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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by deedadumble

  1. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Running Santa's Twilight 5K on Honeymoon Island, FL on Saturday. I've been sick and not been able to run much the last two weeks.
  2. deedadumble

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Starting weight: 182 Week 1: 181 Week 2: 181 Loss this week: 0 pounds Goal: 175
  3. deedadumble

    Orange Juice...

    I drink a little bit at night too. I take a liquid doxepin for fibromyalgia and I mix it into a little bit of orange juice. Then I take my iron pill with another swallow of orange juice. All together it's at the most a half a cup. I only drink it at night and I haven't had it impact my loss.
  4. deedadumble

    What's Your Average?

    Height: 5'11" HW: 265 CW: 183 Surgery date: 1/17/13 Avg loss: 1.8
  5. deedadumble

    %age Weightloss In 5 Months

    I lost 68% of my excess weight in 5 months. The next 5 months I lost 16% of my excess weight. I am 11 months out and it's so slow now, but I'm okay with that. I only have 8 pounds until I reach goal.
  6. Thanks so much! Not going to show my arms until I have them fixed. They are the worst! I've lost a lot of weight on my fingers and at least 2 ring sizes. I need to have my wedding ring resized, but I'm waiting until I hit goal and just wearing a snuggie on it.
  7. deedadumble

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    I'm 5'11" and currently 183. My goal is 175. I recently had a body composition test done using a bioimpedance device and it showed that my lean body weight (bone plus muscle plus water) was 133.2. If you're a female you should have at least 20% body fat, so the lowest I should go is 160. I'm also 48, so a little bit more fat will make me look younger. Here's a body pic from last night.
  8. Dressed up for my husband's company Christmas party tonight!
  9. Those are the words I used when I got my test result!
  10. I also noticed I have been feeling more focused the last week. About 2 weeks ago I started taking Methyl B12 instead of normal B12 and I think that has a lot to do with it. I suspected I had a MTHFR (mthfr.org) genetic mutation because of having hashimotos and some other indications. I got tested and sure enough I have 2 MTHFR mutations. I first read about it in Stop the Thyroid Madness: http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/mthfr/
  11. One bottle has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Here's the ingredient list: Vitamins Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Niacin (Vitamin B3) Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) Energy Blend Citicoline Tyrosine Phenylalanine Taurine Malic Acid Glucuronolactone Caffeine
  12. Have you had your thyroid levels checked since surgery? Because you've lost weight, your dosage may need decreased. Mine has gone from 137mg Synthroid 6/week to 100mg Synthroid /day. I was having a really hard time concentrating before the dosage was lowered. Also, I hate to admit it, but the only thing that helps me concentrate on some days is 1/2 bottle of 5 hour energy. I know it's not the best thing for me, but I don't drink coffee. It's like turning the on switch on my brain. I can focus all day with it. I'm needing it so much less now that my dosage is lowered.
  13. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I eat cheese and a couple of crackers, cottage cheese or pistachios. Maybe 100-150 calories. Make sure you're also getting enough water to compensate for fluid loss. Weigh yourself before and after. For every pound loss, drink an extra 16-24 ounces of water.
  14. Do you track what you're eating in MyFitnessPal? If so, we can take a look and see if we can figure out what's going on. How much Water are you drinking a day? How much exercise are you getting? What is your current weight and height? I also agree with getting your thyroid tested. Also, get your Vitamin D, Iron, and B12 levels checked. If you have a thyroid problem, I recommend reading the book "Stop the Thyroid Madness".
  15. I've never had problems before surgery, but have had problems after. I'm pretty sure mine is a yeast infection. If I start cleaning it out and drying it out it gets worse for me. My solution is weird, but at the first onset I put a little monistat on it. I usually only have to use it one or two times and it clears it up. Since you've had surgery recently, I would get the doctor to look at it.
  16. I had a body composition test done last week and was wondering if anyone else has had one of these done? Here are my results: Height: 5'11" Weight: 183 lbs Percent body fat: 27.2% (my Aria scale says 40%, so I like this number better!) Fat body weight: 49.8 lbs (total amount of fat in the body) Lean body weight: 133.2 lbs (muscle, bone and water) Basal metabolic rate: 1,838 cal/day (Right about what I have estimated based on avg losses and daily intake. 1,838-1,200=600; 600*7/3,500=1.2 pounds of loss per week) Total body water: 41.2 liters (49.6% of body weight and it should be 60%... I need to get more hydration and reduce inflammation) The test recommended that I should be about 22% body fat, and that my optimal weight would be 170.8 lbs. My goal weight right now is 175 because that would put me at a normal BMI. Interesting results. Had a wonderful talk with the trainer that ran the test. He was amazed that I have lost over 90 lbs in the last year. I wish I had run the test before to have a comparison.
  17. deedadumble

