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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About dartbarbie

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  • Birthday 02/03/1975

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    Married 8 years, 2 kiddos
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  1. dartbarbie

    Sugar reaction survey...

    I have experimented with sweets, but I do read the label to try and make it low sugar content. But there has been homemade sweets that I have eaten and regretted it terribly. I also have the reaction of sweats, nausea, dizziness, much like flu symptoms for me. So I am still learning to pick my battles with this one. If I eat sweets with a label I will follow the serving size to a T on those low sugar items. I now stay away from homemade sweet treats because I know I couldn't just take one teeny bite, I would eat the whole serving. So I skip those.
  2. So I made the biggest mistake so far since surgery yesterday....I ate a piece of homemade tiramisu (very rich dessert with espresso soaked ladyfingers in two layers with rich creamy stuff between layers). I ate almost the whole piece slowly. In a matter of half an hour, I was so nauseous and hot and sweaty. I thought I had the flu. I had to lay down on my floor in my cube here at work with my fan aimed at me and get my pants off my waist area for 15 minutes so I wouldn't throw up. Lesson learned for certain! I haven't had sugar in over 6 weeks.....and I don't think I will again for a long while. At least I can laugh at myself for doing something I knew I shouldn't have done.
  3. Regarding Weight Watchers after surgery, yes I am still going to keep myself in check. I've done WW for years off and on (before marriage, after kids), and it is the best program out there because it teaches you the reality of living your life while eating healthy. It's not a diet, it's a way of live, much like this surgery. I know the sleeve is just a tool for my weight loss success and I have to work hard to keep it working, so WW helps me along the way. I don't tell them that I had the surgery though. They don't need to know that.
  4. Question: should we be limiting our carb intake at all after surgery? Has anyone noticed problems with eating carbs after? Just wondering if that's the culprit of my weight gain last week. I do know that I get very full very fast when I do consume carbs, and do get a sickly feeling. It may just be me. We're all different.
  5. I have to say I do agree that we nees fo watch what we eat but may indulge every now and then. I am disappointed in myself tonight after weighing in at my Weight Watchers meeting and seeing that I GAINED .4 pounds. I feel like a failure because I'm only 5 weeks out. It's gotta be the carbs or something that I've been trying this week since starting solids. I just never thought I would gain at all for a very very long time.
  6. dartbarbie

    Cottage cheese mix ideas?

    I'm having a slight filling problem with cottage cheese, but I love it. It just really fills me quikly, so make sure to eat slowly so you don't get overstuffed. But I sprinkle McCormick Salad Toppings in mine. Darn good. Or french dressing, finely diced sweet or dill pickles are deelish in it too. Or just salt and pepper if I just feel like having it more plain. Good luck! It is a great source of protein for us.
  7. dartbarbie

    Anyone craving ice cream?

    I'm all over it too! I did see them at the store yesterday and I was checking out the stats on those little ones and on the big tub of Healthy Choice frozen yogurt. I opted not to buy, but looks like I'll be going back to buy. :-)
  8. dartbarbie

    I'm new to this hi everyone

    Way to go jenlou! Keep up the good work. I'm 5 weeks out today. I'm starting to enjoy some solids more and more. Do you know when I can start eating salads and leafy green stuff like that?
  9. Thank you Alicia for the warning. I had a friend you had the bypass years ago and she kept eating fries from fast food and all she did was complain about how awful they tasted when you chewed them 25 times. I just didn't get why she would waste the calories on them if they were so disgusting when chewed up so much. I don't think I'll ever eat a fried fry again....and I told my family this too. I told them we will make our own if we want them and use the oven. They were cool with that. On another note, I did eat 1 hard shell taco from Taco Bell (bad bad me) very slowly and very chewed up because of the hard shell. I ate the whole thing in the end and didn't feel great. Not sure if it was eating too fast or just because it's fast food. Oh well. You live and learn is all we can do with this procedure. Some of us will handle most things well and some not so well.
  10. dartbarbie

    Scared to take my vitamins

    Hey all. So i'm on the week that I am supposed to start taking my supplements (I was supposed to start this past Monday). The only chewable ones I have are the daily multivitamin. The others I could only find in "petite" sizes, which do not fit through a straw. So therefore, I have been too chicken to take those other two because they might not go down ok. I did call the nurse and she said just try and see how it goes. But, still haven't yet. Has anybody had troubles taking their vitamins in the 4th week when we are supposed to start? Do I have anything to be afraid of?
  11. dartbarbie

    What Did You Eat At 4 Weeks?

    Shelly's Baked Ricotta 8 oz of Ricotta cheese 1/2 cup grated Parmesan 1 large Egg, beaten 1 teaspoon Italian Seasoning salt & pepper to taste 1/2 cup Marinara Sauce 1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese Mix ricotta cheese, parmesan, beaten egg, seasonings together and place in a oven proof dish. Pour marinara on top and top with mozzarella cheese. Bake it in the oven @ 450 for about 20-25 minutes (best) or nuke it till hot and bubbly. I usually made it first in the oven and heated the leftovers in the microwave
  12. dartbarbie

    My breakfast omelet is a metaphor....

    And are you using just egg whites or the whole egg? How many for one of "our size" omelets?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
