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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by deedadumble

  1. deedadumble

    January fitness challenge

    Ran four miles today. Getting super excited about my trip next week to celebrate my one year surgiversary with my sleeve sister! I'm only 6 pounds from goal, but my weight has been bouncing all over the place. Run: 25 (Goal: 60) Walk: 21 (Goal: 60) Bike: 9 (Goal: 30) Total: 55 (Goal: 150)
  2. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    They have a cold plunge pool at my fitness center, so I'm going to try that after my next long run this weekend. Not sure I can do ice water though!
  3. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Thanks! I did use the C25K app on my phone. I am the least likely of runners. I have an issue with my knees (chondromalacia and osteoarthritis) as well as several autoimmune disorders. Many days I run in spite of the pain (although a lot fewer than when I started). I do a lot of icing and Epsom soaks to get through it and although controversial with some, I still take anti-inflammatories (but with lots of Water and a snack to get them through my stomach). I really feel better than I ever have and am thankful that I have doctors that will work with me to help me stay active. I'm 48 and when I started running I was about 240lbs. I started about a month after surgery in February 2013. I followed C25K and ran/walked a 5K in May. I was sick and traveling most of June, so in July I started back at week 3. I progressed pretty quickly and was running 5Ks in training in August. I struggled with knee pain in September, but figured out that if I shortened my stride and switched to zero drop shoes it relieved a lot of the pain. I decided to start training for a half in September and signed up for the Disney Princess Half, which is in February. I ran a 5K Disney in October and a 10K race in November. I started a modified Hal Higdon half marathon training plan around then as well. I was able to run 8 miles in December and 10 miles the beginning of January. So from the start of C25K to 15K took 10 months. The miles really started adding up fast in Sept-Dec as my weight wasn't hindering me as much. I am pretty addicted to running, but can not run on consecutive days. I'm also struggling with balancing my nutritional needs for running and being able to lose the last 6 pounds. My race (and I use that term very loosely! I'm usually in the last third of runners.) schedule for the next 4 months is pretty busy: Maui Oceanfront Half 1/19 Best Damn Race 10K 2/1 Disney Princess Half 2/23 Oklahoma City Memorial Half and Half Relay 4/27 (They let you run a relay concurrently with the half. I'm running the relay with my cousins.) After April I'm getting Orthovisc injections in my knee and hoping to get plastic surgery (TT, arms, and boob lift).
  4. deedadumble

    Seriously.... Gout!?

    I'll second the cherry recommendation. I occasionally have gout in my left wrist. It feels like I've broken a bone. I buy the cherry juice at the health food store (get the kind that is without sugar added). It's very tart, so you may need to mix it with a cup of crystal lite to be able to drink it. Improves the gout in a day or two. If you drink it once or twice a week it keeps it from coming back.
  5. deedadumble

    January fitness challenge

    Finally found the January challenge! After a hellacious December, I'm ready to get back and try to improve on my fitness. I'm going to be running my first half marathon next weekend (in Maui!!!), so I have been training for that. Not sure if I'm going to be able to run the whole thing, but going to try my hardest! I'm also going to finally sign up for a gym membership and start lifting weights. Can't commit to a definite schedule until I get back from my trip, but I'd like to try to go 3 days a week. Here are my current totals and my goals for January: Run: 21 (Goal: 60) Walk: 15 (Goal: 60) Bike: 5 (Goal: 30) Total: 41 (Goal: 150)
  6. deedadumble

    Review of Dr. Alejandro Lopez

    My experience was almost identical to yours. Loved the hospital, Dr. Lopez, his yummy anesthesiologist, and the hotel. My surgery was 1/17/13, so I am almost to my one year surgiversary, which I am celebrating by visiting my sleeve sister in Hawaii and running a half marathon in Maui. Hope your first year is as good as mine!
  7. If you don't get enough protein your body will start using muscle for fuel. Reduced muscle will result in a much slower metabolism and it may not impact your weight right now, but it will in the long run. You must treat protein and water like medicine that you have to take. Not getting enough of either of these two will slow your loss. On my plan protein shakes count as liquid, so early on I always got in two Premier Protein shakes a day. Each shake has 30g protein and 11 ounces of liquid.
  8. deedadumble

