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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lilbearzmom

  1. I am only 8 (almost 9) weeks out, but what has been hardest for me has not been physical (I had no complications and apart from becoming nauseated a couple times from eating too fast, I am finding my sleeve tolerates anything), the mental part is what I am struggling with. I am having to change habits that brought me comfort (although short-lived) for 30 years. When stuffing your face was what made you happy (again, momentarily), not being able to stuff your face is a rude and unwelcome awakening. I am back to seeing my therapist to deal with this issue. Physically, I echo what Laura-ven said- constipation is an extremely annoying side-effect. Good luck on whatever you decide. I have no regrets. -Kendra
  2. lilbearzmom

    Eating before surgery

    I am going to be honest here- I was also not required to do a pre-op diet. I lost 23 lbs before surgery without much effort- we were on a tight budget and stopped eating out. I also quit eating late at night (I work 3rd shift). That seemed to do it. I still pretty much ate what I wanted. I didn't have a "last meal", either. BUT, I don't see what harm there is in picking one food you really like that will either be off-limits or in very limited quanities post-op and eating what you want of it. Or going out for ONE dinner at let's say, Olive Garden. Just my two cents. -Kendra
  3. I totally understand you're excited, and that is so awesome that you're in good health! Is there a way for you to maybe just wait like 6 months? I only say this because at 6 months post-op you will be able to get in more nutrition, which would be better for your baby. Good luck to you! I am hoping a healthy pregnancy is in your future! -Kendra
  4. lilbearzmom


    I third the wheat thins. They are tasty and whole grain. Only downside is that they are small. I have 4 of them with an ounce of pepper jack cheese- one of my favorite post-op snacks! -Kendra
  5. lilbearzmom

    Abdominal ultrasound

    As far as I know, it does not prolong recovery. I had mine out too while they were in there for my sleeve. I had gall stones that I didn't know about. I'm pretty sure I was having symptoms that I didn't connect with my gallstones- no back pain since surgery! I am SO glad he took it out! One less thing to worry about going bad! -Kendra
  6. lilbearzmom

    Abdominal ultrasound

    Mine hurt too. Are US techs also sadists? LOL -Kendra
  7. I do agree that my tastes have changed since surgery. Things I used to love are now either unappetizing or just "meh". I also notice that I definitely have changed as far as how I see portion sizes. Sometimes it makes my stomach turn just looking at large or even "normal" portion sizes. It amazes me that pre-surgery they were commonplace for me or not enough! I have been nauseated/gagged a few times. The first two times I don't know why. This last time I was riding in a car and had just eaten a piece of Sonic grilled chicken out of the wrap way too fast. Hubby almost had to pull over! I won't be doing that again. -Kendra
  8. It's your Fluid consumption. How do you expect your body to rid itself of fat if you are not doing your part to flush it out? Think about it: you're doing everything right except one thing. Try changing that one thing. -Kendra
  9. lilbearzmom


    I am struggling with that very problem right now. Sometimes (the feeling is fleeting) I get depressed about not "enjoying" food like I used to, i.e., pigging out, eating as much as I want, etc. Sometimes eating post-sleeve is not pleasant, it feels like a chore to me sometimes. Having said this, I don't regret my decision one bit. Only 8 weeks out, I feel great. Being emotional eaters, having most of our stomachs removed doesn't completely address the issue. I am seeing my therapist monthly to help deal with my "food divorce". LOL -Kendra
  10. lilbearzmom

    Sleeved smokers/ex-smokers

    Nicotine can stay in your system up to 30 days depending on how much you smoke. You could be SOL. It doesn't seem like you are ready for this surgery anyway since you continue to smoke.
  11. lilbearzmom


    Where are you on your level? Regular food or soft food? I mix it up every day pretty much, but I have my standbys: Special K protein cereal (sometimes with 1/2 banana), 2 servings of skim milk/day, 4 wheat thins w/ 1 oz pepper jack cheese, 2% cottage cheese w/ fruit mixed in, pure protein bars, greek yogurt smoothies, flat out "chips" with salsa or hummus. Today I'm having: B: 1/2 cup special K w/ 1/2 c skim milk L: 1/2 serving of leftover meatloaf D: small bowl of leftover chicken stew (MIL recipe- even better the next day) Snacks: 12 oz skim milk, 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese with no sugar added mandarin oranges, flatout chips with salsa for dipping I don't alwys eat what I have dished out- usually there's leftovers. I am 8 weeks out today- will be adding salads and nuts here in about a week- can't wait to make my own trail mix. I am not a no-or super low carb fanatic- I eat some carbs. My weight loss has been fine, I think. 37 lbs in 8 weeks. Total weight loss: 67 lbs -Kendra
  12. Wishing you a speedy recovery! -Kendra
  13. lilbearzmom

    What's the deal?

