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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NurseGrace

  1. NurseGrace

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    For some reason when I study I love to eat. Can't do that now of course but it's not a terrible thing to throw in my bag for the movies or whatever else. My baggies are just a lot smaller now lol
  2. Work this week was crazy! Doing OK though.

  3. NurseGrace

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    I saw something like this on pinterest! I think people say it turns out good but I havent tried it yet. I freeze a lot of things. Frozen peas are fun to eat and so are grapes.
  4. NurseGrace

    Pocket Scales for Eating on the Go

    I like mine. Haters be damned, I find it useful.
  5. The only things I can think of was the aspect of being both constipated AND having diarrhea all in the same day. Also not being able to lay out flat sucked.
  6. NurseGrace

    Sleeve: The UNTOLD Story

    Post anesthesia everything is numb and deadened back there from intubation. During surgery you are not breathing on your own and your airway is not maintained on its own. post op everyone is a huge choking risk because just because you can talk or mouth words doesn't mean full funtion has returned. Sorry you don't like the facts.
  7. NurseGrace

    Sleeve: The UNTOLD Story

    we don't give water until patients can talk and its clear that the gag reflex has returned so they don't aspirate on it. The more you know.....
  8. NurseGrace

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    There isn't. There are a ton of people that judge things based totally on what its called. Once I had a personal recipe I had entered into MYF that was sort of pizzaesque so I just called it Grace's pizza recipe over there and people saw the term "pizza" and bricks were shat. That's just the way it goes.
  9. au revoir for now, I've had quite enough of this.

  10. NurseGrace

    Sleeve: The UNTOLD Story

    I already stated this but I was only talking about having the freedom to go to where ever I wanted without reguard to whats in network, out of network, private or public so I got to go to a facility that is usually reserved for .... people of higher socioeconomic status than me. I wasn't saying that I'm in any way well off, because thats really just not the case. I work full time at night and attend graduate school in hopes of being an NP when I'm finished. That costs a lot of money. I was tired when I wrote that and didn't give it a second read. I was only ONLY referring to the privilege of my freedom to go ANYWHERE. I don't doubt that you can get fantastic care there. Would I do it? Nope. that's all I'm staying.
  11. NurseGrace

    Sleeve: The UNTOLD Story

    The only privilege I was talking about was the privilege of having fantastic insurance that doesnt made me jump though 800 hoops and lets me go whereever I want - including private hospitals. I think you read a little too much into what I was trying to say. I'm NOT loaded but god I wish I was. I'm a nurse working though grad school, none of us have money.
  12. NurseGrace

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    Troll somewhere else, this thread has been almost entirely constructive with the exception of you coming here being nasty. There are ways to say what you want to say without coming off like that to someone who is brand new.
  13. NurseGrace

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    Good. You're off to an even better start than me. I think that sometimes people project a little too much in these threads. For some people maybe that first cup of frozen yogurt WAS the beginning of the end but that is reading quite a bit into things. I am a failed lapband patient so I can see one might feel that way but here is what I can tell you - frozen yogurt didn't make me fat again after lapband. It was the trip after trip to the Chinese buffet, pints of ben and jerrys, huge orders from taco bell, 4 slices of cheesecake in one day....... you get the picture. I understand what she is talking about when she says she started rationalizing things, but we all have to go back to life as usual at some point, and life is not always a picture perfect bariatric diet. At some point we have to get real about what we actually did to ourselves. It's easier to talk about the little things we did to ourselves to mess up instead of the big things. Talking about negotiating some frozen yogurt is a lot prettier than talking about how a lot of us used to sit at home by ourselves with repulsive amounts of food chowing down and never lifting a single fat finger to work out. Thats the ugly reality of it. Now, I'm not telling you to go eat sweet crap because I don't think you should, but I'm just saying... we need to keep it real.
  14. NurseGrace

    Frozen Yogurt Six days out?

    Yeah, rude people be damned, it was not a good call though, and I wished I hadn't done it. I got dizzy, light headed, almost sort of disoriented and had a terrible case of diarrhea because of it. I'm pretty frank with people when it comes to obviously silly things, but i try not to be holier-than-thou because we all do dumb things and if anyone says they don't they are either one-in-a-million type people OR they are lying to you. I don't have a problem with someone telling me that was a stupid choice because it was, but it happens. A few ounces of frozen yogurt will not end all your weight loss, but it might stall you for a few days if you are not usually having sugar. Is that worth it to you? I don't know, maybe it is, for me, it was an emotional impulsive-ish choice, I was spending the day with my husband and we were having a good time. I wouldn't even say I "regret it" except that it did make me ill. It's put me off sugar though because I am scared of that happening again. huge turn-off.
  15. NurseGrace

    It works body wraps.

    The thing is that this women wasn't 300+ pounds to begin with, she might not have had much skin anyway
  16. Oh man, I win this thread. My 7th day post op I had about 3 ounces of frozen yogurt.
  17. NurseGrace

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    cool story, bro
  18. NurseGrace

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    Hmm I had never thought of that. I sometimes refer to my husband as "The Hubster" but I guess I never asked him his opinion of that title.
  19. NurseGrace

    Pity party for one

    For me, I don't have a problem with people talking about the sexual topics but I DO think that is when its important to post it in the right place. the "mens room" and the "powder room" or whatever they are called - if it's in those forum threads, I have zero problem with that, and the moderators back that stance up because it has been called into question before, but when its in the more general forums I don't think the quality of information is as good, and it's just not really the place.
  20. NurseGrace

    Pity party for one

    I hear you. I was very tired of sleeping upright as well. I actually tried to go lay down several times but that was even more uncomfortable. As for threads going into the toilet, I don't know what to say about that. There are a handful of members I can think of that seem to love their reputation for coming onto threads and making comments that don't really pertain to much of anything and are certainly not useful in any way and take it from there. Next think I know, I have 35 new reply notifications, 33 of which are two or three people hijacking with pretty harmless but nonetheless obnoxious non sequitur banter like it's cute or something... I don't know. In my opinion, that is what the chat room is for, and that should be kept to the chats, not the threads. I hate that. I don't know if it's really against the rules or not so I have never done this but I consider using the "report" option from time to time, but I suppose I should find out if it's against the TOS first.
  21. NurseGrace

    TMI question

    I fall short of your age specification, but yes.

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