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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kathyc02@alltel

  1. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    :omg:Wow Cheri-You sure know your sh*t!! I'm impressed! :)Hang in there Eddie-you'll get there. The weight didn't go on in a matter of months, and it's safely not going to just drop off in a matter of months. Everything we know tells us that a nice, slow weight loss is one that is more likely to stay off. You've done a great job getting off your meds, and the weight will follow in it's own time.
  2. kathyc02@alltel

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    I have the EPO plan. I was just approved, and it took about 5 days once submitted. I will have to pay $200 for the overnight hospital stay, and 20% of all uncovered fees. Not sure just yet of any other fees. I know it all depends what what your employer chooses to cover though.
  3. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi Folks! Thanks for all the well wishes! :kiss2: Well I started harrassing the surgeons office for a official date today.:bandit They have yet to get the letter of approval from the insurance agency, and until they get it they won't set a date. Poo! Another hurry up and wait. You think I would get used to it by now, but nooooo. Oh well-it will happen when it's meant to. Well-everyone take care! Bye-
  4. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    :whoo:Hi All-I found out today that I'm approved!! I'm so excited! I called and asked what I'm looking at as far as a surgery date, and it looks like the end of August. I was hoping for sooner, but I won't complain.:clap2:
  5. kathyc02@alltel

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    :whoo:I have UHC. My info was submitted on July 3 and I found out today that I'm approved!!!:biggrin1:
  6. kathyc02@alltel

    Anyone see "Big Medicine"?

    Hi All-I love Big Medicine also! That skinny psychiatrist gets on my nerves! Glad to hear that there will be a LBS episode tomorrow. The Molina band sure was stuck tight in there on that one chick. It looked like everything had grown up over it. It certainly seemed to not be working anymore. Her sister kind of got on my nerves, the one who had been on the week before. Well anyhoo- I've watched several of the Brookhaven shows. I didn't like the way they portayed the overweight people as being weak. They often referred as them being "fat", which may be true, but there is more less offensive terminology that could be used. One thing that I noticed is that quite a few of the folks on the Brookhaven were very whiney, whereas the folks on Big Medicine seemed to much more upbeat. Except for that one black fellow (sorry to refer to him as "black"-I couldn't remember his name)-he whined or got pissed off about everything. Although he did put the skinny psych in her place!! Good for him. Well I've rambled enough-thanks for listening!!
  7. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi All, My info was faxed to the ins.co this past Tuesday. I called them Friday and they said that they had received it, and that their nurses have to check a 5 year history. They said I'd have an answer in 5 to 10 working days. So I should get my yay or nay hopefully by the end of next week or so. I'm excited, but so afraid that I'll get denied. Guess I'll say my prayers! Thanks for listening.
  8. kathyc02@alltel

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    Hi All. My info was submitted this past Tuesday. I called UHC to see if it had been received on Friday, and it had. I was told that their nurses had to check a five year history although they didn't say what for. They said they would make a decision within 5-10 working days. I guess I'll call and bug them again starting next Wednesday! Tulip-Sorry to hear you were denied. Just reading all the posts it sounds like each employer has it's own criteria within UHC. Hang in there, ther's always appeal. I wish you luck. Kat
  9. kathyc02@alltel

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    :faint:Hi All, I can't believe how fast you have gotten replies!! Wow!:clap2: I guess Tuesdays and Thusdays are the regular days to fax in the info to UHC. At least that's what my surgeons office said. My info was supposed to get faxed today. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much for a fast reply, but I can't help it. I'm so excited, I just want to move things along. Thanks folks, and wish me luck!!
  10. kathyc02@alltel

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    Annie-What number did you call to ask if UHC had receive everything?The one on the back of your card?
  11. kathyc02@alltel

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    Wow! That is great news!! I too have UHC. My info is to be submitted this coming Tuesday. I have a BMI of 43, have diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, sleep apnea, chronic venous stasis, and a family history of heart disease. I provided my charts from doctors visits from the part 18 months. I am so anxious to get approved. I would like to have surgery during the time that my son is on summer break from school. That way he can spend the night with other family members and I can concentrate on healing. Thanks for some hope!!
  12. kathyc02@alltel

