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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nicoleco

  1. I was wondering how long after surgery can I start taking Vitamins in pill form? I was sleeved 1/9 so I am a little over 3 weeks out. I take all of my other medicine and they are pills! Why are vitamins different? As I've mentioned before, I HATE chewables and liquids. I started swallowing pills when I was a small child because I hated these so much! I am still taking the Opurity chewable multi-Vitamin (my surgeons office recommends them). Everyone had some great suggestions on my previous post, but I looked up the nutrition info on a large amount of the suggestions and they are nowhere near what this one vitamin has, even if i take two! The chewable I'm taking now has something like 200% daily values for a bunch of the vitamins. Can our bodies even absorb all of the nutrients this multi vitamin has????? I posted the nutrition info and ingredients below. Any advice?!? I don't want to go out and spend a bunch of money on a different brand that still might now taste great and doesn't have the same nutritional value. As for the Calcium citrate chews - I purchased the chocolate chewables from Bariatric Advantage. They smell so strange, it grosses me out. They also taste like they smell. I am already struggling with the multi-vitamin, I don't think I can take another disgusting chewable in my day. Does anyone have any other suggestions for the chewable calcium? WHEN WILL I BE ABLE TO TAKE MY CITRACAL PILL AGAIN!? I am so angry that I keep wasting money on things that I definitely will not continue to eat (don't even get me started on unjury shakes or cheese sauce). I know it is about trial and error but geez, I am not made of money! It seems like I spend more now even though I eat less! Processed foods were so much cheaper >:| ! As for the Biotin - that is a pill. I haven't started taking it yet because I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to take pills! I know people started it right away though. Why is this pill different?
  2. nicoleco

    vitamins & biotin

    I will have to ask my doctor about breaking a multi vitamin or calcium pill in half. Maybe I will be able to do that! Anyone ever try that before?
  3. nicoleco

    vitamins & biotin

    sorry about the pictures - i didn't know they were sideways!
  4. I have a question. So I woke up today feeling fine. Took my meds like normal and ate 1/2 a bowl of oatmeal (which I have eaten plenty of times before). Went out for a while and then out of nowhere, I have this terrible stomach ache. It is like I'm nauseous but I know I'm not going to throw up. My stomach kind of hurts in a weird way. I was sleeved 1/9 and this has never happened before. I'm afraid to try and eat because I don't want to make it worse. Has this happened to anyone before? I would value people's opinions on whether I should try and eat or wait it out. I still have nausea medicine that my doctor gave me for after my surgery. I haven't taken it since like the 2nd day I was home. Maybe I should take one of those? Thanks in advance
  5. nicoleco

    chewable multi-vitamin

    Hey all. I have a question about the multi-vitamin. I take 1 opurity chewable a day. Some days it makes me unbelievably nauseous and other days I'm fine. I think it depends on how well I chew the Vitamin. It is so sour that sometimes it is hard to chew. I tried to find a substitute vitamin, such as a gummy, but none of them have anything close to the amount of Vitamins in this chewable. Has anyone else had this problem?? I know I need my vitamins and I am choking this thing down every day, but I hate not knowing how it will make me feel. Any other vitamins you guys have tried? Also, is it possible to take a multi-vitamin pill, not chewable? i prefer pills!
  6. nicoleco

    chewable multi-vitamin

    which brand of gummies are you taking?
  7. nicoleco

    Does everyone vomit post-op?

    I am about 3 1/2 weeks out and I haven't thrown up yet. I try to be careful when I eat. If I'm trying something new, I will take one or two bites and wait 15 minutes to see how I feel. I have a phobia about throwing up too so I don't want to push it!
  8. nicoleco

    January Newbies ! Progress ?

    Me too!! Same exact weight loss and now nothing haha
  9. nicoleco

    question about protein

    i was curious about something - prior to surgery, i did NOT eat enough Protein. i would get 20-30g a day max. i am currently half way through my 2nd week post op and average 50-60g per day, although i know my goal is supposed to be 80g. it is so difficult especially because i hate these shakes! when i move onto pureed/soft foods, since you can't eat more than a few bites, how does the food even provide you with enough protein? don't you still need Protein shakes (ugh, my worse nightmare!) ? it is just hard to fathom i guess and i'm trying to do whatever i can to avoid these shakes lol
  10. So tomorrow I start the pureed/mushy stage. I am all ready with new things to try out - refriend Beans, ricotta bake, greek yogurt, eggs, etc. I am excited to have new foods but terrified of how they will make me feel. Now my main concern - if we can only eat such small amounts, how are we supposed to get enough Protein? I am struggling with protein as it is. I am choking down Protein shakes and nearly cry because I get so frustrated at how disgusting they are. I've tried many different kinds. I also dislike the clear/juice ones. I'm not big on juice to begin with. What are/were your typical mushy food diets? I am very curious to see how people do this. On top of this, I have been at a stall for nearly 5 days now. I feel like I should be getting more protein and more fluids and I'm doing my best but it's still not enough. Today has been rough
  11. HELP! I'm seriously freaked out. I had surgery on January 9th and have been on Clear liquids. Everything has been perfect so far - no excessive nausea, heartburn, or gas. I thought things were going so well. Until today - I started my first day of full liquids. I had a sugar free fudge pop last night over the course of about 5 minutes and about 5-10 minutes later it came out of the other end (sorry!). I thought maybe it was a fluke. Well this morning I had my first full liquid Protein shake since surgery (I'm enjoying the pre-made GNC Lean Shake which is lactose free). I sipped it over an hour. I thought things were going well, but then the same thing happened - about 5-10 minutes after I took my last sip my stomach started gurgling and I had to go to the bathroom again. I was a tiny bit nauseous but that passed quickly thankfully. I'm terrified that this will always happen and I'm doomed - this can't happen forever! Since it isn't a lactose problem I'm really worried. Did this happen to anyone and did it go away???? I go back to work next Wednesday and this might pose a problem if I need an hour and a half to drink a Protein Shake and go to the bathroom every time..... !!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. nicoleco

