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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LisaT678

  1. Hey Lisa! Thanks for responding! My PC actually ordered the ultrasound of my gallbladder due to my bp and cholesterol. The results showed I had gallstones. I then callef my surgeon and he said he would remove it during my surgery! I was a bit surprised as I fiqured getting the sleeve would be enough pain to deal with but after looking into somw statistics, it showed that about 20% of patients that have some type of WLS have to also get their gallbladder removed.

    I see you are 4 months out! How has your recovery been? How many pounds have you lost?

    I have had a relatively easy recovery. I am at 45 lbs lost. I'm pretty happy with that. That's over 10 lbs a month.

  2. Congratulations! Your on the losing side now. I wish my Dr. had taken my gallbladder. I am looking at surgery again here soon to take my gallbladder. Didn't even know I had gallstones until recently. I had my sleeve done Dec. 6, 2012 so I'm 4 mos post-op.

  3. I'm almost 4 mos post op and it's true, just keep doing what your doing and it will start dropping off again in a week or two. I thought I was doing something wrong and had wasted our money and time when I had my first stall. I finally told the little "devil" sitting on my shoulder to get lost! No one invited self pity party to this engagement and this was MY Weight Loss Journey! It took about two weeks but I started losing again and the first week I lost almost 4 lbs which more than made up for the two week stall I encountered.

    Keep the faith and stay the path!!!

  4. W8' date=' D2, done! I had a quick break to get something for my son but I added an extra minute at the end to make up for it do I jogged a total of 29 minutes. I even ran at 4.8mph for most of it but slowed down to 4.5 for the last few minutes.

    I can't believe I'm still doing this! I can't believe just a few weeks ago the thought of running five minutes or eight minutes seemed totally impossible... What a crazy journey.

    I need to make some time specific playlists for runs. Right now I have a single running playlist that I shuffle, but I think it would help me to have a few lists that I knew had a specific period of warm up, then run and then cool down. When I run outside, I really miss the treadmill display that tells me how far I've run and for what period of time. Maybe one of those running watches would help me with that?

    Happy running all![/quote']

    Wow! You are an inspiration. Thnx!

  5. Hi I am 44 years old and happily married to my sweetheart for 15 years now!! We have 4 children' date=' 1 boy and 3 girls, 14,12,7 & 6. I was sleeved yesterday on march 25th! So excited to be on the losing side now!![/quote']

    Welcome to the ”other side". Glad to see your up and communicating already.

  6. Welcome back! I am 4 mos post-op. Down almost 40 lbs and loving my sleeve! Had a little set back last week. Ended up in the hospital for a week with pancreatitis. NOT fun! Now they're saying I have gallstones and the bladder's gotta come out. Hoping that doesn't delay my progress too much but I don't want to go through another pancreas attack that's for sure!

    I love the help, support and companionship here on the boards. Look forward to getting to know you.

  7. Starting Week 4 day 1 today. I love reading your guys' stories about running. Such an inspiration. I hope I get to the point where I really love running since I noticed it has definitely helped with the weight loss and I want to keep going.

    Way to go! Week 4 is what I had just completed before I went in the hospital with pancreatitis. Hope to start back up again soon.

  8. I am finally out of the hospital after a weeks stay. Haven't been released to start the running again but that's ok since I barely have the energy to walk from one room to the other. I am going to walk all this next week though and start building up my stamina again. I just hope I don't have to back track too far with c25k.

  9. My exercise schedule has been thrown by my poor sick son and I'm worried I'll get what he has.

    I repeated Week 7 day 2 on Monday night (I think it was Monday...) and I've just been taking care of my very unhappy boy since then. Not sure if I'll get out this weekend at all' date=' but the monkey comes first![/quote']

    Hope the little guy is better soon. You'll jump right back in and fly into week 8!

  10. Hey' date=' everybody! I'm new here & still figuring the site out. I'll be 49 in May, and I'm planning to have surgery on June 19. I have some pretty severe mobility issues, so my main hope is to lose enough weight to be able to hold off on double knee replacement for several more years. I've already begun to think ahead to my birthday next year, when I will hit the big 5-0 at 11 months post-op. I'm thinking about celebrating by doing something physical that would not be possible this year. Maybe salsa lessons? A trip somewhere that requires a lot of walking? I don't know what it will be, but it seems fitting to Celebrate with something that is newly possible. I'm glad to be here & looking forward to making new connections![/quote']

    That is a wonderful idea! Give yourself a goal to work for. It will motivate you to "keep your eye on the prize".

  11. Hello all! I turned 49 in Dec. I have 2 great kids' date=' 28 and 22. I vowed to be a slim and healthy 50! Sleeved on 3/6 and down 17 (5) was pre-op[/quote']

    Welcome! I kind of had the same goal. I'm 46 but I want to enjoy and "live life" with my kids and grandchildren. I don't want to be the fat granny sitting on the sidelines watching all my family enjoy life. I want to be in the middle of it all living to the fullest!

  12. Woke up yesterday morning feeling fine. About 2 hrs later I started having pain in my upper ab right below the ribs. It radiates around to my back. As it continued to get worse throughout the day I finally called my Sleeve Dr. to make sure it wasn't anything from that. The pain was so intense I finally told my husband to just take me to the ER. Come to find out I have a severly inflammed pancreas and gallbladder. My blood work was very elevated as well. They said this is fairly common in patients after gastric surgery. I don't remember reading that but then again I know I scanned over a lot. Now I sit here in the hospital for the 2nd day with a tube going into my nose down into my stomach. I am getting morphine and zofran every 4 hrs and wishing this was a thing of the past.

    Anyone else have this happen to them???

  13. I'm 44 and had surgery Oct. 15, 2012. I'm nearly a size 16 again & really am amazed. I'm a newlywed and would like to have my wedding photos redone when I reach goal. I was married in 2010 (first marriage & no children). I struggle with stress eating and am trying to use exercise as a stress reliever instead of food. I'm not always successful but I'm working on it. So far, it's been relatively easy, but I know it will get harder especially if I don't get my emotional eating under complete control. Protein Shakes help and keeping track at mfp.

    It's really hard to imagine what it will be like at a healthy BMI...I can't wait!

    Sleeve date: Oct. 15. HW: 315; SW: 283; CW: 228

    Welcome Kdedeo! I love love love MFP! It's nice to have fellow sleevers as friends on there. If you want to friend me I'm LisaT678.

  14. You guys are all doing great. The big payoff is going to be that day when you can just take off for a run with no thought to distance or time. Just run as far as you want, whatever makes you happy. There will be a time very soon when you all will be running down a trail, thinking about your life and your weight loss, family, friends...and you'll realize you're not thinking at all about running. You're just doing it. It's a great feeling. Keep it up everybody.

    Can't wait for that day. I will enjoy it and think about everyone here who supported and encouraged me.

  15. Thread's too long to read from the beginning so I will just "jump in". I am 46 and was sleeved dec 6, 2012. I was sleeved one month before my 46th birthday. I have lost almost 40 lbs and so happy I made this choice. There's no stopping me now! I will live a long healthy mid life and enjoy my grand babies to the fullest!

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