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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lisa'slosinit

  1. Lisa'slosinit

    All of my December sleevers...

    i just wanted to share a pic with yall. i have really been down about my SLOW weight loss ....but ive really been droppin the sizes . this past weekend after taking and lookin at pics i am FINALLY starting to see a difference.i was sleeved on dec. 8 and my heaviest weight ( the before pic taken last year ....257 !) the after pic i took this past saturday ...188.8 !.. i have gone from a tight 3x top to an xl and from a tight 22 to a ALMOST fitting 14!!! the lowest i remember ever weighing was 175 when i was in high school 25 years ago.....so when i see 175 i will be in heaven !!!!Each of us are on the same journey and we are all so inspiring to each other!!!Just think how we are all gonna look and FEEL this summer !!!!HOT MAMS AND PAPAS!!!!!!!
  2. Lisa'slosinit

    My 2 Month Post-Op Surgiversay NSVs!

    i was sleeved dec 8 and it feels sooooo good not to wear them dang bras with the 5 and 6 hooks!!!!!so much easier to takeoff !!!LOL! just an after and before !!!!! 188 / 257
  3. Lisa'slosinit


    oh !!!!! i 'm tickled to wear bras now that dont have 5 and 6 hooks !!!so easier to fasten the dang thing !!!!
  4. Lisa'slosinit


    omg .....i feel really embarrassed asking this but what does NSV stand for ???LOL ! cuz i can absolutely relate to everyones posts !!!!
  5. Lisa'slosinit

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    i meant to say GOOD LUCK TO ALL U NEWBIES!!!
  6. Lisa'slosinit

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    hey everyone ! i was sleeved dec 8 2012 and just wanna share a pic !!!the first one is me yesterday at 188.8 lbs !!!!!the second is me last year at my heaviest of 257 !!!OMG!!! i am just now beginning to realize and see my weight loss !!! i have gone from a 3x top to an xl top and a tight 22 jeans to an ALMOST 14 jeans, ! i still have a ways to go , but i sure am enjoyin the journey !!!!!! :)GOOD LUCK to all u nebies !!!You will get there !
  7. i was looking over an insurance EOB this weekend . i had my surgery on Dec8 and was surprized to see a charge of 3800 for hernia repair surgery!!! The surgeon DID NOT EVEN MENTION i had a hernia !!!!Even at my 2 follow up appointments!!!i called the surgeons office today to see and the answer i got was ..........." yes you had a hernia repaired and 80% of patients have hernias" ....i asked why i was not aware of this and why wasnt i told , and even at the follow up appts ???? her response was "I'm sure he told you in recovery, and u dont remember " my fiance was with me and NOTHING was mentioned regarding a hernia!!!......should i be upset about this ????? I do know that tommorrow am i am going to medical records to see if it was even performed being it was not mentioned to me !UGH!!!!!am i overreacting or do i have a right to be mad ?has anyone else experience d this ? again ....i am not upset he did the repair ...im upset i WAS NOT notified !!!!
  8. Lisa'slosinit

    Small Victories!

    u look great and i bet feel even better !!!! i wish i was 6 mos out !!! i was sleeved dec 8
  9. i'm not talkin about a stall ..........i'm talkin about losing their weight all together!! 3 months out today and feel like the scale is not doing ANYTHING and tired of it bouncing back n forth!!!I feel like i've been stalling more instead of losing these few month and wondering if my weight is what it will be for the next several years ?
  10. for one, i was never too much of a water drinker ....so i'm guilty there ! as far as loggin in i dont do that either ....i am just not one to jot stuff down...too aggravating and time consuming!!......i make sure i have 3 premeier protein shakes (30 gr protein there !) a day ,and at least 4 days a week ill have a tuna or ckn salad kit for lunch...other than that ill snack here and there but make sure its protein.so ......i do feel i am getting in the protein . on my surgery day dec8 ..i was a tight 22 and now im a loose 16 !!!So ....i have definatly dropped sizes but get discouraged gettin on that scale !!! i have a problem with fluid retention and retain fluid in my chest and lower legs . when i do take a fluid pill ...1 strong one every 7-10 days , i lose literally 8 pounds overnight!! ive been at 192-195 for like the last 3 1/2 weeks and have not taken a fluid pill in a good 2 weeks ..so ....tomorrow i am gonna take a fluid pill and pee it all out !!!.......i have also been snackin on alot of cashews ........think that could be my prob???i do know theres alotta salt !
  11. i have two best friends i have had for over 20 yrs .They were there for me 100% during my surgery . one of those friends had facial reconstructive surgery 4 days after me and because she couldnt really talk right after, we would communicate by texting. after about 4 weeks she let me know her feelins were hurt because i had not made it a point to come see her ........she lives 45 mins away from me .....and i supposedly showed that i did not care ?! well...........my other friend has a 93 y/o grandmother that is in a nursing home over 1000 miles away and was told she has less than a week to live. she told me this yesterday on the phone , and apparantly i wasnt sympathetic enough because she just called me to let me know she was hurt that i did not show any remorse ( i am a hospice care technician)....and all of the focus has been on me !!!!!! my first friend as mentioned in the 1st one above ......has a sister who had a bypass 3 yrs ago in another state and my friend would let me know that all thie weight loss had gone to her sisters head and hoped it would not have the same affect on me ( she told me this several times back in october ) so ............i am thinkin that since losing my weight and feeling proud.........which anyone who has had wls would understand...my friends should continue to be happy for me right ?????i do get excited when i keep droppin sizes and pounds and want ppl to be excited for me..., my friends should understand that i am not gloating, i am just happy !!! i have offered to take them out to dinner several times this past month , but have not found a good time for all 3 to do so ...so now , i have both of my best friends pissed at me, who think i only think of myself (not true ) , and i am not there for them ............ugh !!!!just had to vent .........
  12. Lisa'slosinit


    i was sleeved dec 8 and was wearing a tight 44 DD .....now almost 3 months later i am a 33DD. After about 3 weeks out my fiance told me my tummy was not lifting up my boobs anymore...LOL!!! He seriously is looking into surgeons / costs for a boob lift when im thru losin.i definatley can tell they dont feel like they weigh 30 lbs a piece anymore!!!!i never really thought about having to go bra and panty shoppin as well .....but girl ...i cant do saggy draws !!!!
  13. Lisa'slosinit


