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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Sadlers1999

  • Rank
    Bariatric Evangelist

About Me

  • Biography
    Former EFL/ESL teacher. Currently a SAHM of four ages 10, 8, 4 and 2.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Gardening, Camping, Travel, Volunteer Work
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  1. Sadlers1999

    All of my December sleevers...

    re: calorie intake - Because I am hypothyroid, I never burned calories as efficiently as more slender people (including my siblings). I don't think that has changed a whole lot. I did work on some muscle building in my legs and that has helped, but there was never a period in my life where I could eat more than 2000 calories and not gain weight. Now that I am older and have hypothyroidism, I believe that the only reason I was able to lose weight is that the sleeve made eating so few calories tolerable (less painful; didn't feel like I was starving). So, I never believed that eating more than 1200 would result in anything but in me gaining weight. re: stats - I was sleeved on December 17th last year. Prior to diet/surgery, I weighed 242. I am now around 141. I have not been eating as well as I should and due to 4 kids and 2 elderly parents with crazy schedules, I have not been able to exercise as much as I was over the summer. But, I am still plugging away. The doctor wanted me to get to 130. Still not sure if that will happen, but I am not done working on it.
  2. Sadlers1999

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    Congrats on your surgery date! I have been very open with everyone around me about surgery and there are some who think it is "cosmetic," but the reality is that the decision to have it (and get it paid for by insurance) is always about health. The surgery really gave me my life back. BTW, my maiden name is Appel. Do you know anything about your family tree...like where your last name came from? We were Czech. My great-grandfather immigrated first to France and he added the "e" to Appl so that the French could pronounce our name. He just kept the "e" in when he arrived in the US.
  3. Sadlers1999

    All of my December sleevers...

    If you scroll back up a little on this conversation Maria outlines the diet in detail. Don't make her type it up again. Lots of eggs involved for Protein.
  4. Sadlers1999

    All of my December sleevers...

    You look great and I am sorry about the miscarriage. The thing is that when you are feeling better (not bleeding as much?), you just have to get back in your routines. The thing about a miscarriage is that it is both physical and mental. So, I would not beat yourself up for "falling off track." ((Hugs))
  5. Sadlers1999

    Any Colorado sleevers?

  6. Sadlers1999

    All of my December sleevers...

    Well, I see a lot of posts like yours where people hit targets and go lower. For those of us in the "under a year post surgery" category, I don't know what the outcome will be. I agree that having lost the first chunk of weight has been nothing short of miraculous. I have so much more energy and feel so much better when doing stuff with my family. Such a blessing. I really hope that I can get to 130 even if it takes longer than a year, but my big thing now is focusing on maintaining my activity level.
  7. Sadlers1999

    All of my December sleevers...

    Re: BMI and weight ranges - Yes. There is a spectrum. 117 would be extremely tiny for someone your height. Your 140 is probably a slightly lower BMI than me if I get to 130, but sounds somewhat comparable. I am not losing any discernable weight right now and I think it's because to your point, I exercise more and that has increased my appetite. It may make you feel better to know that I am part of an online group that includes marathon runners (FEMALE, marathon runners) and they are constantly complaining that when they train for their marathons, they GAIN weight....unlike their male counterparts. Obviously we don't want to be obese again, but we are working against our gender's natural "protective" system to keep a little more fat on us than men. It helps us have greater longevity than men, but it is a battle.
  8. Sadlers1999

    All of my December sleevers...

    I definitely eat more than you and I was sleeved on 12/17/12...only 5 days later. I would say my typical calorie count is higher...like 1000, but in the scheme of things, 1000 is not nearly what I could eat before surgery. Plus, now with the weight off, I am exercising and I have more stamina. I am about 7 lbs away from my personal goal and 17 lbs away from what the doctor thinks is my best weight for my height and frame.
  9. Sadlers1999

    All of my December sleevers...

    I have not been able to post any post-op pics, because I can no longer figure out how to reduce the file size so that the pictures go through to the VSG website. I use a regular camera and have some pictures of me that I could share and have tried to share and no luck. I hate technology. I don't have a smart phone or I would share pictures that way. That seems to be the way that most people take pictures now.
  10. Sadlers1999

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    I was sleeved on December 17th without a weather hitch. There is HOPE.

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