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Ange Aghamalian

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Ange Aghamalian

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  • Birthday 05/05/1948
  1. Happy 65th Birthday Ange Aghamalian!

  2. Happy 64th Birthday Ange Aghamalian!

  3. Ange Aghamalian

    Swollen Shut

    I just had my band put on (Friday) May 11. My stomach swelled shut right away. Horrible pain, vomiting, couldn't even keep saliva down went back to emergency room early Sunday morning. I knew enough to reallize I could get in real trouble if I was dehydrated so I was put on IV's, I'm 59 and the emergency room staff were concerned I might even be having a heart attack as the symptoms are similar (apparently women show different symptoms than men in heart attacks). It was finally determined band was too small and had replacement with larger band on Tuesday Morning. Just released today and have been able to keep liquids down. HURRAH! I am surprised to hear it can happen again! ARGH!. :faint: Very, very painful experience. I guess at least this way I can notice the signs earlier than I did with this initial incidence, I hope. I can really feel your pain, truly. I too had instant relief when the band was replaced. I hope I will NEVER go through is again. You are in my prayers. Ange A Surgery: May 11, 2007 This is a great website. THank you for sharing your thoughts.

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