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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    moonchild1968 reacted to pottergirl in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    i too had regrets. i hope you will begin to feel differently as you grow healthier. i miss my addiction food but am willing to let it go for a freer life. was sitting outside my boutique enjoying the Spring and two people walked by...i said hello and they did not recognize me at first....it felt great! i like not feeling cumbersome and fitting in smaller spaces! blood pressure is perfect !
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    moonchild1968 reacted to SpaceDust in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    To those who are posting their less than stellar experiences:
    Believe me, most of us who are pre sleeve need to hear your journey as well. There is rarely a one size fits all solution to any health issue, and we need to hear the ugly as well as the good to make informed decisions. We hear you and take your experiences into account as well, even if we decide the risks are worth it and move forward with our plans to have the surgery.
    Please continue to post. It does matter.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using VST
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    moonchild1968 got a reaction from luckysmomma in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I was run off of another site years ago when I started complaining about my band not working and sharing my frustration. Some of the happy campers there didn't want to hear anything but good news. Truth is, no WLS fits everybody. I started feeling like I didn't belong there and left that site and stayed away for years. I returned only recently to learn more about a revision .I wish I had hung in there and not let my voice be silenced. Maybe I wouldn't have waited so long to revise and maybe my story could have helped someone else.
  4. Like
    moonchild1968 got a reaction from luckysmomma in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I was run off of another site years ago when I started complaining about my band not working and sharing my frustration. Some of the happy campers there didn't want to hear anything but good news. Truth is, no WLS fits everybody. I started feeling like I didn't belong there and left that site and stayed away for years. I returned only recently to learn more about a revision .I wish I had hung in there and not let my voice be silenced. Maybe I wouldn't have waited so long to revise and maybe my story could have helped someone else.
  5. Like
    moonchild1968 got a reaction from luckysmomma in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I was run off of another site years ago when I started complaining about my band not working and sharing my frustration. Some of the happy campers there didn't want to hear anything but good news. Truth is, no WLS fits everybody. I started feeling like I didn't belong there and left that site and stayed away for years. I returned only recently to learn more about a revision .I wish I had hung in there and not let my voice be silenced. Maybe I wouldn't have waited so long to revise and maybe my story could have helped someone else.
  6. Like
    moonchild1968 got a reaction from luckysmomma in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I was run off of another site years ago when I started complaining about my band not working and sharing my frustration. Some of the happy campers there didn't want to hear anything but good news. Truth is, no WLS fits everybody. I started feeling like I didn't belong there and left that site and stayed away for years. I returned only recently to learn more about a revision .I wish I had hung in there and not let my voice be silenced. Maybe I wouldn't have waited so long to revise and maybe my story could have helped someone else.
  7. Like
    moonchild1968 got a reaction from luckysmomma in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I was run off of another site years ago when I started complaining about my band not working and sharing my frustration. Some of the happy campers there didn't want to hear anything but good news. Truth is, no WLS fits everybody. I started feeling like I didn't belong there and left that site and stayed away for years. I returned only recently to learn more about a revision .I wish I had hung in there and not let my voice be silenced. Maybe I wouldn't have waited so long to revise and maybe my story could have helped someone else.
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    moonchild1968 reacted to Decembersleever in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I have no regrets. Loving my sleeve
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    moonchild1968 reacted to gaye jarvis in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I was also a self pay, and the money I paid was by far the BEST SPENT MONEY EVER! I got my life back and now after losing 116 lbs in 9 months I feel like a new woman, with that being said, I followed my Drs orders by the book.
    I do not now nor will I ever eat pizza again or McDonalds food because that crap is what put me at almost 350 lbs and made me pre-diabetic, heart problems, knee pain, back pain, high blood pressure, low self esteem and just feeling like crap every day.
    The one thing I keep telling myself is that there is NO food that tastes better than being healthy feels! And healthy for me is going from wearing a size 28 jeans that were so tight that I could hardly sit without unbuttoning them to wearing a size 14 CUTE jeans that look and feel amazing!!!!
    Sent from Gaye's iPad Mini using VST
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    moonchild1968 reacted to Mastiff_mama in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I have found when you say you're hungry on here you get criticized... I am hungrier than I was before surgery. I've had people tell me there's no way I can be hungry! It's just acid, you need a PPI, etc.. I am hungry more often. I wish I wasn't... I do feel I have to think about eating more than I used to. If i let the hunger go too long without eating I struggle to eat slow enough, because I feel ravenous! I will figure it out, but saddened to see others make accusations when we vent or tell our experience. I know I am in control, but I've been in control my entire life and have been morbidly obese most of it! You don't turn the Titanic around on dime... Some of are slower than others! I've not weighed what I was now in probably 25 years... That part is wonderful! The eating is still a struggle. So sad that not everyone can understand that, but not everyone can.
  11. Like
    moonchild1968 got a reaction from luckysmomma in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I was run off of another site years ago when I started complaining about my band not working and sharing my frustration. Some of the happy campers there didn't want to hear anything but good news. Truth is, no WLS fits everybody. I started feeling like I didn't belong there and left that site and stayed away for years. I returned only recently to learn more about a revision .I wish I had hung in there and not let my voice be silenced. Maybe I wouldn't have waited so long to revise and maybe my story could have helped someone else.
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    moonchild1968 reacted to musiclover in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    Yikes most of these replies have scared the hell out of me. Thanks for your honesty it's what I needed to hear if I pass this on to my husband he will say no don't do it and I've only just convinced him how much I need it!
