I don't know, I am not the person you are replying but in my short time on the forums I can see that CLEARLY some people take it more seriously than others. In my opinion, someone drinking at two weeks isn't very serious, now, if OP cares to differ, fine. I said my piece about ulcers, I am not wrong about that and I stand by everything I say here. I am careful not to be mean, but I am concise and clear most of the time. (I try anyway)
I would not go so far as to say the forums are pointless either, but I will say that I question what the point of posts like these are. In my opinion its rabble-rousing at its finest, and MAYBE attention seeking behavior. She made a post like this, when she got all kinds of different peoples reactions, didn't like it, and was nasty about it while she was at it, so again, I ask you, WHAT is the POINT of posting if you are going to defend your first position TO THE DEATH?
Attention. And she got it.