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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by deedadumble

  1. deedadumble

    Suggestions needed: best running app

    To add to my earlier thought. I do recommend MapMyRun or RunKeeper in addition to a Couch to 5k app (like Run 5K) because those apps create an online log that you can look back and see how far you've come. I used only Run 5K for the first 3-4 months and when I got a new phone all the data about the day, speed and distance was lost. Both MapMyRun and RunKeeper have free versions that you can download and try out. Both are pretty accurate (they are always within .03 miles of my Garmin).
  2. deedadumble

    Suggestions needed: best running app

    I use MapMyRun as well. I got a Garmin 620 for Christmas and love it, but I still use MapMyRun because I like having the voice feedback and coaching (membership rqd). I used the Run 5K app by Felt Tip Inc when I first started running and just noticed it's doing distance now. I started running in Feb 13 after my Jan surgery and I just ran a half marathon on Sunday!
  3. deedadumble

    January fitness challenge

    Ran my first 1/2 marathon today and ready to do it again next month. Run: 54 (Goal: 60) Walk: 46 (Goal: 60) Bike: 9 (Goal: 30) Total: 109 (Goal: 150)
  4. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Finished in 2:44. My goal was under 2:45. Started crying as I crossed the finish line. Such an emotional accomplishment. Never thought a year ago that I would be running a half marathon. Hope that I inspire more sleeve surgery patients to start running and persevere. I have bad runs and days where I don't want to go any further, but I just keep going and know that I'll have a better run next time. My surgery was 1/17/13 and I met my sleeve sister as I was waiting to go to the hospital. We've stayed good friends and have kept each other motivated. Her and her partner Gina cheered me on at mile 9 and the finish. Spending the rest of the day at the Grand Wailea celebrating an awesome year and wonderful life.
  5. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Thanks! At the starting line in the line for the bathrooms. Nervous and excited.
  6. deedadumble

    January fitness challenge

    In Maui and ready to run my first half marathon tomorrow morning. Can't wait! Run: 41 (Goal: 60) Walk: 42 (Goal: 60) Bike: 9 (Goal: 30) Total: 92 (Goal: 150)
  7. deedadumble

    Struggling to keep weight on?

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Also, that is a lot of exercise (I'm running a half marathon on Sunday and I thought I exercise a lot!). Cross addictions are extremely common for WLS patients. I'm not suggesting that you are because I don't know you, but maybe something to explore with a therapist. Peanut butter is a good, high calorie snack.
  8. deedadumble

    Starting Pre Opt Diet

    Thanks! Congrats to you as well. I've never had toe problems... that sounds painful. I'm 48, so better late than never for getting in shape! I don't think I'll set any records. I just want to run the whole way and finish. I'll take pics and post.
  9. deedadumble

    Review of Dr. Alejandro Lopez

    I didn't have an epidural. I had surgery on Thursday and went home on Monday because the hotel is built in to the cost of surgery. You stay one night in hotel when you get there. One or two nights in the hospital. It's really up to you if you want to stay the second night. Then two or three nights in the hotel. I really wouldn't have wanted to go home any earlier. My flight home was pretty long.
  10. deedadumble

    Nail polish off before surgery?

    They wanted mine off, but I had shellac polish on my fingernails and it wasn't gonna come off. They took my toenail polish off. I wish I had know before so I wouldn't have wasted the money on a pedicure.
  11. deedadumble

    Starting Pre Opt Diet

    Thanks! I've been bouncing around the last two months. I'm doing my first half marathon on Sunday (Maui Oceanfront 1/2). The trip is to celebrate my one year surgiversary and running my first 1/2. I'm struggling with eating enough to have energy to run versus eating to lose. I'm only 6 pounds away from goal and I'll refocus as soon as I finish this 1/2. I'm also going to change up my exercise when I get back and try more weight lifting exercises. Great to see you back!
  12. deedadumble

    Greek Yogurt

    Yoplait has a new apple pie flavor Greek yogurt. It is yummy! 100 cal, 8g sugar, and 12g protein.
  13. deedadumble

    Can't do this anymore

    We've all been there! You will make it, but you need to let go of things you can't control right now. First, focus on getting liquids in. If you're dehydrated you will feel like hell. One step at a time! Stop the vitamins and try to find some that will work for you. I couldn't tolerate the bariatric vits so I used gummy vits instead.
  14. deedadumble

    Starting Pre Opt Diet

    So glad to see you back Webchickadee! I've missed your words of wisdom around here!
  15. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I'm 48 as well. I was an athlete in high school and in my 20's (softball and volleyball), but never much of a runner. It's amazing to me that a year ago I was unable to run 45 seconds without being out of breath and struggling. Love the app and trying to get more friends and family hooked on it. I'm getting some of my cousins (all in our 40's) together to run the OKC Memorial Relay Marathon. Some are already runners, but a few are going to have to finish the program to be able to participate. I have been wanting to run the Memorial run for a long time and so glad that I'm finally in good enough shape to do it.
  16. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I added a minute every run (sometime every other run) until I got up to 5K, which at the time was about 39 minutes. If you want to improve your pace for the 5K, start running hills and mix in some Fartlek (interval) training. I'm not focusing on speed yet, just adding distance, but my 5K time has improved to under 36 minutes. Congrats on finishing the plan!
  17. deedadumble

    I need so much help!

