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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lilbearzmom

  1. lilbearzmom

    Throwing up question

    I also have this issue. There have been 3 times since surgery where something didn't agree with me and nothing came back up when I went to go throw up. It's like stuff can go down but not back up. Sorry, no advice, but I would like to know why this is as well. -Kendra
  2. lilbearzmom

    Weight lost attention

    I can really relate- only it's people who I have known for awhile. I'm finishing up a RT program and my classmates have been with me in all the same classes and clinicals since Fall of 2011. They are now going out of their way to ask my opinion and include me in things. I don't know whether to be happy about it or sad that they deem me worthy of the their attention only now that I've lost almost 80 lbs. I really am the same person, just smaller. Just want you to know I know how you feel. And as we lose more weight it'll just become more obvious. -Kendra
  3. lilbearzmom


    I had a piece of toast with pb & sugar free j yesterday morning for breakfast- so far there's no food my sleeve rejects. I started with thin breads- bagel thins, sandwich skinnys, etc. They went down fine. I don't eat a lot of bread, though. Usually it just doesn't appeal. I have not had a sandwich in 3 months. -Kendra
  4. lilbearzmom

    Stall stall stall no no no

    I am also in a bit of a stall. I have decided that if the scale hasn't moved by tomorrow, it's time to switch things up. I am considering the following: Adding extra calories a couple days a week (as other posters have suggested) Going to a liquid diet for a few days (Dr. suggested this on Wed when I mentioned I was frustrated) Doing the Atkins induction phase for 2 weeks and SEVERELY limiting carbs (I already limit carbs but it's definitely not under 20 per day) Good luck- and dont worry, it'll break! -Kendra
  5. lilbearzmom

    7 Months Post Op- Before & After Pics

    Soooo amazing! How does it feel to be an inspiration?
  6. Yes. Remember the scene from Alien? It will happen just like that. True story.
  7. lilbearzmom


    I don't really feel like I want it more, but it is definitely more enjoyable than it has been in years, since it's a hell of a lot more comfortable and we aren't tied to one "position" if you know what I mean. -Kendra
  8. lilbearzmom

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    If I could eat popcorn I'd be popping it up and eating it big time!
  9. lilbearzmom

    Lying about Weight Loss Surgery !

    I admire you for being able to tell the truth. I have not had the courage to tell anyone except a few people. In all honesty, I am ashamed that I had to resort to surgery to beat obesity. It is something I am working to overcome. Don't be too harsh on those of us who have chosen to keep it a secret. It really isn't anyone else's business, and WLS is a very personal decision. I tell people I am eating a lot of Protein and exercising. That's not a lie, unless you consider it a lie by omission. -Kendra
  10. I had mine out DURING my sleeve surgery- I thank the Lord every day! LOL -Kendra
  11. So I'm on spring break from school and vacation from work- more like a "staycation". I'm going through all my dresser drawers and closet- last night I found a barely or never-worn pair of jeans that I forgot about. They fit!!! I say, better than new! )))) -Kendra
  12. You're my hero. I don't have the courage to tell anyone except a few select people.
  13. lilbearzmom

    Messed Up Bad

    Not that this is a reason to eat chips and cookies, but sometimes we are able to drop a few if we go a little high on the calories for a day. It does something to our metabolism. Sounds like your body said, "Ok, she's giving me a few extra calories, so now I can let some of this fat go!" -Kendra
  14. lilbearzmom

    My marriage sucks

    I will be blunt: he sounds like a loser. You could do so much better. I say dump him and find someone who shows you by his deeds and hard work how much he respects you and your family. You don't need that kind of stress. -Kendra
  15. lilbearzmom


    Hahahaha! You're such a sleever! I ate a tablespoon (or two) of spreadable cheese like a week out. -Kendra
  16. lilbearzmom


    OMG Is that Dr.'s orders?
  17. At 8 weeks I went 100% "normal". I still eat "Protein first", but there's no limit on foods. I was one of the lucky ones, though, the only thing that makes me ill is eating too fast, which I'm working on...LOL -Kendra
  18. lilbearzmom


    I started eating salads with all the raw veggies at 8 weeks. I didn't have any trouble with it.
  19. lilbearzmom

    Need help with my exercise routine

    I am attempting to get into kettlebell workouts. I hear they produce fast results! Also, can't wait to start zumba.
  20. lilbearzmom

    NSV alert!

    I fit comfortably in the booth at IHOP last night! Plenty of room- hallelujah! We haven't been there and sat in a booth for quite a few months, but wow, what a difference! BTW, I had the steak tips dinner and they let me subsitute the corn and mashed potatoes for a double portion of steamed broccoli. It came with a piece of garlic bread (which I ate half of) and a side salad with honey mustard dressing (which I ate a few bites of). I have leftovers for lunch for the next couple of days now. Loving my sleeve! -Kendra
  21. lilbearzmom

    Trusting that nutritionist!

    This is the most sane post about our post-op diet I have seen in a long time! I always understood that for long term success, we needed to eat more "normally" and more "well-rounded". The sleeve helps us to make better choices- that includes adding whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Man & woman should not live on Protein alone! -Kendra
  22. lilbearzmom

    paranoid partners

    I think Deborah's partner is same-sex, BUT, the point is well made. Doesn't have to be a man-woman relationship for there to be jealousy and insecurity. That kind of thing comes in all shapes, sizes, and genders! LOL -Kendra
  23. I am just a little less than you and I have lost "only" 47 (since surgery). 41 is nothing to feel bad about but it will be if you are a year out and only lost that much. My only advice is to get it under control sooner rather than later. Back to the basics, my dear! -Kendra
  24. Sounds like the internal incision pain that is normal a little while out from surgery. Fortunately, the NP at my surgeon's office warned me about it. I was also doing great, no pain for a couple weeks, then bam! back to hurting. I also hurt most when I turned a certain way or bent over, etc. It goes away after about a week. -Kendra
  25. lilbearzmom

    Peanut butter!

    I think I was allowed to have it at the soft food stage (about 4 weeks out?).

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