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Misti Taylor

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Everything posted by Misti Taylor

  1. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    I am new here and was directed here by a friend on Facebook. My name is Misti Taylor and I need some answers. I was getting ready to finalize financing for the VSG in Mexico with a Dr. Alvarez when I was informed, by his staff, that they don't work with this particular financing company anymore. It has left me devistated and broken hearted. I have been fighting my weight for 11+ years. I am in pain on a daily basis that is weight related. Everytime I try to get insurance, I get denied BECAUSE of my weight. I am at a loss on what to do. I feel like just giving up and finding a way to accept my huge body. I can't stop crying and know that this will destroy me if I can't get this surgery. This is my last hope. (Boy do I sound like a broken record, don't we all say this when we get to the surgical option? It's sad but very true in WLS patients. This really is our last hope.) Anyway, I don't know where to go or what to do anymore. I am only going to have $4500 to work with as a down payment, unless I go to this one doctor in Houston that needs to do a $1750 procedure before he can do surgery. If that's the case, I will have less than $4500 to work with. I am at the end of my rope. This is the ONLY thing I want for myself. I am a current college student with an amazing husband who works his butt off to take care of things for us until I am done with school. He could make monthly payments and is MORE than willing to. We just need financing that will work with out less-than-perfect credit. Please someone help me figure out where I can go for financing that is guaranteed to work. Any help will be appreciated, Misti Taylor
  2. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    First of all, I am not a child. Second of all, while you are praying, can you ask that my seat is at the throne of hell seeing as how I am the Devil himself? You wanna come with me? I hear the temperature is quite nice and hot.
  3. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    When you assume, ignorant moron, you really show how much of an ass you are. My marriage doesn't have problems. Now keep up that ignoring me, it's working well! Lmfao. Oh, thanks for the entertainment. This is fun!
  4. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    And yet here you are, responding to me. Lmfao. How's that working out, ignoring me? You can't do it. Just another reason I HATE christians...they can't do what they say they will.
  5. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    And again I ask...how's that "ignore her posts" working out for ya? You're the fool who thinks you ACTUALLY are going to change anything? You're words fall on deaf ears. LET IT GO!
  6. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    Or better yet; MOVE THE HELL ON!
  7. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    How's that "ignore her posts" working out for ya?
  8. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    And let me remind YOU ALL who commented on MY post? Please feel free to ignore my post! PLEASE!
  9. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    How can I regret meeting a made up story? Can't fear what doesn't exist. Christians are the fools. What do they do when they die and NOTHING happens? Realize how STUPID and GULLIBLE they are?
  10. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    And my faith was believing that I am going to have a surgery that, at the time this topic was started, had begun to fade. How is that contradictory? As far as the Karma saying, it's that Karma is a b***h. Karma, meet me...a HUGE b***h myself! Don't deny it, will defend it; nobody knows what life has been like for me. I am like this for a reason and have NO interest in weakening myself to spare someone else. My suggestion is simple; if you dislike what I say, move on. If you choose not to, be ready to REALLY dislike me and what I have to say. Just know this, the ONLY people who matter to me are the ones who really know me and understand WHY I am how I am...and they love me despite that. Nobody on the internet matters to me. I will get into it with ANYONE who brings up god to me. It's a VERY sore spot and will be until I die! Like it or not, that's how it is.
  11. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    Nursegrace: you don't know me or ANYTHING I have been through with "christians" so it's not that the internet is not for me, this post is obviously not for you. This took place a short while ago, it's over, I have my solution and, trust me, I don't need anyone to defend me. Thank you, I will proudly be rude to anyone who brings up god to me so thank you for that. What makes an ass out of people are ones who post on a topic that was over long ago and nobody even thinks about. If I am an ass, so be it. You're the bigger ass for commenting on a DEAD topic. Get a grip people. This is over, move on like I am.
  12. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    2 things...I am the OP and I do not care if what I said was rude or not. I didn't ask about some non-existent beings' plan. So if I was rude, that's fine. I believe I got my point across. As far as faith goes, ebonisekim, you take it for granted that the term "faith" ONLY applies to christianity. I think my beliefs have been made clear. Faith has NOTHING to do with some supreme being for me. My faith lies in life and karma. I am a good person and. I do not harm others. I was speaking about faith in terms life. NOT christianity.
  13. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    I'm about $1000 short on the price, no passport yet (or the money for one right now), and I can't afford the trip to Tijuana. I think I have to find a way to do it here in Houston. But thanks for the info.
  14. Misti Taylor