    Your experience sounds awful! I have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia as well as several autoimmune disorders (Hashimotos, PCOS, and lichen planus). A year ago I was in excruciating pain all the time and so tired I slept 12 hours a day. I have gradually been working on improving my health and losing weight was just a part of it. I am even running my first half marathon on Sunday! With your fibro, slow loss, and depression, I would highly recommend getting tested for Hashimotos. Make sure your doc tests for thyroid antibodies, and not just a TSH test. Since you mentioned that you have not seen an endocrinologist, that would be my first recommendation. Check with your pharmacy to see what endos in your area prescribe Armour thyroid, Cytomel, or other T3/T4 thyroid meds. The endos that only treat with T3 (Synthroid) are usually not the best docs for improving your health. If you get this done and find out you have Hashis, read the book "Stop the Thyroid Madness." Second, get your Vit D levels checked. Low Vit D levels can cause a lot of pain. You need to get your levels to an optimal level, not just in range (80+ is optimal, but 35+ is considered in range). I hurt all over if my level is below 50 and once over 80 I start feeling a whole lot better. After you get tested for Hashis, I would also recommend trying the AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet. In addition to reducing inflammation, which will help you feel better, it will help repair your gut. Your gut is the main immune system for your body and if it's not healthy then you're going to feel horrible.
  18. deedadumble

    January fitness challenge

    It was no fun at all! Thanks for the suggestion though, I did feel better afterwards. Half is on Sunday. Can't wait! Good luck to you as well!
  19. deedadumble

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Ran my final long run before my race. Made it 11 miles, but was hurting the last two miles. Think I'll be able to run the half on Sunday the whole way. I'll just have to dig deep and try to run faster at the beginning. I was way too slow the first 6 miles today.
  20. deedadumble

    Review of Dr. Alejandro Lopez

    I didn't have any problem understanding him at all.
  21. deedadumble

    Gapapentin and the sleeve

    I'm taking it for fibromyalgia. No issues and I'm down 84lbs (6lbs from goal).
  22. I think PV would be an awesome place to vacation. There are whale watching tours, botanical gardens, and interesting pier and boardwalk areas. The hotel that you stay at, Casa Magna Marriott Puerto Vallarta, is really beautiful. I have a detailed post. Search for Dr Lopez Puerto Vallarta and it should come up on the search. I thought the coordination was pretty good. Didn't have any trouble finding our ride at the airport. The nurses are very limited in their English, so download a translation app on your phone. The hospital care was very thorough. If you feel good enough the day after surgery you can go back to the hotel. The doctor and the coordinator actually stay at your hotel, so if you have any issues they can take care of you. Not that I've needed it, but the only thing that has surprised me is they don't do any followup after you leave Mexico. I think if I had any questions they would have answered quickly. I've had really good support from my PCP and their postop info that they give you is good, so I haven't had any issues. I've lost 84 lbs and I'm within 6 lbs of my goal weight and couldn't be happier about my decision.
  23. I took my sister with me when I had surgery a year ago with Dr. Lopez. One of the reasons I chose Puerta Vallarta (besides the brand new hospital) was the vacation like atmosphere of the town. I brought my sister because she is an RN and I don't get to see her much because she lives halfway across the country. The hotel is right on the water and there is a lot to do around there. I've attached pics of the view from the hospital room and the hotel.
  24. deedadumble

    January fitness challenge

    Did a last long run of 11 miles before next weekend's half marathon. Took an ice bath when I got home. My knee and hips are hurting! Run: 36 (Goal: 60) Walk: 28 (Goal: 60) Bike: 9 (Goal: 30) Total: 73 (Goal: 150)
  25. deedadumble

    January fitness challenge

    I don't think I would be able to work out if I were on my feet all day. I own a business and can be a bit flexible on my hours, but I still work 60+ hours a week. My short runs I get up earlier during the week. I run my long run on the weekend. For my run yesterday I needed a battery, so I ran to the store and back to get it. I have to prioritize fitness or I won't do it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
