I'll introduce myself first. My name is Sherri and I'm a 38 year old nurse. I'm pre-op hoping to have my sleeve done as a self pay in Mexico next summer. I have been lurking on this site and watching people YouTube success videos for about a year now, and I am hopeful that I will be as successful as all you inspirational "losers" someday soon.
Anyhoo, so my friend and I were at the mall today walking by this elderly couple when I notice them both staring at my abdominal region in a very rude, and disgusted way. So I just stared back at them to let them know they were busted and I didn't appreciate their rudeness. How did you guys handle rudeness when you were at your heaviest?
I was actually feeling pretty cute today but of course I felt crappy after that. I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it but they looked like they were staring at like the fattest person they had ever seen! Now I am morbidly obese but I have feelings also! Plus I know there's that slim sexy me waiting to come out soon so I'm not gonna let it get me down. But dang!