    Sad & Pissed

    Abridgie, I can only speak for myself for the EGD but, I had a lapband and it slipped after 18 months and I had to have it removed. That is the reason I have to have the EGD...or that is what my surgeon said. He needs to see what kind of shape my stomach is in but doesn't anticipate any problems. I suppose they do EGD's for many reasons other than mine though. I don't mind having it done, my surgeon seems very knowledgable and I am comfortable with his decision to do it before surgery. The thing that DOES bother me is the cost. It's going to cost me $1750.00 and that is going to eat into my down payment for surgery. But, I may not have to worry about that. I may be getting a co-signer on carecredit so, I hope to have help. If not, I don't see this as being possible in the near future. I'm a full-time college student and my husband pays the bills until I graduate. He can afford the monthly payments of financing, we just have to get the financing first. Thanks Bebee for the info. I had NO IDEA I would be put to sleep for it and now the cost is starting to make sense. I am not looking forward to it but, I don't seem to have any choice other than to get it done before surgery. I am sorry that your doctor is moving away and can't perform your surgery. I hope you find a better doctor. Where are you located?
  15. Misti Taylor

    Sad & Pissed

    I have to have an EGD. What does the procedure involve? How long does it take and is it painful? Any info. would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    My husband wants to ask the owner of his company to co-sign for a loan or his grandparents if that doesn't work. If we don't get anywhere, I will check into the doctors you mentioned. Thank you for the information.
  17. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    I am going to try a small loan from a credit union. I have tried to apply for Medicaid and have been turned down for over 4 years now. I don't know how a credit union is going to work out but I am going to see.
  18. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    His company offers NOTHING to their employees. They are very selfish when it comes to money and don't seem to care about the people who work for them. They don't even pay well...my husband is a manager, one of the best they have, and he doesn't even make $9 an hour. He brings home good money but has to work 60+ hours to get it. I really am just about ready to call it quits. I do appreciate the advice from everyone though. I guess I am just losing faith.
  19. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    I'm in Spring, about 30-45 minutes South of Houston. Going to classwon't be hard...I will get walking in and the rest of the time I will be just sitting. Ispoke to a gastric surgeon in Houston about it and he said as long as I didn't do much more than short walks (it's a small college campus), there shouldn't be a problem. I think I am going to give it a few weeks but if I don't have a solution soon, I need to seek counseling to be ok with me as I am. I have been trying for the past 2 or 3 years as it is to find a solution and am at the end of the road. I am tired of liiving with all the negative feelings and self-hatred I go through. My husband loves me no matter what so I will be ok there. I am just really tired of dealing with disappointment day after day with this.
  20. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    I do this already. I go until my body physically won't let me do anymore. I eat very healthy; vegetarian, lots of protein, vegetables, no junk food, I will do the pre-op diet when I am pre-op. Just don't see much sense in starving myself when I have no end of the road in sight yet.
  21. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    Medicalfinancing denied me. Nopatientleftbehind almost had me until I researched them because of the shady scammy sounding deal they talked to me about. $4500 is what I will have to put down. The surgeon needs to be within 5 or 6 hours driving distance because I will be in the first month of my 2nd semester of college, can't miss more than a couple of days from classes. This actually feels like heartbreak to me. I met a surgeon in Houston which will cost 12,000 + $1750 for a procedure prior to surgery. I just don't have it and my back pain worsens everyday. The more active I try to become, the less I can move after 1 or 2 days of easy exercise (biking or light weight lifting). I am having spine issues which is beginning to make my life even more hell than it was a short time ago. I don't want pity, I don't want sorrow for me, I just want my pain to stop, mentally and physically. I'm really beginning to believe it won't stop ever.
  22. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    I do not need to mull over it or realize anything. I didn't like the advice given and I commented on it. If someone doesn't like what I have to say, ignore me and that will solve the problem altogether. I don't care likes me or what I have to say. I came for advice on financing options, not looking towards the future options. This has been my fight for 11+ years now and nobody is going to tell me how I need to look into the future. If I don't get this surgery, I see a wheelchair in my future from back problems due to weight, I see mysery and a broken marriage which will give my son a broken life. So forgive me if my future looks so bleak that I don't want to hear about fantasy. I want answers on options that will make my future better.
  23. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    And just how an atheist can insult or offend a christian without meaning to, a christian can do the same thing. I didn't appreciate it and I don't hold my tongue when the advice is god based. Sorry if you or anyone else doesn't like it or finds it rude but I am tired of people bringing god into my dilemmas. My life has NO place for god or talk of god in it.
  24. Misti Taylor

    Desperate for answers

    Ok, I know that nobody knows me on this site and I am only going to say this once and I am NOT going to get into some holy argument here but DO NOT bring up a sadistic, invisible man in the sky to me. In my knowledge and eyes, there is NO god and I NEVER said I was desperate for financing. I said I was desperate for answers. I do NOT appreciate anyone telling me to trust some being who likes to play games with people. Trust that? I don't trust anything that 1. won't prove he exists, 2. acts like a spoiled child when things don't go his way. There are many other reasons I could list why that piece of myth doesn't exist. I am not trusting some made up story that was created to control people and strike fear into the hearts of man. I am smarter than that. I do appreciate the 2 prior pieces of advice but that last one was not good advice. You should really make a point to find out if who you are speaking to believes in myth or not. I do not. I am SICK of people telling me to trust in something that doesn't even exist. If he does, he isn't worth my time or air because of all the death and destruction that he leaves in his path. It's fine if people want to believe in him, I just don't, never will again and would appreciate it if people didn't turn my dilemma into a god trust issue.

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