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    moonchild1968 reacted to CowgirlJane in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I never regretted it for a moment, but, I am not claiming it was always easy.
    I think alot depends on where you are "at" with your health, your relationship with food, and the joy you want to find in other things.
    I was just OVER food as entertainment. I LOVE being able to run, hike, ride, jump, climb - just be normal. It is worth all the ice cream and pizza on the planet to be able to live a normal but active life. I am not socially isolated, I enjoy good foods, I eat at restaurants, I go to parties, I do all that stuff. I just do it like a nromal/thin woman now.
    I did a business trip recently and connnected with a "skinny b***h" as she is lovingly called by her work colleagues. We shared meals the whole week and just loved on delicious food in petite quantities.
    Life is good.
    Having said that, I am sorry for people who do have regrets. I hope that it is really just part of the adjustment and you find your peace with it. More then that, I hope you find your JOY with the physical changes, improved health and energy it brings.
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    moonchild1968 reacted to UnzippingTheFatSuit in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    I'm almost 6 weeks post and while I don't REGRET, I wish there were things I would've known more and taken into consideration... like my love for food. I think too, because the scale isn't giving me "proof" of my success, I feel like I'm not winning the battle. Yes, I've lost weight and even at a good pace -- but I guess I was hoping for instant gratification. And since I'm not receiving it, I have to remind myself to be patient. I honestly think this comes from the fact I've tried and failed so many other diets, I can't help but think this won't "work" too. But I'm going to keep plugging away and hanging in there -- lol, what choice do I have anyways, my stomach's pretty much gone
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    moonchild1968 reacted to TES in Anybody regretted it, even with no complications?   
    Are you working with a registered dietitian? Also, it's important to learn to differentiate head hunger from physical hunger. something like Protein will keep you full a lot longer than cheese pizza. I am not planning on eating anything like that during weight loss, and once I reach goal, I'll probably just do something like a Flat Out (low carb) "pizza" if I have a craving. with protein on top....
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    moonchild1968 reacted to amytug in Blood clots   
    They think I have a blood clotting disorder and that after sirgery my body just wanted to clot. So while it doesn't have anything to do w dr. Technique, it is still from the surgery. Yanno?
    I'm sad I be away from my family, but at the same tjme at least I'm not at home wondering what the heck is wrong with me every day. I feel asafe here.
    Thank you all for te support and kind words/ well wishes. I have faith that this will all turn out ok and I'll come out a stronger person.
    Because of it. <3
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    moonchild1968 reacted to Hollyrock100 in Bundle of nerves. April 18 is my day.   
    My surgery was two weeks ago. After the surgery, I was hooked up to a PCA pump with Morphine and it did it's job. I had no pain, a little nausea and no dizziness. I stayed in the hospital three days, and by day three I felt normal with a little twinge in my side. After I came home, I slept and walked and drank. All in all, the process was simple. The hard part comes when you have to drink all of those super sweet Protein drinks+water+meals+vitamins. Now, I am over twenty pounds lighter on the verge of being 199 lbs. It's crazy! You will feel so much better. Good luck to everyone!
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    moonchild1968 got a reaction from mtpatter in Bundle of nerves. April 18 is my day.   
    Freaking out over here. Less than two weeks to go from band to sleeve and having a hard time silencing my fears about the sleeve not working for me and nervousness about surgery itself. I want and need this surgery. It's time to finish what I started over 5 years ago when I got the band. I'm just....afraid I guess. I don't want to fail again and I want my surgery to be as smooth as it has been for so many of you. Surgery scares me. Please tell me that I'm not alone with these feelings. So many people are so gun-ho about the surgery and I'm only gun-ho about the weight loss lol...the surgery? Not so much. I changed my surgery date twice. I am not changing it again. It's time.
    What is keeping me somewhat grounded is the positive outcome for sooo many, the low complication rate, my facility is a Center for Excellence and my surgeon is rated one of the top surgeons in the country. My rational mind knows that my worry about surgery is blown out of proportion. I mean, I'm big but I'm not unhealthy. My surgery outcome should be fine. I just need to calm down, but I'm having a hard time doing that.
    Please help. Thanks.
  19. Like
    moonchild1968 reacted to Wayless in Bundle of nerves. April 18 is my day.   
    I was terribly nervous and had the WLS on March 18th. So happy its behind me and everything went well. Recovery so much easier than I expecte. I wish you well. You are in our prayers. God Speed
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    moonchild1968 got a reaction from GinaB in APRIL 2013. Whooo's Comin' With Me!   
    Hi All. April 18th over here. Scared, but ready. I look forward to hearing your success stories and sharing mine with you. Let's do this!!!
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    moonchild1968 reacted to LifeBackNye7 in APRIL 2013. Whooo's Comin' With Me!   
    Sleeved April 1
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    moonchild1968 reacted to rmubvashrink in APRIL 2013. Whooo's Comin' With Me!   
    Don't freak out it will make it worse I was scared too. But my surgeon
    Was amazing and thy will take care of you
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    moonchild1968 reacted to Babysteppin in APRIL 2013. Whooo's Comin' With Me!   
    Hot off the presses! I JUST got my date. It's set for 4/22/13.
    Is anyone else getting sleeved that day too? Or April in general? Would love to connect with others who'll be in the same boat at the same time, so please feel free to reach out!
    Oh....and would also like to know if you're freaking out nearly as much as I am??
    <----(Pictured left: my emotional rollercoaster right now.)
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