Hi there! I'm 42 years old and have been with my parter for 8 years. She's 45 and has no weight problems, as she can't ever sit still. I call her my little hummingbird! I have a son who will turn 9 next month. I was in hell-er-married for almost 10 years, and then left the a**hole for another one(not quite as a**holish)before figuring out what(or who) I was doing wrong. Anyhoo, I'm happy for the first time in my life, and am loking forward to being happy AND healthy! Oh-I'm Kat and my partner is Pam. I came onto this website to find support for my lapband journey, and am very happy to find others who are also gay and out. By the way, Eddie congrats on your banding-how you feeling today?