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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by cyncitygirl

  1. cyncitygirl


    Woohoo ! You start your new life sooner. Get the surgery over with so you can heal and start feeling great!!
  2. cyncitygirl


    Are you talking about salmon bags like the Starkist tuna in a bag? Wow I never thought to try this.... So how did they turn out??
  3. cyncitygirl

    portobello cordon bleu

    That looks so good! Thanks
  4. cyncitygirl

    Eating out anxiety

    Anyone else get anxiety when they are going to eat out with friends? I prefer eating my own food because its portioned and I know I can eat it. I used to love going to lunch with coworkers and friends and now I just get anxious because I feel it's a waste of money. I have so many left over and not enough time or space to eat it all. It's not the biggest problem ever as I am lucky to just be able to eat a small portion but I noticed my opinion of eating out had changed. Oh but I do get to enjoy the conversation more!
  5. You look amazing! Poster child for the sleeve!!!
  6. Melissa GG I feel for you because I was in your place with the band too. I was thinner but so uncomfortable. I was throwing up almost daily and waking up in the middle of the night choking on saliva and would wake up hurled in the floor. It was not a good way to live. I had to removed and it had cut a hole in my stomach from so much of the acids. I waited a year to get the sleeve and I was hesitant too because I felt like the Lapband was suppose to be the last surgery I had for weight loss. I felt like a failure. My surgeon told me "you lost weight w the band. You didn't fail. The lap band failed you and is making you sick". My quality of life was compromised. With the sleeve there are definite sacrifices but you can eat a lot of stuff you want later on in small portions. I wish you peace of mind on your decision and a healthy recovery with whatever you choose.
  7. cyncitygirl

    Normal to eat this much?

    Ebonisekim my iPhone autocorrect we. I meant to write you DIDN'T call anyone names and you gave direct helpful advice. It was a compliment because someone earlier in the convo said something about people being preachy or something. I was saying you're right because chicken wings seems harmless but soft if different to everyone. I thought carnitas to be soft since they are shredded. I threw it up and felt nausea all day. I don't even like pork anymore.
  8. cyncitygirl

    Normal to eat this much?

    And I don't think there's anything wrong with saying you don't think people should eat chicken wings 2weeks out. You don't call her names. She asked and you have your recommendation. I like direct answer and this was all helpful. I def have obsessed on whether I have eaten too much even after I measured my food out!!! Haha. Glad we are all in this together.
  9. cyncitygirl

    The defining moment you knew

    I have always been fat. Always. There were 4good years in my college days where I lost 90lbs! When I was 20 I lost 90lbs all through eating right and working out. I maintained for two years until I was legal to drink and all that went down the drain. Then when I was in grad school I used money I got from a grant to get the LapBand in Mexico. I lost 80lbs but the band failed me and I gained it all back and then some in a year. A year later I gained 110pounds! Who gains THAT much?!!!! It was so sad. The moment I realized I wanted to lose was this past year I was pregnant and miscarried. I was so sad because I really was happy and excited and was willing to do anything for this little pea inside of me. But when I lost it I got depressed and just didn't care. My partner is such a great man he lifted me up and told me he wants to try again once we are married and I got excited to think about everything I could have in the near future. But I didn't want to be 260lbs and pregnant like I was. I did not want to gain more. I didn't want to get diabetes while pregnant or have a high risk pregnancy. I just could NOT go through one more miscarriage. So I talked to my boyfriend about the sleeve as my surgeon had recommended for me. He was the most supportive person because my boyfriend had lost his own son at 9months from a risky pregnancy he didn't want to risk any pregnancy anymore. This is our plan and I am 6 weeks out just waiting to lose 100lbs (-30down) and we are talking about a wedding, my 30th bday and a baby in a 2years and I will be healthy in all the pictures. Sometimes at night I close my eyes and picture all these moments and what they/I will look like. So far it's been worth it but damn this biological clock is ticking. I need constant reminders of my purpose and goals.
  10. cyncitygirl

    Normal to eat this much?

    I always like how you respond. Straightforward, efficient and tactful. Thanks.
  11. cyncitygirl

    Help meeeee team

    I'm 6 weeks out and I consume 700-900 calories a day. I thought I was crazy but I don't function well with 500calories. I have more energy at 800 and have better workouts. I have been eating healthy. I worried about it too and my weight loss is slow but steady.
  12. cyncitygirl

    Low Carb Snack

  13. Thanks to everyone. I know you're all right and I have to stop and check myself when I start comparing myself to others. Glad we have this site to check in with. Good luck to everyone. What has been your happiest post-op moment this far? So far mine has been being too full on small portion to over eat on seconds as I normally would.
  14. cyncitygirl

    Dear husband & his thoughtful gift

    This is awesome!
  15. cyncitygirl

    13 weeks post op

    This post makes me smile. I felt crazy for eating 80p calories while others are eating 400. I just can't function at 400 and I like eating more calories and working out w that fuel. Yay for your progress and that's for sharing!! Makes me feel normal.
  16. Congratulations!!! You look great!!! I am a revision from lap band and am worried I will lose very slow too. Can you tell me about your process? I find I can eat 6oz of yogurt in one sitting and get hungry in a couple of hours. Everyone else seems to eat 1oz and I eat more. Did you feel restriction? I feel like I still eat a little but I can eat any kind of food and I lose it slowly (5weeks out down 16 is that ok?). I love working out again though. You are inspiring!!!
  17. cyncitygirl

    Post workout fuel

    What do you eat or drink after a workout? Tonight I ate 750 calories then did an intense 70minutes of Zumba. It ended at 8:45pm, that's too late to have a protein snack so I had 1/2 a cup of milk and water after. Is that ok? What do people eat or drink after a work out and sleeve? What about eating late??? Anyone else have that problem?
  18. Ok I hear what you guys are saying just because I CAN eat 8oz doesn't mean I have to. I wish sometimes I didn't feel hungry. It looks like everyone is having difficulty eating 500calories and I eat 800calories easily and am totally satufied by the end of the day. I'm not eating tortillas or breads. I eat Beans and mean and cottage cheese. Is it ok to eat the Chobani flavored Greek yogurt cups? Those are where my carbs/sugar comes from daily. Is that bad? It's 6oz and I can eat the entire thing for breakfast. Is that too much? It does keep me satisfied. I figure I lost 16lbs in 5weeks I'm losing slow and steady but healthy. I get too wrapped up in reading other people losing 40lbs in two months and eating 400calories a day. I know I'm working out 4x a week and eating good Protein. Thanks for listening!!!
  19. cyncitygirl

    What is the best Greek yogurt?

    So is eating a flavored Greek yogurt w fruit on bottom allowed? I have both plain and sweetened and love the sweetened packs. So convenient. Is that ok??? I can finish the entire 6oz for a meal. My faves are Dannon Oikos Raspberry flavor (tastes like ice cream) and Chobani apple cinnamon, pear and peach. For plain Greek I love Fage the best. It's just done right.
  20. Should I be able to drink 4oz of soup and feel satufied and not overly full? It seems like I am able to eat more than others my same timeline (week and a half out). I can drink lots of water without any bad feeling. I sip and not gulp but I can do sip after sip. Anyone have initial confusion with what the feeling was asking (hunger, full or thirsty)? I worry I am able to drink too much:0/ I just ate a cup of egg drop soup with no problem.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
