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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sweettea

  1. Ugh! Gained three pounds back. I can't drive yet. I'm doing some excersizes at home. My husband doesn't help. Ice cream, cookies, chips and cakes... He had gastric sleeve surgery. He was 350, now he's 275. His BMI is still in the obese range. I worry he's stretching his stomach back out. He's also eating more. I'm worried about him too. I'm not eating the junk. I just don't want it in the house.
  2. I took the "gentle" laxitive. lol! I had two days of misery. This happens every couple of weeks. I have IBS on top of it. I've tried stool softeners an homeopathic remedies. I always end up going back to what works for me. I'm lucky if I have a bm once a week.
  3. sweettea

    Are pity parties allowed?

    I've gained three pounds back.
  4. sweettea

    Are pity parties allowed?

    I had two plateaus. I thought I would NEVER get past them. Don't give up. My fear now is gaining the weight back. I haven't exactly been following my plan AND I had total knee replacement surgery. Soooo no excersize of any kind. See I'm having my own pity party.
  5. sweettea

    Unsupportive partner

    I'm sorry this happened to you. Sounds like he doesn't deserve you. It is emotional and verbal abuse. They're always sorry. My husband has never once talked to me that way. He has always said you can't hide beauty.
  6. I don't know if it was dumping. I've never experienced anything like it. I hope you are feeling better. I have had extreme pain from constipation and the extreme cramps from the "gentle" laxitive.
  7. sweettea

    Worried about regrets

    So as you see, you're not alone. I was sore and tire the first two weeks. I had a very understanding husband. I've never regretted my decision. I'm at my goal weight. Now I have to be careful not to fall off the wagon. It's a life changing decision. It can be difficult to change bad eating habits, but with the sleeve, it makes it much easier.
  8. sweettea


    Small baby steps. You didn't gain.
  9. My only fear is gaining the weight back, the other shoe. Deep breath. I'm following the program. I'm getting "some" excersize. Definitely a life style change. Not a miracle surgery. You'll be fine. Be happy you aren't having problems. I threw up every other day up until 1 month ago.
  10. Thanks all! Sometimes I feel like I'm going through this alone, and then I found this forum.
  11. sweettea


    @@CANDI254 Good luck! Let us know how things go.
  12. Swimming would give me a reason to wear my new swimsuit too. :-)
  13. sweettea

    Stress incontinence

    Me too! Me too! Mine is completely gone. Thank the lord. I also don't have to go as much.
  14. sweettea

    Unofficial denial :(

    Don't give up yet. My doctors staff was wonderful. Then again, I had a lot of physical problems.
  15. I don't know why I'm so afraid. I'm now 122. I'm 3 pounds under goal weight. I think it has to do with PT. I watch what I eat, but I do cheat occasionally. Sprite soda has been my downfall. High calories, no nutritional value.
  16. Well, PT did say swimming would be good for my leg. I could just lather on water proof sunblock. I'll have to see how much it cost.
  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this fear. Not that I wish this fear on anyone.
  18. I can kind of swim. Wouldn't win any medals. There are no inside pools around here. And doctor says if I tan scar will be more noticeable.
  19. My fear has me to the point that I don't want to eat. Or if I eat, it's a couple of bites.
  20. I'm having problems exercising. I just had a total knee replacement. No exercise in a month. I just reached my goal weight.
  21. As I was saying, things are going good. BUT I have this dreadful fear. Nightmares even.
  22. For some reason, I'm having problems with posting. Can't see what I'm typing.
  23. lol! Take a deep breath and breath. Things will be fine.
  24. sweettea

    Unofficial denial :(

    Crossing fingers and toes!
  25. I still go out. I can usually find something on appetizer menu: Grilled shrimp chicken wing without the sauce With a side of veggies (usually steamed broccoli Or on the regular menu: I just ask for a few changes. I've never had any problems. And I always have left overseas for next day or two. I have had waitresses ask if I didn't like the food.

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