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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Imabeskinny

  1. Imabeskinny

    Any ladies out there have PCOS put your hands up!

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was trying to get pregnant. I had to see a specialist, and 3 kids later, I'm good in the kid dept. Since surgery, I have been on a regular cycle. It is awesome even though 3 periods a year was kinda nice I also stopped getting that awful side pain and haven't had any migraines. When I used to workout my knees, feet, and back hurt! My surgeon says that our bones take on an impact of 3x our weight which is why it hurt to workout...now I am down 50+ and run, jumprope, do burpees and nothing hurts! My feet get tired but I am not in any pain. Good luck to you! I feel your PCOS pain!
  2. Imabeskinny


    The addictions don't go away with the sleeve, so it is important to address them now with your therapist. Six months isn't too long to wait in the grand scheme of things. You can start making diet modifications now.
  3. Imabeskinny

    Fit Bit Ultra

    Hi! I recently purchased a fit bit ultra and we aren't really getting along well. I do bootcamps and used to have a polar monitor with the chest strap. It would register 700 calories burned for one hour. The fit bit registers 400. I have tried pinning it to my chest, hip, shoulder and it registers all over the place. Where do you pin yours to get the best reading? It doesn't sync to MyFitnessPal like I thought it would. Unless I am missing something, do I really have to plug it into the dock attached to my computer, it isn't wireless? The manual isn't helpful so any other advice you have would be awesome. Thanks!
  4. Imabeskinny

    Got my bloods did.

    I read this, and then looked at your profile picture and got confused. I am having issues today.
  5. Imabeskinny

    Fit Bit Ultra

    Thank you, that explains a lot
  6. Imabeskinny

    Jean Sizes

    I noticed a teen size 15 at Walmart, maybe try that?
  7. Just remembered one: nuts. I buy the portioned packs to keep myself in check.
  8. Frozen yogurt and popcorn. I am not trying sweets of any kind. I did poke my tongue in the top of a cupcake and then ran away.
  9. Imabeskinny

    Still fat!

    Looking good! BTW, I love your posts and awesome sense of humor!
  10. Imabeskinny

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    Unfortunately there are some rather mean and nasty people on this board. This is why a lot of people are lurkers and not posters. Thanks for asking the question because a lot of people think/ask the same question (I had it). At the yogurt places here they post the nutritional values on the machine or have a brochure. I went with my kids and had the little sample/taster cup. Would you believe I didn't explode or gain all my weight back :sarcastic:?
  11. I enjoy going to the store and hunting for good, protein-rich foods. I get so excited when I find something. Also, I like to read labels and look for healthy things for the kids. It's all in how you think about it, right? Saying "oh I can't have this or that" and getting upset just sucks. Think about it as an educational journey. I used to hide the bad stuff in my cart, now I dare people to take a look! Haha! Also, full disclosure, I have kids so the grocery store is like a mini vacation!
  12. I am doing alright, also at a stall - I started working out (cardio boot camps) last week and drinking more water. What are you eating now?
  13. I started regular foods last week and I am struggling with eating all of my recommended calories (1000-1200/day). Here is a sample of my diet (710ish total calories): Breakfast: Protein shake (160 calories) Snack: cheese Stick (60 Calories) Lunch: Turkey and Cheese Stick (160 calories) Snack: Yogurt (80 calories) Dinner: Chili or Fish (250) Snack: Beef Jerky (80) If I eat more than this, I freak out and think I am overeating. Today I was at an offsite meeting and had a 1/4 of a bagel as a snack and a Fresco chicken taco from Taco Bell, I felt so guilty about it because it wasn't on 'the plan.' Does anyone else do this to themselves? I am also currently in a stall, I know it will pass, but it certainly doesn't help with my feelings about thinking I am overeating! *Sigh* I am also afraid to try new things and am trying to just stick with protein rich things...I am driving myself crazy with the same food all the time though. Interested in your feedback!
  14. Imabeskinny

    Ok Women?

    C-section was way more painful for me. The cut was lower in the abdomen and it was harder to move around. With WLS the cuts were higher and didn't really hurt. I did put a pillow and a heating pad on my stomach which helped a lot. With the c-section, I didn't like being awake and then being wheeled into recovery. I still remember worrying about being able to feel pain. With being put under, I dont remember anything and prefer that! Also know that the reason you go through all the tests and stuff is to make sure the surgery goes smoothly. Don't be scared, easy for me to say now, everything will be fine. Prior to my surgery I got scared but read some post where a woman said her c-section surgery was way worse than WLS. I found comfort in that because I survived a c-section with twins for that matter!
  15. Imabeskinny


    I can't believe I got yelled at for liking cheese. Boo to mean people!
  16. Search for the ricotta bake in the recipes section. I just moved off of purees (yeah). While I was on them I ate cottage cheese, string cheese (chews up nice and soft), laughing cow cheeses, turkey chili (crockpot made with little spices but a lot of different beans), protein shakes. I didn't really puree things in the blender, I chewed the heck out of it. Go really slow and use an appetizer spoon. You will fill faster than with liquids. Hope it helps!
  17. Imabeskinny

    FB Page

    Thank you!
  18. Imabeskinny

    FB Page

    I created a Facebook page and invited family and friends who were interested in seeing my progress. I also post recipes, motivational quotes, and my struggles. The support I get from them has been so helpful and inspirational. They post articles and are so encouraging. Thought I would share if you were looking for an idea to get positive reinforcement.
  19. Imabeskinny

    FB Page

    Thanks! It's called Who Ate My Page. I use a lot of humor and drop the occasional f-bomb, fair warning . My friends also think they are funny!
  20. Imabeskinny


    Sleeved 12/31 - down 40 pounds - stalled a week, upped the fluids, stopped weighing everyday, dropped 3 pounds in 2 days. Also my pants went from 20 to 14 and I can't find underwear that doesn't fall down o_O
  21. Have you tried Isopure? It is clear and fruit flavored. One bottle is 40 grams protein. I mix a little into my crystal light throughout the day. I HATED protein shakes, they made me gag! Until I tried the vanilla premier protein mixed with coffee.
  22. Imabeskinny

    This Is Torture!

    I was dealing with the same thing as you. I would get on, not see it move and be mad all day, running through the checklist in my head. I finally told myself I could get on every other day. Got on today and had lost 3 pounds from 2days before, it felt so good that I am now going to wait 3 days. It is hard, my scale is right there, but I resist!
  23. Imabeskinny


    I was sleeved 12/31, just a few days after you and am experiencing the same thing! Today I broke up with my scale, he is a jerk. I am going to focus on getting in protein, water, and vitamins. I will weigh in when I go to the doctor 2/16. Good luck to you, based on everything I am reading, we will get through this!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
