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Everything posted by vinesqueen

  1. vinesqueen

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    It's not an Idaho thing... at least in SE ID... They are afraid of sex here, which is really weird, all things considered. No, it's a me thing, probably.
  2. vinesqueen

    Your Secret Fantasy - Fun Thread

    book my date with William Shakespeare... the year is about 1595.. Think "A Midsummer's Night's Dream" and "Romeo & Juliet" He would have been 31 years old. Babalooy, dead is mearly a different state of living.... Heather, why do you think you should get grief for Gene Kelly??? Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee.
  3. vinesqueen

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    not only every day, but multiple...
  4. vinesqueen

    Excuse me, I just vented...

    Oh man Loulou, I sure feel for you. Thank you for venting with us. It is important for you, and we are here for you to vent. My suggestion, make sure you get adaquate excersize, even if it is just taking a quick walk around the parking lot (car park?) on your breaks. Call your doctor right now and get your meds adjusted if need be. Sunshine, do not let yourself slide further into depression. You can catch it now and controll it. You know the signs, please don't wait until it doesn't matter anymore. You know what I'm talking about... (((hugs))) You must take care of you first. Start to document everything. Every disgusting thing he says or does, document it. I'm pretty sure that Oz has sexual harrassment laws. He is definately creating a hostile work environment. Some times we can't act because it is "just us," and we can cope, it's not that bad, bla bla bla. But we find we have the strength to act to protect other people who are not as strong as we are. Document everything and report him to HR. Document Junior Jerk as well. You are right, going back to work is a huge deal. Many people want to discount the importance that work has for us. It can help shape our sense of identity, and it can give us validation. Work is equally important for men and women, and don't let people minimize your work. Which is exactly what this guy is doing. Duckie is right too. If this is not your passion, go back to school and learn something that is. Take care Loulou, we are here for you.
  5. vinesqueen

    Blech :(

    One of the things we sort of all have decided was a good idea was to be on liquids the day of the PB and probably the next day too. Some of us have terrible experiences with PBs. Personally, I feel sick for a couple of days after a PB. Hope you feel better
  6. vinesqueen

    UNDERWEAR Fun Thread

    leapord print hippsters.. satin feel. beige grandma bra. They don't make sexy bras in my size. I think I should hook up with an industrial engineer... civil engineer? Anyway, one that designs bridges and things. Maybe then I could get a decent bra until I have a reduction....
  7. vinesqueen

    For some reason I am getting nervous!! HELP!

    Well, if you weren't getting nervious you probably wouldn't be human. I have yet to meet a bandster who wasn't nervous as The Big Date approached. Not a one. I thought I was going to wear a hole in my carpet, but I'm a pacer.
  8. vinesqueen

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    I have to vote Kierkegaard too. MUCH better avatar Franchesca!
  9. vinesqueen


    Funny how many people have looked vs posted! No, I knew you were going to go with being ridged (as opposed to being fridged.)
  10. vinesqueen

    NSV for me

    Wow! very impressive! You both have every right to be proud! Is your fashion show more along the lines of you wear what you used to wear? I know this is how some of them go... Again, congrats on all your hard work
  11. vinesqueen

    Picture Page

    So, why didn't you post this on the Art thread???? http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=8414&page=5 Hmmm?
  12. vinesqueen

    3 pound weight loss

    Today I weigh 247. I weigh more now than I did earlier this summer, but not much. Okay, I’ve been feeling very sorry for myself lately. I mean really sorry. I haven’t been handling my non-weight loss gracefully. Not gracefully at all. I just went back and looked at my spreadsheet I use to track my progress. I have lost a grand total of 3 pounds since 3/29. That’s it, three measly little pounds. Gee, I’m on track to lose an entire 6 pounds this year. (insert explicative deleted here.) On 5/5/2005 I had my impedance measured at the gym. 251 pounds, and at that time I had a body fat % of 44.9. My fat mass was 113 and my fat free mass (FFM) was 138.1. Today I checked and I have weigh 247 with a body fat % of 42.5. That’s a change of 2.4%! It means that I’ve lost 7.7 pounds of fat but I’ve gained 3.4 pounds of muscle. I really don’t know what this means yet. My new FFM is 142, and so with the 35% of body fat that would be considered in the “healthy” range for women my age, that would mean my goal is somewhere between 180 – 192 pounds. So it looks like I only have about 55 pounds left to go. … sigh. So at my current rate of loss, I should be there in 3.5 years…. That’s averaging 14 pound of fat loss a year…. Kkkkhhhhaggg However, if I put on another 3.2 pound of muscle, that will bring my FFM to 147 and my body fat% to 40.1% and I would only need to loose 47 more pounds…. And I would be just about right at 200 pounds. I wish I knew enough math to be able to figure out how much difference another 7.7 pounds weight loss would make in this equation. I wish I was smarter. So, actually, at the rate I'm going, I shoud be at goal in 2 years, total. Not RNY, but probably good bandster progress, especially for one as big (and as sick) as I started. So, I went from wearing pants size 24 to size 20-18 with a 3 pound net weight loss.
  13. vinesqueen

