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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lilbearzmom

  1. I think of grazing as a cookie here, a cookie there, a handful of crackers here or there, licking the spoon a couple of times here and there while you're cooking, finshing off your kid's last chicken nugget, just MINDLESS eating. Where you get to the end of the day and you have no idea how much you ate because you didn't measure it or it was impossible to measure. KWIM? -Kendra
  2. Mine is about 50% and I'm 2.5 months out. On the other hand that is counting from my highest weight a year ago. At 302 lbs, I was approximately 153 lbs overweight- I have lost 77 total. I was 272 the day of surgery, 123 lbs overweight. Having lost 47 lbs since surgery, that estimate would be about 40%. My goal is not even as much as my "excess" weight- I am going for about 10 lbs over my ideal BMI and seeing how I feel at that point. -Kendra
  3. I do 5 small meals a day- and don't eat anything in between. I don't pay attention to timing- I eat when it's convenient or when I feel like I need to. I was told three meals and two Snacks, but my NUT looks at it like I do- 5 small meals. Helps keep your metabolism going- and we need that. -Kendra
  4. lilbearzmom

    Ladies - Your Thoughts?

    Remember Skinner from the X-files? Man, he was hot and majorly balding. Definitely depends on the guy- let's just say I wouldn't rule out a bald guy just because of that. -Kendra
  5. lilbearzmom

    Spouse dought!

    Either she is uninformed about the surgery or she doesn't want you to have it due to her own insecurities and doesn't want you to change. I can't think of any other reasons for her to not be supportive of you having lifesaving surgery! -Kendra
  6. lilbearzmom

    I need help getting back on track

    Has anyone tried the Russell Stover sugar free Chocolates? I keep a bag in the house and I have one (just one) whenever I crave something sweet. (I have one probably every other day or every couple days) They are super yummy and don't taste sugar free at all- I think they are made with Splenda. They aren't fat free, but man, I have one and I am sat-is-fied. My favorite is the butter cream caramel but I have also tried the Peanut Butter cups and they are pretty darn tasty. Good luck getting back on track- it's a great 1st step reaching out for help! -Kendra
  7. lilbearzmom

    Met someone with sleeve one year out...

    I guess I'm curious how much they lost and if they are gaining it back, but how could they not be?
  8. You won't feel real restriction until you are at the stage where you can eat dense protein- soft food stage and beyond. As for feeling hungry- it might be stomach acid. Ask your doctor about what kind of antacid you can/should take. -Kendra
  9. lilbearzmom

    Americans are doomed!

    It's like a Saturday Night Live skit. It's that insane & laughable. It's outrageous.
  10. I have to say that while I don't feel "hunger" like I did before, I definitely know when it's time to eat. It's more of an "empty" feeling, but oh-so-much better than pre-op hunger "pangs". Not only that, since I'm not "ravenous", just "empty", I make better choices AND I'm full after just a little bit. My ghrelin is gone for sure- and I don't miss it! LOL -Kendra
  11. lilbearzmom

    Is my heart getting lazy?

    Um, well for one thing, a slower HR is a good thing. Your recent HR is normal. Your other one tachycardic- too fast. Your heart is healthier- not lazy. -Kendra
  12. lilbearzmom

    Will i loose before november

    I am totally kidding, obviously. It's a fantastic tool if you do your part. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  13. lilbearzmom

    Will i loose before november

    No, no you won't. It's all a big scam. Run away! Run away!
  14. lilbearzmom


    I don't count carbs, but I do limit them. Mainly naturally, since I do stick to the "protein first" rule 95% of the time. The other day I had two little wedges of pita bread with skordalia (potato) dip/spread before I ate my low carb greek salad with grilled chicken. So, I'm not perfect by any means, but I am happy with my loss: 47 lbs since surgery, 77 altogether. -Kendra
  15. lilbearzmom


    Well, I am going to be brutally honest. I have lost 76 lbs total (pre-and-post op combined) in a year, and I kind of feel like a deflated balloon. Thats the only way to describe it. Sure, I would like to get some plastic surgery once it's all said and done, but who knows- at least I have my health. -Kendra
  16. lilbearzmom

    Can't Decide! So confused!

