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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sweettea

  1. sweettea


    BTW, I'm lazy. My version of working out is cleaning house and hiking. Love hiking, but my hiking buddies knees, my husband, have been bothering him. He had the surgery and lost 50 pounds. Remained obese. Gained some of that back. This surgery isn't a miracle cure. You have to make lifestyle changes. He didn't. I don't know if you can stretch your stomach back out, but I've watched him eat. He eats as much or more the surgery. Me, I can barely get a cup/ cup and a half of food down still.
  2. sweettea


    @@cozycastle50 I have some loose skin. Not going to lie. But not horrible. I think if I'd work out and build some muscle up it would probably almost disappear.
  3. sweettea

    Two weeks out and not losing

    There's something called the three week stall. Heard about it on other forums. Keep doing what your doing and it will happen.
  4. sweettea

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    There I some type of five day diet that's supposed to kickstart your sleeve agai .
  5. @@Mudgy6 Ain't that the truth!
  6. sweettea


    I can't say that. I have a few laugh lines around my eyes and a few on my forehead. I'm happy. My grandmother at my age looked over 70.
  7. sweettea

    2+ years post-op... weight gain?

    My doctor never gave me a goal weight. Soooo...I don't know if I've lost to much weight. I quit going after a year.
  8. sweettea


    I look in the mirror and see me at 20-30 with a few more wrinkles. What can I expect? I'm 53. :-)
  9. I can't remember if I posted. So here goes.
  10. sweettea

    More critical of facial features after WLS?

    Wow! I'm not alone. I had my uncle today tell me I look older. Well I had surgery 3 1/2 years ago. I am older. In high school I thought I was a plain jane. I've had three old class mates tell me I was so pretty, they thought they weren't good enough. lol! My husband has ALWAYS told me I'm beautiful. (keeper) You look beautiful. I also know I look better from certain angles and lighting. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  11. sweettea


    I kept lowering my goal. Started at 140.
  12. sweettea

    2+ years post-op... weight gain?

    I guess I'm lucky. I'm 2 1/2 years out and started losing again. I upped my exercise and FORCE myself to get the water in.
  13. sweettea


    @@soccergirl09 I'm 5' 6".
  14. sweettea


    BTW, @@Teresa in Texas Thank you! I didn't realize how big I had gotten. My husband has always, always told me how beautiful I am. He's a keeper.
  15. sweettea


    @@Teresa in Texas Water, water, water. No grazing.
  16. sweettea


    @@Teresa in Texas I'm 5'6".
  17. sweettea


    Thank you @@Gripp Good to know that. Makes me wanna keep on track. I'm happy. Just need a little toning.
  18. sweettea


    Thanks everyone. It feels pretty great. Who'd of thunk? :-) I sure didn't. The only problem I'm having is getting enough protein in, and toning what little bit of muscles I do have. I'm lazy. I hate excersize.
  19. sweettea


    @@ranger11 I'm 3 1/2 years out. My starting weight was 230. Day of surgery 217. Right now 121. Actually like wearing a swim suit yesterday. @@ranger11 Thank you!
  20. sweettea

    Going down...

    My goal was 140 pounds. I am now 121 pounds. Enough already. Doctor says I'm fine. I'm worried. You should see my ribs and hip bones. I wear a size 7 junior and size 2 women's. I weigh 7 pounds less than high school weight.
  21. sweettea

    Going down...

    I'm not hungry. I try to eat multiple times a day. I've lost interest is most carbs. Most of them hurt my stomach (Breads, rices, potatoes). Sweets don't really appeal to me. All except my altoids, which I'm addicted to lately.
  22. sweettea

    Going down...

    I swear it depend on how much I eat if I throw up.
  23. sweettea

    Going down...

    I know it's strange to come on a WLS site and complain about losing to much, but it's all part of it. Unfortunately, it seems I'm only getting 600-800 calories a day. This is including protein drinks, which I can't get the whole thing down. I'm only able to eat tiny portions before throwing up. All I want to do is maintain, NOT lose anymore. As I said Doctor says I'm fine. I've had an endoscopy.

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