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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by HikeEveryMountain

  1. I'm 6 weeks out, and didn't feel any restriction with liquids. In fact, I still don't feel much (or at least not as much as with sleeve) now with real foods. But follow the rules and the weight will still come off. I've lost 23 lbs in 6 weeks.
  2. HikeEveryMountain

    MGB weight loss stalled

    susie - that has to be so frustrating. Do you have any idea why you've lost so little and so slowly? I can't get my head around the physiology of consistently following the rules and staying under 1200 calories. Do you find yourself yo-yoing off of plan sometimes? Or could there be something else contributing? It seems like even without any surgery, 1200 calories or less or healthy eating would result in weight loss. Please understand, not judging or doubting you - this is a fear I have following revision a month and a half ago, so I'm always eager to learn from others and what they're experiencing.
  3. HikeEveryMountain

    Just revised from Sleeve to MGB

    Well done! I’m just three weeks out, so I appreciate the inspiring photos and check in!
  4. HikeEveryMountain


    Thanks Retty and UndertheCalisun, I appreciate the input. I am freaking out about no restriction and ease of drinking, etc. Even soft scrambled eggs at 2.5 weeks out are uber easy for me. But it's okay, we'll just see what this brings!
  5. HikeEveryMountain


    Hi Retty- curious how things are going for you a few months later? I’m 2 weeks post op and have all your same concerns about lack of restriction and weight loss...
  6. HikeEveryMountain

    Exercise and calorie intake

    So true! Feed that body! Use food for its real purpose!
  7. HikeEveryMountain

    Exercise and calorie intake

    I'm at goal for the past 18 months. I eat between 1200-1500/day and maintain well. When I go above 1800 I gain quickly. When I go under 1000, I gain. Go figure.
  8. HikeEveryMountain

    please tell me the truth

    I'm almost 2 years out, at goal. And I can eat a slice and a half. But I don't like the crust, so it probably equals one slice. No problem. So much easier to stop now.
  9. 266-175, I'm six feet tall and so grateful. Having Mexico and an awesome doctor as an option saved my life.
  10. HikeEveryMountain

    So grateful - Dr Quinones

    Scars are tiny. Never had anyone notice them and even I can barely see them now. If I really look, I can't. But they look almost like a thin scratch line. It took about 8 months for the scar redness to fade completely.
  11. HikeEveryMountain

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    I loooove giving away my bigger clothes. The downside: have to shop sooner. Wait, that really isn't a downside!
  12. HikeEveryMountain

    Ok I'm mad!

    I have to plan my snacks. And only have healthy snacks, preportioned available. Carrots and celery are my anytime allowed snacks.
  13. HikeEveryMountain

    6 months and 100lbs

    Amazing! And congratulations!
  14. HikeEveryMountain


    Seriously awesome! Congratulations!
  15. HikeEveryMountain

    What are your NSG's (Non Scale Goals)?

    Run a 5 k without stopping!
  16. HikeEveryMountain

    Taste for water changed?

    Agree! I get SOOO bored with water now. crystal light for this girl.
  17. HikeEveryMountain

    So grateful - Dr Quinones

    Thank you!
  18. HikeEveryMountain


    I had salads no problem at about 3 months
  19. HikeEveryMountain

    1 year out and in trouble

    So proud of you for jumping back on the horse!
  20. HikeEveryMountain


    I'm a therapist and definitely went through therapy during my first year post op. So many emotional and physical changes, it's good to have some help and balancing during that!
  21. HikeEveryMountain

    So grateful - Dr Quinones

    Thanks so much!
  22. HikeEveryMountain


    I hear ya! Snacking is my demon also!
  23. Wow. That's ridiculous. My doctor made all kinds of Mexico cartel jokes but was ultimately supportive.
  24. HikeEveryMountain

    Surgeons in the 4,500 dollar range?

    Quinones changed my life. And I've referred 9 people to him since, all of whom are also doing fabulous!
  25. I used Dr Quinones. Best decision ever.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
