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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by deedadumble

  1. deedadumble

    Arm lift / brachioplasty

    Cost varies by what part of the country you're in. Realself.com has information on average prices. I'm getting my arms done in July but I'm having multiple procedures, so not sure of the individual cost. Thank you so much for the pics and info. What is the weight limit for lifting? I have a spoiled rotten 10 pound dog that I have to lift up occasionally. I've been thinking of getting doggy stairs. Do you think I'll be able to lift him?
  2. deedadumble

    Could I possibly run by Thanksgiving?

    I was 265 when I started in 1/3/13. My surgery was 1/17/13 and I was 255. I started the Couch to 5K around 2/17/13. I ran my first 5K after surgery at 209lbs on 5/18/13. I was able to run 2.5K and then I walk/ran the rest. I think if you start now with building up your walking endurance you could definitely run a 5K by Thanksgiving. You might need to run/walk, but they'll probably be lots of people at the turkey trot doing that. I've run 3 half marathons this year, 2 of which I ran the whole 13.1 miles.
  3. deedadumble

    round one of test results are back

    If your B12 levels are low you might consider getting genetic testing done to see if you have a MTHFR mutation. I got mine through 23&me. They no longer give you a report on your genetics but you can run one through Livewello. I have 2 MTHFR mutations so I switched to Methyl B12 and Methyl Folate. I felt so much better after I switched. My body doesn't use the other forms of these supplements correctly.
  4. deedadumble


    Chi running is a running form. The main elements are posture, leg swing, pelvis position, and forward lean. Lots of videos on YouTube and there are training classes throughout the U.S.
  5. deedadumble


    I've had two knee surgeries on my right knee, arthritis, and chondromalacia and I still run (slowly). I use the Chi running style which puts less stress on your knees. I don't feel any different after running 3 miles than I do after walking 3 miles. I do get Orthovisc (gel lubrication) injections in my right knee every year or so and it helps tremendously, but I mainly do it for the chondromalacia because it makes it really hard to sit for any length of time. I've run 3 half marathons this year. My orthopedic surgeon is ok with my running.
  6. You will never get the first 6 months after surgery back. Take advantage of the most restriction and lowest hunger levels you will have to maximize your weight loss.
  7. Loving my new charm bracelet that has charms for all my fitness NSVs! So far: plumeria flower for Maui Half Marathon, engraved charm for OKC memorial half, ragnar charm for the Miami to Key West Ragnar Relay, and tiara for the Disney Princess Half. Looking forward to adding more in the future, but taking a break right now for orthovisc injections in my knee and plastics next month.
  8. deedadumble

    Muscle spasms...

    Calm magnesium comes in a powder that you mix with water. It also helps with BMs if you're stopped up.
  9. deedadumble

    Muscle spasms...

    Magnesium as well for itching. I recommend Calm Magnesium and taking Epsom Salt baths (if you're far enough out from surgery to take a bath). I just had a horrible spell of itching and after doing a lot of research added the magnesium and within two days I saw a huge improvement.
  10. deedadumble

    From waddle to wattle

    I used BareMinerals Extra Firming neck cream for a year and didn't see any results.
  11. deedadumble

    Fitness NSV Reward Charm Bracelet

    I thought of that, but I was over a year out when I got the idea and I didn't have many NSVs left, so I went with the fitness charms to motivate me to keep moving. I have a bucket list of races I want to do after I heal including another Ragnar, which was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I want to do a marathon and a triathlon some day.
  12. I'm having surgery next month. I will have been at my current weight for 10 months. I'm 48 and haven't seen much improvement except in my legs. I'm 5'11" and 183 which is 8 lbs from my goal weight. I'm having a neck lft, arm lift, breast lift (and maybe augment), and a lower body lift.
  13. deedadumble

    Plastics scheduled for July 22nd

    Surgery is in six weeks and I'm starting to get nervous. EKG and labs all came back ok, but my PCP wants me to see a hematologist because I found out last fall that I have several homozygous MTHFR genetic mutations. Although I've had 6 surgeries without problems the MTHFR can predispose me for blood clots. She wasn't comfortable advising me so I have to see the hematologist. My PCP also agreed to write me a script for Percocet to take in case of pain. The docs in Mexico won't prescribe narcotic pain meds.
  14. deedadumble

    From waddle to wattle

    I will post the wattle!
  15. deedadumble

    From waddle to wattle

    I have this too and I hate it! Getting a neck lift at the end of July along with LBL, breast lift, and arm lift.
  16. deedadumble

    NSV shout outs

    Had a weird NSV today. I get gel shots in my knee (orthovisc) every year or so for a genetic abnormality and they have always hurt so bad, but had my first shot today since surgery and losing 85 lbs and it didn't hurt AT ALL. Amazing! Love my skinny knees!
  17. deedadumble

    Icky experience

    Add to the protein shakes and not enough water most people are given some type of narcotic pain reliever in the hospital which does not help matters. My first BM after surgery was 8days. I thought I was going to die! For my plastics in July I am going to get ahead of the BM ball game and start taking colace a few days before surgery!
  18. deedadumble

    Plastics scheduled for July 22nd

    Bought my plane ticket and scheduled labs. Trying to decide whether to get implants or not. I have a D cup right now, but will probably end up with a B after the lift. Since I run I don't think I want to deal with the bounce, but don't really want to be smaller. CGJ - did you lose your hair again with plastics? Mine has just started thickening up again.
  19. deedadumble

    Joint pain

    What was your vitamin D level? I get joint paint when my levels are not in an optimal range, which for me is 60+ although the doc says an acceptable range is above 30.
  20. deedadumble

    Plastics scheduled for July 22nd

    Nope. Not covered by insurance. I'm not having any skin issues.
  21. deedadumble

    Plastics scheduled for July 22nd

    Not on the Facebook group yet, but that's on my list of things to do. I've devoured everything in the Obesityhelp forum. Your experience was a huge influence on my decision as well as the extremely detailed reports on the forum. I went to MX for my sleeve and had a wonderful experience. Hoping for the same with plastics. I know it's going to be a difficult few months and I think I'm ready for it.
  22. It got easier to drink water quickly at about 6 months. I try not to overdo it. My stomach doesn't seem to be stretched at all. I'm limited to about 6 ounces. My surgery was 1/17/13 and I've been maintaining since December. I ran my first 5K in May 2013, first 10K in Nov 2013 and first half in Jan 2014.
  23. I've run three half marathons since getting my sleeve (around 2hr 45min), so definitely able to do vigorous exercise. I am able to chug water pretty fast now.
  24. deedadumble


    I have a treadmill, but I really enjoy running outside. I don't give a sh!t what anybody thinks about me running. Put on some good tunes and zone out!
  25. deedadumble


    I started doing C25K one month after surgery (1/17/13). I was about 245lb at that time. I believe you can minimize injuries and wear on your joints by getting fitted for good running shoes and having good running form. Read about and watch videos on Chi running. Keep your strides short so you don't put too much pressure on your knees. I did my first 5K (run/walk) after surgery in May 2013, my first 10K in Nov 2013, and three half marathons and a Ragnar Relay (Miami to Key West) this year. The key to all of these accomplishments is perseverance. Even when I had horrible runs, I still got out there the next time and tried again. Good luck!

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