    Body Composition Test

    They used the Biodynamics Model 310e. It's used a lot in Europe. I was on a cruise and saw it on a list at the spa and it was only $35, so I thought it would be interesting to try it out. It uses bioimpedance through attached electrodes to my foot and hand. I've also had a similar test done a long time ago at a weight loss doctor's office. There are five ways to test body composition: http://www.active.com/fitness/articles/5-ways-to-test-your-body-composition The bioimpedance test is inexpensive, but fairly accurate especially if you want to get a baseline and then compare after a certain length of time.
  18. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I would recommend running 30 minutes at least once a week and run shorter runs twice a week. In my current training plan, I run two short runs every week (right now my short runs are 3-4 miles) and one long run every week of at least 6 miles. I think you could do something similar and run 20-25 minutes twice a week and push to run longer once a week. What exactly are you having problems with when you run for 30? Energy? Leg pain? Breathing? Are you running outside or inside? If it's energy, you might not be fueling correctly before your run, especially if you are still trying to lose. I try to eat a small snack about 30 minutes before running. If it's leg pain, you need to make sure you are cross training on days that you don't run. Your running form may also need adjusted. Google "Chi running" for some good tips. Reduce the length of your stride and increase your cadence (number of steps per minute). If it's your breathing, slow your pace down. Don't worry about how fast you're running until you've been running for a year. If you're running inside, boredom can set in on longer runs. Try changing the incline during your run or watch a movie. If you're running outside it helps to vary your route.
  19. deedadumble

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    So, I effed up my initial post. I weighed in onboard ship (I was on a cruise) for the first week. Well, I was so excited because I thought I had lost weight, but the scale was reading way less than my scale at home. So, here is my revised starting number and my weight for this week. I still have the same goal: Starting weight: 182 Week 1: 181 Loss this week: 1 pound Goal: 175
  20. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I am so behind on catching up on my message threads! I have seriously fallen off the rails in the last week. My last run was on Thanksgiving on board a cruise ship. I ran a 10K twice on the ship's jogging track (23 laps if you're interested!). Since I got home I have been swamped with work. I've worked 75 hours since Monday, pulled one all nighter and two nights until 3am. I am seriously beat! I still have a lot of work to do this weekend, so it's not over yet, but one major deliverable is done (I'm a training design/developer). I have to get the next one done by the beginning of next week and hoping it goes smoothly because I have a video shoot near Atlantic City the week after. I am exhausted just thinking about it! I love that everyone is staying with the program! I have thought about how the goals for running and weight loss are similar. There are certain things that you have to do for each to reach your goals. For running, staying on a regular program, getting plenty of rest and fluids, and keeping good form to prevent injuries are key to reaching your goals. For weight loss, I have only three things that I must do... get over 60g of protein, drink over 60ou of water, and get over 60 min of exercise. I call it my 60/60/60 plan. Since surgery in January I have stuck with it and it's worked for me. My goal for weight loss has been 175lbs (I'm 5'11"). I'm almost there (around 183 right now) and may adjust my goal once I get there. My goal for running has changed though as I've accomplished each one. I first started off with the goal to finish the C25K program and a 5K (running the whole way). Then I wanted to run a 10K the whole way. Now my goal is to run a half marathon in February. I have no doubt that I will accomplish both goals, but I've recently been thinking what happens after that?? Especially with the weight loss goals. I think I will sort of miss that sense of accomplishment every week when I weigh in and see that I've lost weight. For those of you at goal, has that been tough for you? I think I'll have the same issue with running. Once I finish the half, I don't want to run a marathon, so I can't think of other goals that will feel as accomplished. I'd like to keep running races, but mainly 5 and 10K, and try to improve my times, but those seem to be rather insignificant. I have a friend that runs the Ragnar Relay each year, so that may be in my plans if I can get my per mile pace down to 11:00. Maybe we could put together a WLS team? That would be cool. What kind of goals do you all have after you finish the program? I'm running the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February. I am so thankful to be able to run that I decided to use my run to raise money for charity. I am running to raise money for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). TAPS offers charity running throughout the country and enables you to run in memory of a military personnel that has lost their life in combat. I am truly honored to be running in memory of Marine Cpl. Ronald R. Payne, Jr. 23, of Lakeland, Florida. Cpl. Payne died May 8, 2004 due to hostile action in the vicinity of Tawara, Afghanistan. He was the first Marine killed in action in Afghanistan. More info: http://ron-payne.memory-of.com/About.aspx TAPS provides direct support to families who have been impacted by a death in the military regardless of geography or circumstance. The funds I raise will flow directly into TAPS programming which supports these families through an amazing network of resources, seminars and publications. If you're interested in donating for my run, send me a PM. Thanks! I'm also running the Disney Princess 5K the same weekend. If you're looking for a great goal to set, running a Disney 5K is amazing. Some of the races even take you through the park. The first 5K that I ever ran was the Disney Princess 5K in 2009. The race course goes around Epcot and is so much fun! Would love to run with some of my WLS friends!
  21. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    That is so me!! My husband likes to say jog instead of run and I'm about ready to kick him out!
  22. Extremely interesting and emotional TED talk from Peter Attia, MD. http://www.ted.com/talks/peter_attia_what_if_we_re_wrong_about_diabetes.html What do you all think?
  23. deedadumble

    Off Topic...but In Desperate Need For Advice

    There is a rare disorder called Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome that you should ask your doc about. It's unlikely, but it can't hurt to ask. My brother has it and he describes his dizziness as a rocking feeling.
  24. deedadumble

    Off Topic...but In Desperate Need For Advice

    Do your internal body sounds (heartbeat, eye blinking, chewing) seem loud to you?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
