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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nicoleco

  1. i feel better that i am not the only one who cannot manage to get 60-80g of protein!! i usually get about 50g as well. i always feel like i'm failing!
  2. nicoleco

    lunch ideas!

    i am so picky and never was huge on Protein so i struggle with what to eat daily! I am about 3 months out and i am running out of lunch ideas!!! for a while i was eating a Quest Protein Bar for lunch. but i am so sick of those things i can't do it anymore! my work doesn't have a fridge or microwave, so whatever i bring can't be heated up or kept too cold (lets be honest, ice packs only go so far). help! maybe if people posted what they eat for lunch that will spark up some ideas for me.
  3. nicoleco


    so i am going to AC for my friends birthday on March 9th. I will be 8 weeks out at that point. I figured that would be a good time for me to try drinking. I have not been a big drinker since I graduated from college in May but I am only 23 and do like to go out and have fun. i know people will say "oh you dont have to get drunk to have fun" well i do. i hate crowded bars and clubs and i have a good time when i am drunk. i also hate being the only sober one. i want to be able to celebrate with everyone. i figured the week before the trip i might try different alcohol during the week to see what upsets my tummy and what doesn't. so how has drinking been since after surgery? what drinks are your favorite? do you get drunk quicker than before? does anyone actually get drunk and have a good time like they did before surgery? thanks! and if you're going to be rude, then don't comment at all
  4. i felt this way too. like why couldn't i just do it on my own? i felt like a failure everyday. that really wears on you. the surgery was the best thing i did. i am almost 7 weeks out now and i am so happy i did this. don't get me wrong, some days are hard but i feel like i got a restart for my eating habits and i know i would never have been able to do it without the sleeve.
  5. nicoleco


    thanks for the advice!!!
  6. nicoleco

    Beef jerky?

    what brands does everyone like best?
  7. I am 5 weeks out from surgery and can eat pretty much anything now. I haven't tried certain things (like lettuce or fruit) but so far everything has been OK. the thing is, i'm running out of things to eat. this was my problem before surgery and its my problem now - i'm a picky eater! and i get sick of things easily. i can only get down 2-3oz of food comfortably and that is great, except that obviously will not give me enough Protein and it takes me an hour (sometimes more!) to eat. i've been having a Protein shake in the AM, a Protein Bar for lunch (it was cheese last week), and then meat for dinner. usually i have to throw in some protein hot chocolate as well. i know i should be eating regular foods but i don't have the damn time and i am out of foods to eat. would i like a hard boiled egg? yes, i would but i would only be able to eat 1 and that is like 6g of protein - big whoop. i'd rather just suffer through a protein shake and get 20g in the AM. i am sick of tuna fish and chicken salad. i bought store brand deli chicken and low fat low sodium cheese and tried to do roll ups. well they just tasted disgusting. i tried making tilapia but it didn't taste great (i think it was frozen too long). i have been living off of meatballs for the past week. i'm going to try chicken tonight. next week i'll make chicken burgers. i do love dairy (hate greek yogurt though) but its got so much fat. how do you find a balance between eating and getting enough protein and using supplements? i just feel overwhelmed and never know what to eat. what am i supposed to bring for lunch? if i don't bring lunch, what the hell am i supposed to eat out? how am i supposed to get all of my protein in? I should add that it is just me - i don't cook for a husband or family. I'm also 23 so my cooking isn't that great. LOL HELP!
  8. nicoleco

    protein bars

    So I am finally able to eat all foods! i wanted to pick up some protein bars to nibble on through out the day. i was hoping for some yummy suggestions that have high protein and low carbs fat & sugar. i love peanut butter flavors usually!
  9. nicoleco

    No pre-op diet required?