    I am 8 weeks out as of tomorrow, and I definitely have not been hungry, at least not like before surgery. Like Laura-ven said, it's more of an "empty" feeling than a hunger "pang". The absence of ghrelin in my system seems to be working like a charm. Because the "hunger" with the sleeve is less uncomfortable, it allows you to either power through the periods of "emptiness" or be able to resist bad choices in order to make better ones. I agree that I have a hard time believing that when people say "I'm SO HUNGRY" they are truly hungry. I think either they are having the head hunger and don't realize it, or are having acid problems which can be treated. I have been on pepcid since day one. -Kendra
  14. lilbearzmom

    How big is our stomach now?

    I thought it was about the size and shape of a small banana.
  15. Almost 8 weeks out and I'm in another stall. 240.8 last Friday, 240.4 today. My last stall lasted a little over a week, then I dropped 8 pounds in less than 2 weeks, now another week long stall. Not looking for any advice, necessarily. Just venting to those who will understand me. LOL -Kendra
  16. lilbearzmom

    THIS is the defining moment

    You are SO right! Thanks for the perspective! -Kendra
  17. lilbearzmom


    I think it has to do with our metabolism slowing down. I have been very cold this winter (sleeved 12/17). I have been layering like crazy- long sleeves under short sleeves, and I have NEVER in my life done that! LOL -Kendra
  18. lilbearzmom

    Anyone told NOT to do situps and crunches?

    Traditional sit ups are old-school and not really good for anyone to do. I don't see why we couldn't do crunches. Not doing any ab work ever? Doesn't make sense. -Kendra
  19. First of all, there's nothing wrong with 1.5 lbs/week. That's 6 lbs a month. Some months will be slower than others. Also, everyone is different. I'm not sure why you are expecting to lose the same as "everyone else". Some people are losing less than you, some more. As with anything in life, there is no textbook for you to follow. Be glad you're losing. Second thing, seems like maybe you answered your own question- you admitted you aren't exercising as much as you would like or getting your fluids in. These are both very important to fat loss. Third thing, you have not stretched your sleeve. You can't stretch your sleeve. It would rupture before it would stretch. People who gain weight with sleeve surgery are making bad food choices along with being sedentary. That doesn't sound like you. I know I sound blunt, but honestly, sounds like you are doing a good job. I also really struggle with eating too fast. -Kendra
  20. lilbearzmom

    Tips to eat slower

    Yes, suggestions, please! I hate the thought of having to chew a tiny bite of something 20 times. Who has time for that? I'm really impatient. Gotta work on that. I eat too fast and then I sit there willing it to stay down, So far it has, but who knows when my luck will run out! -Kendra
  21. I am also having issues with eating too fast, and I am 7 weeks out. I am a really impatient person to begin with, and sitting there chewing and chewing and chewing tiny bites doesn't appeal at all & who has time for that? I pay for it, though. It hurts and feels like it's going to come back up. Not fun, but yet I hate the thought of it taking 30 minutes to eat 3 ounces of whatever protein I have in front of me. Annoying. Yet I will keep trying to go slower. Have to.
  22. lilbearzmom

    How does recovery compare to c-section?

    Honestly, I thought VSG caused more discomfort than my c-sec. I also bounced back from my c-sec fast, needed no pain meds and can only recall a little soreness when I was up on my feet for too long. With VSG, I needed pain meds until 5 days after surgery. Pain wasn't excrutiating, but uncomfortable enough that Percoset made me feel a lot better. I was also 8 years younger when I had my son, so maybe that's the difference. -Kendra
  23. lilbearzmom

    Is this true?

    So today I went for my second post-op with the nurse practitioner- she says I'm doing fine but I'm mildly frustrated with a stall I'm experiencing. I need to up my fluids and exercise. Anyhoo- I was asking about my goal weight because no one ever discussed it with me. Apparently my surgeon's office is not so much concerned with BMI, etc., but more with resolving your obesity-related health issues and getting to a weight that you and you body are comfortable with, even if it's outside the BMI range. The NP told me that because of the weight we carried around for years, at lets say 170 lbs, you may look on the outside to be more like 150 lbs and clothes fit accordingly- she said our bones "bulk up" to accomodate the extra weight, like to the tune of 20 lbs!!! I was just wondering if anyone else had heard of that, because it was news to me! -Kendra
  24. lilbearzmom

    No support from Gynecologist!

    WOW. Just WOW. I didn't think doctors could be that ignorant. -Kendra
  25. lilbearzmom

    Stupid Question!

    Hello, ever heard of this magical new invention called splenda or stevia? Adding sugar free fruit preserves to plain greek yogurt is fabulous also. i just miss the honey greek yogurt. I hate plain yogurt too. -Kendra

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