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Amy Long Saranthus

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Amy Long Saranthus

  1. Amy Long Saranthus

    goin' back to work tomorrow....

    I go back tomorrow too!! I have lost 20lbs since the start of the 2wk pre diet. good luck with diving back into our regular lives! hang in there & I love hello kitty too!! I am on bowling league & my bowling ball is hello kitty
  2. Amy Long Saranthus

    I am 9 days post-op

    I was sleeved on Dec 7th I was very nauseous first two days then started feeling better on day 3. I came home from hospital day 4. I am 9 days post-op & am suppose to be on full liquids but have ate sf pudding & yogurt. I tolerated them well just could only eat a few bites. I just looked again at post-op diet & realized these are technically suppose to be started during pureed foods. has anyone else made this mistake?

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