    Impact on social life

    i am also curious about this. i am only 23 and recently graduated college. i don't drink often anymore. but once i am well enough, i am hoping to be able to go out about 2x a month. i am wondering how post op patients handle alcohol and if you are able to get drunk. sounds bad, but once in a while, it's fun to let loose with friends i haven't seen in a while!
  13. nicoleco

    5 days post op...

    i feel the same way. food is really a terrible addiction. there was a white pizza in my house yesterday and i honestly cried while drinking my gross Protein shake. you need food to live but eating it incorrectly and using it for comfort jeopardizes your health. i am terrified that i will regain when i can eat again. if i couldn't do it before, how can i do it now? glad you are feeling better. best of luck to you on a speedy recovery!
  14. I just finished my week of Clear liquids and am currently on my full liquids week. For the clear liquids phase, I was only getting 40g of Protein a day because i despised the Isopure. Now, i am on Protein shakes but i am hating these already and its only day 2! I am getting 50-60g of protein a day now. my doctor said to get 60-80g a day. did anyone else have this problem? i feel like there's nothing i can do - if i can barely manage to get down the Protein drinks, how else am i supposed to get it?! wouldn't it be awesome if protein came in a pill - life would be so much simpler!
  15. i should also mention that before the surgery, i was not a huge protein eater. i would average 25g on a good day. so this is a huge improvement!
  16. i have one sample pack of the unjury chicken broth. i have been leery of trying it because i've disliked the other unjury products, but i'll have to give it a whirl.
  17. nicoleco

    January Newbies ! Progress ?

    I haven't tried juice form. i tend to dislike juice, i can only tolerate so much. can you tell i'm a picky eater? LOL
  18. nicoleco

    January Newbies ! Progress ?

    Sleeved on 1/9. Down 14lbs! The weight coming off is so exciting - but i am DYING trying to get the appropriate amount of protein. i had a week of clear liquids and now i am on my week of full liquids. i am so tired of protein shakes, it is killing me. i am only getting about 50g of protein a day - my doctor said i should get 60g to 80g but i am already barely choking down 2 shakes, i can't imagine anything else.
  19. i am always so hot and i sweat pretty easily. i'm praying i turn into one of those people who get cold easily!!!!!! it always seems to be the skinny minnies that it happens to!
  20. nicoleco

    HELP! i'm concerned!

    Next week! Week 3 is purees and Week 4 is soft foods. Thanks so much for your help!
  21. nicoleco

    HELP! i'm concerned!

    OK - so this is pretty normal?? Would it help if I made my own Protein shakes instead of using the pre-made ones? Could they contain sugar alcohol?
  22. nicoleco


    I'm still on my liquid phase but I use to eat quinoa frequently. It is DELICIOUS if you cook it right and buy a high quality brand! Don't skimp on the brand of quinoa you choose and rinse it with cold Water first before cooking. Make sure to cook it exactly as the package says or it can get funky! I used to make a taboulleh salad with it - i would add cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, and a dressing made with olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic. it was awesome!
  23. nicoleco

    Do you ever regret your surgery?

    i was sleeved on 1/9 and had no prior health problems either (I'm 23). I seriously have been thinking I should have just stayed fat and kept eating what I wanted because I'm seriously missing it right now. I start full liquids tomorrow but I'm still not too excited. And I'm terrified for real food - I am terrible at eating slowly. It will definitely be a hard lesson to learn.
  24. I start my full liquids on Thursday after a week on Clear Liquids (i'm SO SICK of isopure! bleh!). I'm going to be drinking my Protein shakes and trying out skim plus or 1% smart balance milk for the extra protein. I'm pretty excited for the sugar free fat free pudding - can't wait to eat something delicious. i HATE adding the unflavored protein to things. i can ALWAYS taste it. i've only tried GNC unflavored so far. Does anyone else have a hard time with the taste of the unflavored Proteins?? any brands i should try? also, does anyone know where i can get samples of protein besides Bariatric Advantage???? they only have one kind of sample, i'm looking to try a few different brands. i am allowed to have non-fat, non-greek yogurt that is under 180cals with less than 2g saturated fat, and 14g of sugar per 8 oz. serving. i'm not a huge fan of plain yogurt and was wondering if it would be OK to add some cinnamon to it. has anyone ever tried this/does anyone know if this is difficult for my new tummy to handle?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