    2nd Day Pre-Op Diet-Harder Than I Thought

    Hi All! I have not been banded yet. My paperwork will be sent to the ins. co. this Tuesday. My surgeon said he requires a low fat diet two weeks before surgery. If I could do a dang blasted low fat diet for any amount of time I wouldn't need flippin' lap band surgery!! I'm considering a self-enforced liquid diet. I actually could probably talk myself into that. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
  13. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi Eddie-I haven't posted for awhile. Been working quite a bit of overtime here lately. Not much time when I get home for anything but read the paper, fix dinner, visit with the GF for a few, and then hit the bed. Hope your fill works better for you. Well, I have officially joined the ranks of the "waiting to be approved or denied". I have met with the surgeon, had my lung functions checked , and had my thyroid bloodwork done. All the other tests I had already done within the past 6 months for one reason or another. The thing is that the doc said he would send off my request on June 15th, but the paperwork that they gave me at the office that day stated that nothing would be sent off until they got the results from my lung functions and the bloodwork. Either way they have everything now. I've tried calling the office several times to see if and when they sent off everything, but I keep getting put on hold, and I don't have time at work to sit on hold for an extended amount of time. I left a message yesterday that was never returned. Guess I'll keep trying. That's what's up with me. So what's up with you? I see you're going in for a fill in the morning. Good luck with that. How are you feeling? How are your blood sugars running? Well I better run get some supper together. Take Care-Kat
  14. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi Eddie! I'm currently on 850mg of metformin twice daily, glimepiride (generic Amaryl) 2mg twice daily, Januvia 100mg once daily, and 10 units of Lantus at bedtime. The Januvia is fairly new, and has really helped to bring my blood sugars under control, and my A1C to around 6.2. Glad to know you're no longer on the Avandia. Isn't that the med that was found to be causing heart attacks recently? Keep me posted on how you're doing by cutting back on the metformin. I'll be sure and keep folks posted in my appt. and ins. decision. Thanks for the words of encouragement! Take care! Kat
  15. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi Eddie-Congrats on coming off of your diabetes meds!! That is fabulous!! I have been a diabetic for over 15 years, so I'm very anxious to get off of the meds. I'm on 3 orals and insulin, in addition to meds for the high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Glad to hear that being banded has helped you, because it gives me hope. I have my consult with the surgeon on June 15th. I'm so excited!! Then he will dictate a letter to be sent to the ins. co. Then we wait for them to say yay or nay. I have no reason to think that they will say no. Then we set the date!! Yippee!!
  16. kathyc02@alltel

    What was your first consulation like?

    Hi-I went to a seminar back in January, which was free. I went to my first Bariatric Center consult about a month ago. It cost $100 plus my $20 co-pay. It included a video, nurse consult, nutritionist and psycholgist consult. I see the surgeon this coming Friday, and at that time they will collect $250, which will be put into an account to go towards any more pre or post off office visits. If I don't use all of it, the rest will go towards any hospital or Drs fees that arent' covered by my insurance. The hospital co-pay will be $200. I'm sure that there will be more fees somewhere, but for me, my health will be well worth it. I have United Heathcare Insurance. The best advice I can give you is research, research, research! One more thing-Have faith!!! Hang in there, and good lick!
  17. kathyc02@alltel


    I was wondering how much coffee would affect me once I get banded. I was told by my doctor's ofice that I would have to give up caffeine, but I really hate the thought of giving up my morning cuppa.......Any one here doing ok (no indigestion, etc.)while still drinking coffee? Thanks
  18. kathyc02@alltel

    Hi All from KY

    :nervous Good Morning! This is my first post. I went to my first appt at the Norton Bariatric Center this past Thursday. I watched a video, had my vital stats and weight checked, saw the nutritionist, and saw psychologist. I guess I passed that one (whew! :mad: )because now I am waiting to be scheduled to meet with the surgeon. He then will dictate a letter to my insurance company (UHC)and I'll wait to see if I'm approved for the surgery. I'm not anticipating that they will turn me down, but I know that they can hold it for 30 days before giving a decision. It has been such a slow process, and I'm ready NOW!! I guess I had better learn to be patient. I'm almost 43 years old, been heavy since I was 9, and I also know the weight won't come off over night. Well that's my story in a nutshell. I looking forward to having some folks to help me along on my journey, and maybe help some others along the way. Thanks for taking the time to read this long winded post.:clap2:
  19. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi Kity-Glad to hear you found your true self-better later in life than never. I'm sue happier with Pam than I ever was before. Thanks for the welcome-hope to hear from you again.
  20. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hi Eddie-Thanks for the welcome! Pam and I got a kick out of the Welcome Wagon!! Hope that headache is better-I know that's miserable. I'd love to chat with you sometime. Take care-Kat:)
  21. kathyc02@alltel

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Thanks for the welcome!
  22. kathyc02@alltel

    Hi All from KY

    Thanks and good luck to you!
  23. kathyc02@alltel

    Hi All from KY

    30 lbs already!! Wow-good for you! Stinks that your ins. co wouldn't approve you. Thanks for the good wishes!
  24. kathyc02@alltel

    Hi All from KY

    Wow! That's good to hear! Good luck on your journey!

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