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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Chellemetime

  • Rank
    Bariatric Evangelist
  • Birthday March 8

About Me

  • Biography
    It was very hard for me to decide to have this surgery but I feel that I did the right thing.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Family, Friends, Traveling, Gardening, Kyaking, Floating Rivers
  • Occupation
  • City
    Santa Fe
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  1. Chellemetime

    yellow eyes

    Is there anything you can do from home if your skin is a little jaundiced to correct it?
  2. Chellemetime

    Weight gain

    Can someone remind me of what the basics were? I think 80-120 grams of protein and only a certain amount of carbs from veggies. But I don’t remember for sure since it’s been so long. For a while I got down to 140 lbs but looked sick. I want to get back to 145-150. I’m 56 years old so it’s getting harder.
  3. Chellemetime

    Weight gain

    I also had my sleeve 9 years ago. Lost 80 lbs. I’ve gave half a that back over the last year. Time to get back to the basics. It’s those damn carbs!
  4. Chellemetime

    5 years out and trying to reset

  5. Chellemetime

    5 years out and trying to reset

    I am going to do this. I had my sleeve done almost 9 years ago. My Dr. told me I would gain all my weight back in 5 years. I’ve worked very hard not to let that happen. I’ve gained 25 pounds back and I know it’s because I was eating carbs. I’ve been on the Keto diet for 4 months with my husband. He’s lost over 40 pounds. I lost 6 and gained them back when we went on vacation. I’m going to do exactly what you said. What kind of protein shakes and vitamins do you use?
  6. Chellemetime

    Has anyone had chemical gastritis?

    I have gastritis but my Dr. didn't prescribe any thing for it. Just gave me a list of foods to avoid. What meds should be prescribed ?
  7. Chellemetime

    Dumping Syndrome

    Did you ever find out how to treat dumping syndrome? I'm very interested because I haven't been able to work for over a week now because I never know when it's going to happen. I get really hot and start sweating and shaking then I run to the bathroom. Imodium doesn't even help. I would like to know if this is what you were having and how you control it.
  8. Chellemetime

    Cross posted...am I going crazy?!

    How are you doing? I'm having issues similar to yours. I get all hot & start sweating then feel numb and have to run to the bathroom with diarrhea. This has been going on for 4 months now. My Gastroenterologist diagnosed me with IBS-D but bins of the meds he gave me are working. Did you end up finding out what your problem was?
  9. Chellemetime

    What does a leak feel like?

    Thank you for your very informative answers. It is going to help me ask more questions.
  10. Chellemetime

    What does a leak feel like?

    They did do tests for celiac and they did stool samples. I'm not going to take his diagnosis. I'm going to keep pushing. If he won't cooperate, I'll go Back to the Dr that did my surgery. I just want to know if anyone else has gone through this and what it was.
  11. Chellemetime

    What does a leak feel like?

    Sorry, I don't know what all this stuff means. They did CMP, CBC w/ Auto Diff, Auto Diff & I don't have the paperwork to know what the gastroenterologist did but he said it was to check my thyroid.
  12. Chellemetime

    What does a leak feel like?

    Blood work was done by my PCP to check my liver, kidneys, etc. Then the gastroenterologist did some to check my thyroid. They all came back fine. Things rumble and bubble as they go Through my digestive system. This has been going on for 4 months and it just keeps getting worse. I've left a message with the gastroenterologist asking if they can do a CT scan. What is the test you are asking about?
  13. Hi everyone, I had my sleeve almost 3 years ago. About 4 months ago, I started having really bad diarrhea . I went to a gastroenterologist and he did a colonoscopy and blood work. He diagnosed me with IBS and have me some pills to take with my meals to calm my digestive system. And said to keep living on Imodium AD until I got better. Now, it's gotten worse. My stomach will cramp, I get all sweaty, feel like I might vomit and I'm shaking and sometimes my body will twitch. I'm also very tired & have no energy. Has anyone else had these symptoms? I'm really scared.
  14. Chellemetime

    Plexus Pri Bio 5

    Thank you. I stopped taking it. I would rather not risk my tummy.
  15. What types of Probiotics do you take? I tried Plexus and after 2 days it made me feel like my tummy was swollen and going to explode. Is that normal? I wasn't sure if we were supposed to take probiotics after the sleeve so it scared me and I stopped taking it.

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