese, about 1/4 cup
  16. vinesqueen

    FUNNY thoughts!!!

    How do you titillate an occelot? You oscillate his titalot...
  17. vinesqueen

    Art work and their artists

    very nice Trish! Is this how you've been keeping busy? Miss you!
  18. vinesqueen

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    NSV = non scale victory. Not all our victories are measured in numbers on on a scale. It is important to track these too, not just the scale numbers.
  19. vinesqueen

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    You want something shocking? How'z about when you take off your sweater an get zapped!!!
  20. vinesqueen

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    Ah ha ha ha ha! You kill me DeLarla! I can't think of a better way to get people to look other than say SEX!!!! I too am one of the folks who feels uncomfortable when others freely flow with their religous views. I suppose that part of it is that I don't want to make other people un-comfortable when I talk about my views. And I know it makes some uncomfortable. I don't like it when people try to convert me or put down my views.
  21. vinesqueen

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    okay, it's been 2 weeks since I bumed, so it's time. Hah! Maybe I'll make the link to my LIST my signature since a ticker isn't going to do me any good... The biggest NSV since I bumped? Probably needing to tighten the seat belt on the airplane. I'm down 3 pounds but I went from needing an extender to needing to tighten the belt.
  22. vinesqueen

    Gained 2 Pounds

    2 pounds? heck, if I eat chinese food here I can be garenteed of at the least 5 -7 pounds the next day... all Water from the MSG... needless to say, I don't eat chinese food here. The scale is NOT your friend. It lies and is sudeuctive
  23. vinesqueen

    Bad, Bad, Sad News

    So sorry to hear of you loss.
  24. vinesqueen

    Did I make the wrong choice?

    Sorry you are struggling with this. I know how hard it is, especially when we see folks whom the weight seems to be just falling off, when we dont' see any movement on the scales what so ever. You have to find something else to track your successes if the scale isn't moving. I cannot stress this enough. I personally track all my NSVs and I bump the list every two weeks. In fact, my loss is so slow for the various challenges I post my weekly NSV, not how much weight I lost. I am hoping that I can win Nana~'s cloak though for her challenge. Only you can say if this was the right decision for you or not. Even though I haven't lost much weight, my health is so much better. And my health is why I got banded. I do know that if I had opted for the RNY I don't think I would be in any better health, and my weight loss might not be any more substansive than what I've already lost. You must give this time though.
  25. vinesqueen

    Lots Of Questions!!

    Lots of poeple talke gasX or baby gas drops for the gas. I stayed over night, but that's only because they wanted to make sure I wasnt' going to have any issues with my asthma. My DH was in hospital for several days, but he weighed 600 pounds when he had his band installed. LOTS of issues when you are that gi-normous. I went shopping the next day, but I was tired for a few weeks. Two weeks after my surgery I was enrolled in a horseback riding class.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