    1 week and doggie worked well for me !!!!
  14. Lisa'slosinit


    i realllly used gas x strips alot my first few weeks out !!!They are a godsend ...lil strips that dissolve on your tongue .........they also helped with shoulder pain which i know was related to anesthesia !it WILL get betta !!!!!
  15. Lisa'slosinit

    Help me pick out an outfit

    The dress looks awesome on u!!!! I am not a dress person at all but that dress was made for u ,I do believe!!!!! And it really defines your body! Makes me wanna go buy one!have fun;)!
  16. Walgreens has em on sale this week for 11.99 ......they are sold near the fiber powders .......tried em today !!!Interesting!!!!
  17. premier drinks are the way to go !!!!!I was at walgreens yesterday and found a 4 pk of the chocolate ones for 7.99.............if anyone wants to try it out first . I kept my money and went to Sams and got my 12 pk for 18.88!!!........just throwin that out there !!! also the 30 gram Protein bars are great too!!!!!!!.........just think 1 bar and 2 shakes and u got 90 grams !!!!i noticed a new product as well .......premier bakery bars .......they are like soft candy bar / brownies at sams as well ..........but they only have 17 grams !
  18. Lisa'slosinit

    Slow Loser here +---+

    sounds like u may have hit a stall!!!!! i was sleeved december 8 and lost steadily the first few weeks ...it was soooo exciting!!!!and then boom!! the scale stopped !!!! BUT where i wasnt losing pounds , i musta been losin inches , cuz i went from a tight 3x top to a xl top .....and a tight 22 jeans to a 16 !!!In just a month!!!!!:)here it is feb. 25 and i havent lost much more ...........my weight the day of surgery on dec 8 was 228 and as of today i am 192-196 on any given day. i feel stuck and feel like im not gonna lose anymore ........my nutritionalist says it usually happens in 3's ..........like 3 weeks, 6 weeks ....3 months ....6 months....i have learned to quit beating myself up over it , and from what i understand , the weight will come off in the course of 18 months ........so ....we have a loooooong way to keep losin!i just hope that is true and i havent quit losin all together !...and im sure u feel the same way !!!! know we are not alone !!!LOL!!feel free to ck out my gallery pics !
  19. Lisa'slosinit

    Most used kitchen appliance

    i loooooove my OSTER brand blender!!!! it is basically a sports drink bottle that you make your shake in , screw the blade on turn upside down on the base , twist and 2 secs ltr u have your shake already made up!!!!!Unscrew the base and screw the drinkin spout on and u are good to go !!!!....i got mine on sale at target for 20 bucks .i think they are 30.....and the individual sports bottle is 8 bucks !(if u want another one , it already comes with one )........i use mine religiously every day !!!!!!1
  20. Lisa'slosinit

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    .............omg !!!!!U definatly do not look like the same person!!!!!!!!!!!how much weight did u lose ???? any pointers for someone 12 weeks post op ???LOL!!! i think i have been stallin thru this whole process .........
  21. Lisa'slosinit

    All of my December sleevers...

    so ............what is everyone basically eating now ??? I was sleeved dec 8 .i am basically having 2 premier shakes a day , sometimes 3 ....and a ckn or tuna salad kit for lunch and a handful of cashews at night. i do not even wanna think about food and just remembering all the cookin and baking i did so religiously makes me want to puke ...............i am down 33 pounds since my surgery date and 59 all together. i hate being a slow loser , but can definatley see it in my clothes !i have hit so many stalls , it pisses me off ...just gotta accept the fact that it will come off on its own ...( hopefully)...but get scared that this is all the losin i'll do .....:(so ......when do ppl basically stop losin all together ?
  22. Lisa'slosinit


    a week exactly ....and that was doggy style o-O !
  23. Lisa'slosinit


    i went out with some friends at 8 weeks and had THREE mixed drinks ....a bay breeze, coconut rum n pineapple and a bahama mama. the first one went down really well and 1/2 way into the 2nd one i was feeling great! When starting to drink the 3rd one i was well lit !!!needless to say , i had acid reflux for three days and did nothing but worry .....afraid i burnt up my insides !I am at 11 weeks today , and plan on waiting awhile before i attempt again !!!!To each their own!!!
  24. Lisa'slosinit


    i had my surgery dec 8 and my boobs were a 44dd ........i counted 28 lane bryant bras i can no longer wear...most all within 8 months old ...at 35 - 40 bucks a piece ! ugh !!!!I soooooo cannot find a good bra that fits , but did find a cpl at walmart ..40 dd, so i am shrinkin .....i sooooooooo cannott wait to get a real VICTORIA SECRET bra!!That will be my new addiction !!!! on another note ......my fiance has been checkin into boob lifts and when my weight finishes droppin , i am gettin me a boob lift !!!To be thin again with perky boobs ..........ahhhhh ! I cant wait !!LOL!!!
  25. Lisa'slosinit

    stinkin' period...

    i was sleeved dec8 and sure enough i started the day before also!it wasnt soo bad, but like ya said kill 2 birds with one stone !

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