    3 pound weight loss

    Thanks Wendy. It's just really hard. I know I shouldn't compare my journey with anyone else, but I'm human. I'm competative. I compare. I think it would probably be easier if I had some answers why I"m not losing weight. According to all the literature, I should be losing weight. According to Fitday, I should be loosing weight. According to two other sites and a third weight loss tracking package, I should be losing weigh. According to the nutishionist, I should be losing weight. I think part of the problem is that it just doesn't make sense. It's not rational. I snack, but not very often.
  14. vinesqueen

    Ants in the Pants

    well, you could always go to my house and clean it. We were never permitted to be bored when I was a kid. You only made that mistake once in your life. Sort of like doing homework... same punishment... cleaning the garage.
  15. I would not have the by-pass. ever. Even when I was very sick this last winter I wouldn't have had the by-pass. I haven't lost weight, but well, I'm not dead either.
  16. vinesqueen

    A New NSV--Kind Of!

    Excellent work!
  17. vinesqueen

    Another Vegas Erosion

    I would think that once you reached goal that you have learned enough about not only your body, but nutrishion and excersize to the point where you have changed your lifestyle, not used the band as a crutch. That's what my goals is anyway. One of the goals. But since I'm not losing weight, well I suppose its moot.
  18. vinesqueen

    3 pound weight loss

    my thoid is low, but considered normal. My doc won't even consider doing anything about it.
  19. vinesqueen

    I haven't weighed lately

    I never weigh myself. The trama is too great. I'm doing everything that says I should be losing weight, but I'm not. I'm making myself crazy and miserable
  20. vinesqueen

    Please pray for my family

    You have my deepest condolences. I am sorry for your loss.
  21. vinesqueen

    3 pound weight loss

    Okay, because I had my pirate party I didn't even bother to track on Saturday... Yesterday I had about 1350 calories.
  22. vinesqueen

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    Of course I don't mind Celeste! That's wonderful! I am sort of torn though... I think that counts as a scale victory.. It does after all, relate directly to weight... Oh, and thank you for being an accountant/budget analyst, it means that I don't have to do it! (have to toddle off to my accounting class here in too short a time.)
  23. vinesqueen

    Chubby Chasers (long post)

    I totally believe John. Doesn't mitigate his affair, but I totally believe him. I know there are lots and lots and lots of men out there who prefer only fat women. Many go with women who are today's standard of beauty but who would prefer someone who shares my shape. I know I've caused many a man to get his face slapped because he was oggling my fine figure. I am convinced that I've caused a couple of car accidents while taking off a sweater in public. One of my favorite memories from high school was at the beach... me in my size 16 bathing suit running down the beach to the Water, and the size 2 girl ending up screaming at her boyfriend after he fell over some rocks. He was so totally captivated by me that he actually turned around and walked backwards to watch me. Me as size 16 and her a size 2. The GF was furious and insulted beyond rational thought. Me? I'm still eating that up. I've had my fair share of men wanting to have an afair with me because of my size. Men who were with pretty but skinny men wanted me, but they couldn't publicly admit to wanting a fat girl because socity says we are bad and not worthy. Okay, maybe not socity but the fashion and diet industries... Jachut, you are a woman, and most women do not base things on a visual level for desire. But there are plenty of women out there that would leave a blown-up cripple like that. I'm sure that there were other reasons why "John" left "Jane" not the least being that she physically changed. She also changed emotionally and mentally, or at least, I presume that she did. And I don't neccessarily thing this is an esteem issue either. These may have been contributing factors in the dynamics of the relationship. I'm not placing blame anywhere. I'm pretty sure that all of us have had some expirence with "Feeders." I know that my DH is a Feeder...
  24. vinesqueen

    Picture Page

    I think I need a new avatar too! Arrrr and avast!
  25. vinesqueen

    HOWL with me TONIGHT!

    Angle cards are great. At the Christmas party my in-laws host we always do the cards. My DH started the tradition... They are a nice way of focusing... Last year my DH gave me a set of Gddess cards. Today my card is "I control my life with the decisions that I make."

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
