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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by deedadumble

  1. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Great job Misty! Have you scheduled a 10K race yet? My first one is next month and I can't wait.
  2. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Awesome job Melissa! Not quitting is the solution to the C25K program. I was in W5 at the beginning of August and now run 5 miles at a time. I'm running a 5K tomorrow a 10K in November, another 10K in January (in Maui!!), and a half marathon in February (Disney!). I'm addicted!
  3. deedadumble

    Angry, Anxious, and Relieved

    Most doctors only check thyroid levels with a TSH test. This test does not detect Hashimotos. A more accurate method is testing for antibodies. Here's a link to research regarding the connection between PCOS and Hashis: http://www.drhagmeyer.com/hashimotos-thyroid-disease/women-pcos-often-have-hidden-hashimotos-autoimmune-thyroiditis/ There are new studies that show that even if you do not have Cushings, you may have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is very common with autoimmune disorders and especially with Hashis. I am just beginning my research and trying different things. I was hoping that I would lose weight and everything would get magically better. I also thought that if it didn't the doctors would stop blaming my weight for why I felt like crap. The first thing I have been doing is trying to get my Vit D levels to an optimal level (around 80). I've been on 50,000IU a week and that raised it to 50. It's in the normal range, but for Hashis they recommend 80 or above. The second thing I am doing is adding in T3 in addition to the Synthroid I am taking. I'm trying to get my Free T3 into the upper third range of normal. Hopefully it will be there next time I get bloodwork. The third thing I'm doing is getting my Ferritin levels to an optimal level for Hashis (90-110). Once I get these 3 things straightened out I am going on an AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet. It's gluten and soy free plus an elimination diet for eggs, dairy, nuts, nightshades, and seeds). I'm doing all of this with the assistance of my acupuncturist. His wife was debilitated by Hashis and through his research and the assistance of the book "Stop the Thyroid Madness" he helped her feel better. He told me that my answer doesn't lie with Eastern medicine (acupuncture), it is in Western medicine and functional medicine. I haven't been able to find a functional medicine practitioner in my area, but if I'm not better in six months I'm going to go see one that's a few hours from where I live.
  4. deedadumble

    Angry, Anxious, and Relieved

    I also have PCOS (and Hashimotos). I finally had a full hysterectomy at 42 because I was in enormous pain from the cysts. My surgery was in January and I'm down to 186 (from 265). I have stalled out and have been doing a lot of research into solving my PCOS and Hashimotos problems. Have you been tested for Hashimotos? It often occurs with PCOS and with your history it seems likely. New research is indicating a strong link between gluten and Hashimotos. I've also been reading a lot that indicates that it may play a role in PCOS. I know that everyone seems to be jumping on the gluten bandwagon, but the only time I ever had a regular cycle before I had my hysterectomy was when I cut gluten from my diet. I also ended up pregnant... surprise surprise! It seems like you are not 100% in to getting WLS and I would recommend you try eating clean and cutting out gluten for a few weeks to see if it will help.
  5. deedadumble

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    3.1 mile run and 3.7 mile walk today. So far this month: Run: 37.9 (goal 60) Walk: 48.2 (goal 40) Over!!! Bike: 10 (goal 50) Total: 96.1 miles
  6. deedadumble

    Disney Princess Half Marathon!

    I'm running with a friend and also hoping to finish under 3 hours.
  7. deedadumble

    Disney Princess Half Marathon!

    I am signed up too! Running a 10K next month to get a good time to submit so I'm not in the last corral. If you're interested, there's a Facebook group with a lot of good info and support "Disney's Princess Half Marathon". Are you planning on running the whole way or are you doing intervals? I'm training to run it, but sorta worried about wearing out my knee. I'm up to running 5 miles for my long runs.
  8. deedadumble

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Sorry! I love daylight savings time and wish they would extend it through the whole year.
  9. deedadumble

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Had an awesome 5M run this morning. Increased my pace from last weekend by 1 min/mile. Going to be tough to reach my running goal this month, but going to try to fit in a few 3M runs. 5.2 mile run and 2 mile walk today. So far this month: Run: 34.8 (goal 60) Walk: 37.5 (goal 40) Bike: 5 (goal 50) Total: 77.3
  10. deedadumble

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    2 mile run and 2.5 mile walk today. So far this month: Run: 29.6 (goal 60) Walk: 34.5 (goal 40) Bike: 5 (goal 50) Total: 69.1
  11. I've been getting Orthovisc injections in my right knee the last 3 years. They last me about a year. The first time didn't hurt much. The last time was super painful.
  12. I was on 137mcg 6/week before my last appointment because 137 7/wk was too much and 125 was too low. Maybe you could talk to your doc to see if you could try something like that? I went to see my endo this week and she lowered me to 100mcg. I haven't been on that low of a dose in 25 years! My endo said it's because I am a shadow of my former self.
  13. deedadumble

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    3.1 mile run and 1.5 mile walk today. So far this month: Run: 27.6 (goal 60) Walk: 31 (goal 40) Bike: 5 (goal 50) Total: 63.6
  14. deedadumble

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    5 mile run and 3 mile walk today. So far this month: Run: 24.5 (goal 60) Walk: 27.5 (goal 40) Bike: 5 (goal 50) Total: 57
  15. I started seeing an acupuncturist that has a lot of experience with Hashimotos. He's guiding me through tests and put me on cytomel (T3). I have felt a little bit better since starting it. I just had another test to see if it should be increased. I'm currently on 137mg Synthroid. Quite a few people are starting to believe that Hashimotos is caused (or exacerbated) by issues in the digestive system. I'm still doing my research to see what works best for me. I'm seeing my endocrinologist on Monday and that should be an interesting visit.
  16. deedadumble

    tall female sleevers...

    I'm 5'11" with a goal weight of 175. I'm currently at 188, so only 13 more to go!
  17. deedadumble

    Left scapula issue

    What anti-inflammatory are you using? Ibuprofen isn't working for me. I have a script for Torodol. It works so well, but I'm a little bit afraid of it.
  18. deedadumble

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Ran for 4 miles today without stopping. No more running on consecutive days. I am hurting all over. So far this month: Run: 19.5 (goal 60) Walk: 20.5 (goal 40) Bike: 5 (goal 50) Total: 45
  19. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Did a very difficult 4mi run tonight. I officially hate running at night. My feet get so hot from the heat radiating out of the sidewalk. I need to give myself more downtime between runs as well. I ran 4.5mi yesterday and it felt a lot better, but I was :30second/mi slower yesterday. I think I'm going to have to start figuring out how to fuel for longer runs. So happy to see everyone progressing!
  20. deedadumble

    Let's talk taxes!

    The worst that could happen if you claim it would be it would be thrown out if you were audited. The only time that you really have to drink protein drinks is the first two or three weeks of most programs. After that, I think you'd be hard pressed to say it's a medical requirement. I had surgery in January and I've maybe spent $100 on protein drinks since then.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
