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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ddlily

  1. I was sleeved on 4/22. Everything is going well but over the past week all I keep doing is " running" to the bathroom. Sometimes it's just gas, sometimes it comes with a special surprise. I never know what's going to happen. I do not vomit, which is a very good thing for me. But whenever I eat anything it seems to go right thru me. It seems like the dumping syndrome to me but I thought sleevers were not supposed to get this. I am not very hungry at all but I am taking my Vitamins & Protein Shakes. I know I have to get my nutrients in. I do not feel weak or sick. It was my first week back to work & my routine has changed. So has anyone else experienced this? Any advice? I see my NUT tomorrow.

  2. I got sleeved on 4/22 also.it was also my b'day. I know what you mean. I keep thinking am I doing the right thing. I feel like I am not drinking enough but I am because I am logging it. Everything went so well. I am not have too much of a difficult time swallowing. My doc gave me anti esophagus spasm pills. They have worked wonders for me. I am not in a great deal of pain. Just sore & achy. I get ahead of the pain before it gets me so to speak. I also had a hiatal hernia repair. Never knew I had one. Also have another one which we'll fix later. I have taken a month off from work. I read where people are anxious about losing the weight. I,to tell you the truth, am not all that concerned. I did the surgery to get off my diabetic meds & I went home on Wednesday not needing to take any. So my sleeve sisters, I hope we can share our stories. And we need to hang in there & hydrate :)

  3. I had my sleeve on Monday ( 4/22/13) & came home on Wednesday. Everything went smoothly. A lot of people thought I looked so good like I didn't even have surgery. My UGI went well for no leaks. I am now on Stage 3 food and trying to get as much fluids in as possible. All I do is urinate. Even in the hospital every 2 hours, I would have to get up to go to the bathroom. It's easier now at home because I don't have to drag the IV pole with me...lol. I went home without any of my Diabetic meds....yeehaa! This was much easier than my hysterectomy.even the drain didn't bother me. I got a hernia repair while I was there & found out that I have another one that will be repaired at possibly a later date. I just have to remember to eat slower. The doctor gave me a esophagus anti-spasm pill for that. I also have to remember to take pills once at a time. I do have a headache. Maybe that could be from lack of enough sleep in a row or caffeine.( I had switched to Decaf prior to surgery) . I am tired! How long does it take to go away?

  4. I had to get basic blood work. Your blood counts. I had an EKG, Chest Xray. They took about 3 vials of blood. I am a bad stick & they did quite well. They outlined all the meds I can take the night before & the day of. I cannot have anything after midnight prior to my surgery & my surgery is scheduled for 3:30pm. That's a drag but I will manage. i am so looking forward to this.

  5. I am getting sleeved on 4/22. I just went through my pre-op last Friday. Everything went well. I have my insurance approval, my FMLA for work, enough time needed to take 4& 1/2 weeks off. A great surgeon & team of weight loss management people. Plus I love being a patient!!!! I am very excited about the new me that's about to occur. Is this strange not to have any doubts about this. I have some stresses going on in my life & somehow this is going to seem like a relief for me. Something to focus my energy on. And by the way 4/22 happens to be my birthday :)

  6. I am going to be "sleeved" on my actually birthday April 22nd! I have always made a big deal out of celebrating my birthday & this is going to be an unusual way to to it. I'll be 54 & a brand new me is about to emerge. I am nervous, excited & scared. I would of never thought of doing this but I am Type 2 Diabetic now on 2 kinds of insulins. When I tell people I weigh 231 lbs they say, "You do?" I am not ashamed of being large. I just want to get healthy again. I don't want to lose toes, eyesight etc... I have a good surgeon & team in Cambrigde,MA. I also have this website to help me. So that is part of my story for now. My biggest fear is can I do it. Will I see the difference. So I am going to take 4 weeks off from work....me time. I worked hard to save my time to get paid for it. And so on my b'day I will be under anesthesia & comfortably numb waiting for that new beginning that I deserve again.

  7. I am going thru the process of having a VSG. I am Type 2 insulin dependent Diabetic. This is my primary reasoning for having the surgery. I am tired of being on all these meds & tired of being tired. My beginning weight when I decided was 241, I now weigh 233 & need to lose 2 more lbs for my goal weight. I have had to do a 6 month program weight loss program with my insurance so I can get approval. I am almost thru that. I have seen the surgeon, talked with the psychiatrist & nutritionist & now am attending the required support groups. But it still amazes me the people think you are taking the easy way out. You have to do a lot of work before you decide to do this. I am going to change my life, my eating habits. you have to eat to live & changing habits of this kind is no easy task. This surgery as someone explained to me is not a magic wand but a tool. It is a tool to help me to get back at square one & start from there & know what it's like to eat healthy & healthy portions. Just don't know what I'll need for my house to stock before my surgery. I work in a hospital, so I know what I will need there. My surgery date will probably be in 4/2013 & I am taking 4 weeks off from work just to get used to everything. Any helpful suggestions? Thanks for reading this! :)

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