    since my weight wasn't extremely high to start out with, i wasn't required to do one either. the week before, my nutritionist suggested maybe replacing a meal or two with a protein shake but they weren't strict about it. just that nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery. a lot of doctors do it so your liver is less fatty and it makes for an easier recovery. so far my recovery has been great and i have had no problems. so i wouldn't worry about it. my surgeon didn't want me to lose a great deal of weight before the surgery or i wouldn't qualify any more (my BMI was like 36.5 and 35 is the cut off). Truthfully, I was really thankful I didn't have to do a pre op diet. I was more nervous for that than the surgery!
  10. nicoleco

    protein bars

    i emailed quest today about a free sample and also got a request for my mailing address!
  11. nicoleco

    protein bars

    do they only sell these online?? just curious
  12. nicoleco

    protein bars

    i stumbled across these and noticed there are 2 different kinds! there was a giant one with 31g of protein and a smaller "soft" one. which ones do you prefer?
  13. nicoleco


    i normally take zoloft everyday. the first few days after surgery i was taking my pills fine (go figure) but after a couple of days i kept getting severe heartburn. so i stopped taking them for 2 weeks until my ppi kicked in. i took half of my dose (one pill) tonight for the first time and had a little bit of an uncomfortable feeling but not nearly as bad as it was. i dont think my dose needs to change but boy does it affect my tummy differently.
  14. nicoleco


    i kept it a secret. i told my close friends & family but didn't tell anyone at work. told my boss i was having some health issues and needed 2 weeks off. i then came up with the excuse that i had a hernia repaired (technically i did!) in case anyone asked (they haven't!).
  15. nicoleco

    Want to order protein from online?

    i really disliked unjury but i am also a very picky eater. i also didn't try the chicken soup and i have heard that is really good.
  16. nicoleco

    Week 4

    don't worry about the weight! i had a week and a half stall and then started losing again. i am just waiting for the next stall!!! plus we started out at lower weights so it comes off slower! hopefully this gets better soon!
  17. it takes a little while (took me about 45min to an hour for 8oz) but your stomach gets rid of liquid much faster than food. its not as hard as you might think! good luck!
  18. i haven't tried these yet but have been meaning to pick some up!!!! how many fl oz is one container??
  19. nicoleco

    Week 4

    this slow thing is so frustrating! i don't have time for this slow stuff. i haven't thrown up yet (thankfully) but if i eat too fast i get like a pain in my throat. my surgery was 4 weeks ago today! i can start eating pretty much anything tomorrow. i struggle to get my Protein in! it seems like the thought of most food makes me nauseous, even food i was eating last week! i don't know what to do and i feel like i'm out of options! what has everyone else been eating? canned chicken/tuna, Protein shakes, eggs, deli meat - all makes me nauseous just thinking about it and when i eat them i can take 2 bites and then have to stop - not because i'm full but just because it is gross to me! anyone else experiencing this?!
  20. it gets better every day. i was definitely struggling in the beginning as well. it is a huge adjustment. i am almost 4 weeks out and you will be amazed at how quick you heal. i still have rough days (today was one) but i don't regret it. i had more rough days when i was eating large amounts of food and felt like a failure every day. now my rough days consist of dreading having to eat (go figure!)
  21. nicoleco

    January Newbies ! Progress ?

    hey guys - so its been almost 4 weeks since my surgery (sleeved 1/9)! everything has been going pretty well until this weekend. on saturday i was nauseous for no reason. and now my stomach seems to be extra full all the time and i get nauseous really easily. this has not happened until recently. i haven't really been adding any new foods that could cause this issue, so i'm not sure what's going on. since i felt nauseous, my water intake was lacking the past 2 days and now today i feel worn out and all around crappy. i'm hoping it is just the lack of water. i was excited to move on to the new stages of food before but now the thought of food just makes me queasy and it is such a hassle to force myself to eat. anyone else like this?!?
  22. nicoleco

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    nicoleco12 Friends would be nice!
  23. nicoleco


    i've used a straw since the first few days after my surgery. they have never bothered me and i don't think i could drink my Protein shakes without them (everything tastes better with a straw!) i feel like it is harder to take small sips with a straw, but like i said i never had a problem. i have also chewed gum a couple of times. i knew i had ketosis breath and had gum with me, so i did it! again, i felt fine (i was 2 weeks out at this point). i'd listen to your surgeon though. my doctor didn't have any strict instructions regarding straws or gum!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