    I am down 46 in 2.5 months. I am freaking thrilled. 90% is a ridiculous number unless those people she was speaking of have extremely unrealistic expectations. -Kendra
  17. lilbearzmom

    Atkins Frozen Meals

    I have tried one of the chicken ones and one of the breakfast bowls. Not too bad, but not great, either. And the carbs are very low, BTW. Only 5 net carbs. Anything Atkins is going to be low carb. -Kendra
  18. This is a long time coming. "They" say that journaling is a good way for people on a weight loss journey to deal with "things". I am a little over halfway to goal, so I'd say it's about time. I thought I would start with my story- what got me to this point. The point of absolute desperation. The point at which I was so desperate to lose weight that I ELECTIVELY allowed a surgeon to remove the majority of my stomach. When it is put that way (and honestly when I tell someone verbally what VSG is), it sounds so ridiculous. I mean, who does that? I wasn't ever a really fat kid. I was pretty active and grew up in the 80's, a time before video games, PC's, cable TV, and a lot of the technology that keeps kids of today sitting for hours instead of playing outside. I was just a little chubby until I became less active around puberty, then began the constant battle. I spent my high school years gaining weight, until I was a little under 200 lbs by the end of my junior year. I was also by this time a "secret eater". I worked in a bakery when I was 15, and would sneak in a big bag of bakery fresh cookies to my bedroom and eat them all when no one was looking. And so it went on, until the summer between junior and senior year, when I went on the Nutrisystem diet plan and lost 45 pounds before the start of my senior year. My senior year was pretty fab- I was a drama geek, and due to the weight loss, I landed the lead in the fall play and a significant part in the spring musical. In college, I gained it all back. Over the years, I have lost and gained probably hundreds of pounds. I got married in 2002 at 217 pounds, had a baby two years later. A week after my son was born and all the water weight was gone, I was at 245 lbs. In 2007, I was up to 285. By this time last year, I was at my all time high, 302 lbs. My mom called and asked if I would be interested in WLS. She said she would help me pay for it. (Backstory: my 32 year old brother died suddenly in Feb 2011, and she was/is really afraid to lose another child). I went to the information session in April 2012 and had my 1st appointment in May. Over the next several months, I completed all of my pre-op requirements, including losing 30 pounds. Due to my crazy work and school schedule, I had to have my surgery just before Christmas, on December 17, 2012. It has been kind of a crazy ride, and I am still learning how to "work my sleeve", but so far, it has been so amazing. I couldn't have done it by myself. After more than 30 years fighting this battle, this I know.
  19. lilbearzmom

    How is this possible?

    Hello! I wasn't basing it on a single bagel with cream cheese, now was I? Do you also eat an entire large sandwich, sushi, and soda? You would not be maintaining if you did. Please read before commenting, thanks.
  20. lilbearzmom

    How is this possible?

    Yeah, he's one of the people who will gain it all back. Sounds like he wasn't ready for the surgery, anyway. -Kendra
  21. lilbearzmom

    Work work work

    I took off two weeks and it was plenty. I probably could have gone back after a week. I was able to use sick leave, so I didn't have to use any vacation. -Kendra
  22. lilbearzmom


    That's about how much I lost in the first couple of weeks then I hit a stall about 2.5 weeks out. This is normal- don't freak! I have really continued to lose at a fine rate (46 lbs in 2.5 months). You are doing fine. Don't worry. Also, ditch the scale for awhile. Get back on it in a week. Don't let it make you crazy, because it will. -Kendra
  23. lilbearzmom

    Ice Cream

    When I serve up ice cream to my son a few nights a week for dessert after dinner, I usually take a tablespoon size bite before I put it away. It's regular ice cream- chocolate swirl or something like that. I guess the problem could be not stopping at that one bite sometime. So far so good.... -Kendra
  24. I count my pre- and post- op loss. I lost 7 lbs before my 1st appointment, then 23 lbs between that and my surgery. My post op loss has been 45 lbs in a little less than 2.5 months, for a total of 75 lbs over a year. You bet I count it all! LOL -Kendra
  25. lilbearzmom

    oh man

    Donuts are probably considered a slider food. I would avoid donut shops like the plague. As for being filled up the next day, perhaps you were eating more sensibly. Look at the actual food you were eating on the donut day and on the other day. That might help you figure it out. -Kendra

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