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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Dreamer31

  1. I got sleeved on July this year, best decision Ive ever made, the pounds started melting away, I excercised, I ate right....but now 5 months later I have to confess Im stuck and Im feeling very very lost, I have continued to excercise and Ive lost 52 pounds, I still have another 50 to go and I feel like Ive lost all my will power and my confidence, Im so afraid of gaining weight and to be honest I havent been eating right, I have even been drinking its just that my life is very complicated right now Im studying my masters and everything is so stressful I go back to being my old anxiety eating self!!! I know I have no excuses but right now Im afraid of ruining my sleeve, is it possible that I've ruined everything???

    Right about now the only good thing I've accomplished is the excercise habit but now that Im on school break even that is failing, I feel like such a failure like Im not gonna make it, Ive seen everyone here be so confident and positive, reaching their goals, how do you do it????? Im so afraid of not reaching my goal, and making this huge sacrifice for nothing, I will never forgive myself If I ruin this...Im very sad

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