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Thanks! It's from Dress Barn. Love their dresses and not too expensive ($50).
  9. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Couch to 5K is a training program that will take you up to the point of being able to run a 5K race. Not to take you up to the point of running a 5K in 30 minutes. If you look at the results of most 5K races, only half are able to finish in less than 30 minutes. I am following Hal Higdon's Half Marathon training plan and the furthest you run during the plan is 10 miles. That is 3.1 miles short of running a half marathon! The idea is that you have the fitness level that will allow you to run the whole distance with adrenaline kicking in because of being in a race. I'm going to be putting this to the test in 2 weeks. I decided to change races in Maui to the half marathon because I was able to run for 10 miles yesterday. The difference between 10 miles and 13 miles for me is all mental. My body can do it. I'm not out of breath at 10 miles, my legs still feel okay (although a bit tired), and if I fuel correctly (which I'm still tweaking) I have enough energy to finish. I'm going to try for 11 miles on my next long run and decide then whether I can do it or need to switch back to the 15K. Luckily, all it will cost me is a 6 pack of corona for the race volunteers!
  10. deedadumble

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Here's mine!
  11. deedadumble

    Religious Knowledge Quiz

    Agnostic humanist -- I got 13/15.
  12. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I'm doing the same thing, but only doing the protein shakes for a few days to get the carbs out of my system. My Garmin just got delivered, so I'm going to go for a run in a little bit.
  13. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Signed up for my next race today... the Maui Oceanfront 15K!! I am so excited! Going to spend 2 nights in Maui and then 5 nights in Lanai. I can't wait!
  14. deedadumble

    Health and fitness related gifts?

    I got a Garmin HRM-Run heart rate monitor. Rumor has it that Santa (aka Amazon) is shipping me a Garmin 620 running watch.
  15. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I usually eat a bit of cheese or a handful of nuts. I don't overdo the food because my stomach will get queazy. Sometimes I'll drink half of a Premier Protein and then the other half after I finish.
  16. deedadumble

    NSV shout outs

    Size 12 skinny jeans with boots!! Flew for the first time in a long time and had over a foot of extra seatbelt! Also, I always thought that because I'm tall my knees hit the back of the seat in front of me. Well, it wasn't that at all... it was my over-large behind!!
  17. deedadumble

    What's Your Favorite Store Now?

    My favorite store is Steinmart for work clothes and NY and Co for jeans and cheap shirts. Also like Kohls and Bealls.
  18. deedadumble

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    I started the Couch to 5K running program in February when I was 245lbs. Since then I have run 3 5K races and 2 10K races. I'm training for a half marathon now and ran 8 miles this morning. I feel great, but really have to balance getting my nutritional needs met for running and still being able to lose. I am 181 and have 6 pounds to go to meet my goal weight. I love running because all I need are good shoes. My plan is 60+g of Protein, 60+ou of Water and 60+ min of exercise. I don't log or watch carbs, but I try to stay away from processed foods because they make me feel like crap. I eat protein first (Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, boiled eggs, and chicken) and veggies second.
  19. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I've had a difficult month. I've run 2 times in the last 4 weeks. Had to work way too many hours and then ended up with bronchitis and then had to travel for work last week. Finally got a good run in this morning and was worried about going long. I'm training for a half and I need the long runs to get me ready. The furthest I've run has been a 10K (6.2 mi). This morning I ran 8 freaking miles!!! I'm going to pay for it tomorrow, but everything is feeling good right now. Had another NSV this last week and only you all can understand how happy this makes me...
  20. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Congrats on making it through the dreaded W6D1!! It's all mental at this point because your body will be able to make it through it. I always do a body check when I want to stop. Is my breathing ok? If not, I slow my pace down. Are my legs and knees ok? If not, I shorten my stride and slow my pace. Is my energy level ok? If not, I fuel differently next run. When I've bonked (had to stop running), 99% of the time it's because of energy.
  21. deedadumble

    Epic fail?

    I totally agree with you GG. From the beginning I have refused to set weight loss goals. My goals have been to stick with my plan... 60+g of protein, 60+ou of Water, and 60 min of exercise. As long as I stick with the plan I have been successful. I do weigh daily, but I don't let it control my emotions or my life. I'm 6 pounds away from goal and loss has slowed down, but I feel great. I have halfheartedly participated in the Thanksgiving and Christmas challenges, but those have not been nearly as inspiring as the exercise challenges. OP have you calculated your BMR or TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)? Both will help you figure out how much u can lose in a day.
  22. deedadumble

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    Here's another shot. Wearing boots and purple skinny jeans!
  23. Here's a picture. They use the SPIDER system for various abdominal surgeries. The camera and light are on one of the unit's "arms". I know of one person who had one done, but not sure if she's still around on here. Most surgeons charge at least $1,000 more. It can only be done on those with a pretty low BMI.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
