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Oliver's Mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Dear husband & his thoughtful gift   
    So, my dear husband - ALWAYS gave me chocolates for Valentines Day - even when I pleaded with him prior to the day not too - chocolate is my weakness. This year (I was sleeved Dec 3, 2012) I didn't think I had to ask him not to give me candy and I was right!! He gave me a Nike+fuel Bracelet. I can set fitness goals and track my progress on my phone and computer. He's a dear, dear man.
    LOL, it took surgery for him to finally 'hear' me tho!!
  2. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Dear husband & his thoughtful gift   
    So, my dear husband - ALWAYS gave me chocolates for Valentines Day - even when I pleaded with him prior to the day not too - chocolate is my weakness. This year (I was sleeved Dec 3, 2012) I didn't think I had to ask him not to give me candy and I was right!! He gave me a Nike+fuel Bracelet. I can set fitness goals and track my progress on my phone and computer. He's a dear, dear man.
    LOL, it took surgery for him to finally 'hear' me tho!!
  3. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Regrets?   
    Not one single regret. The procedure has been done for years, just not as a 'stand alone' procedure. I love how my future looks - it looks long & healthy.
  4. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from shandytx83 in Today 7 mos doctors check up   
    seven months and what a transformation!! Congratulations you look wonderful
  5. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Dear husband & his thoughtful gift   
    So, my dear husband - ALWAYS gave me chocolates for Valentines Day - even when I pleaded with him prior to the day not too - chocolate is my weakness. This year (I was sleeved Dec 3, 2012) I didn't think I had to ask him not to give me candy and I was right!! He gave me a Nike+fuel Bracelet. I can set fitness goals and track my progress on my phone and computer. He's a dear, dear man.
    LOL, it took surgery for him to finally 'hear' me tho!!
  6. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from shandytx83 in Today 7 mos doctors check up   
    seven months and what a transformation!! Congratulations you look wonderful
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    Oliver's Mom reacted to shandytx83 in Today 7 mos doctors check up   
    Today went to my doctors app. he said i have done a good job 88 pounds gone!!! im happy but i need work harder to loose 37 more,here some pics before and after.

    before 255
    after 167

  8. Like
    Oliver's Mom reacted to TamaraS in Increased water+protein= 11pound this week!   
    I get in two Water bottles before Breakfast and at work I talked to my manager about keeping Water bottles on me and she was totally supportive so during the work day I am constantly drinking and make sure to get atleast 3 water bottles down while there. It's the same at home, while relaxing I keep a water bottle on me all the time. I noticed that purchasing a case of water has helped me immensely. I never drank this much when I used a cup. Counting the water bottles is a lot easier way of tracking how much I am intaking also. I just wish I had started doing this sooner!!!
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    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from hadouni in Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?   
    Last week when I was on the treadmill, I just had an overwhelming urge to try running for a bit. I had this entire head conversation with myself - you should try it, but I've never run, I'll look stupid, but you should try it.......so I tried it and ran for a bit then walked then ran for a bit again.
    Now every time I'm on the treadmill I do the same thing. Walk, run, walk, run, walk.....
    Just signed up to take a class C25K, it's offered thru the Wellness Program at the hospital I had my surgery at. Begins March 7th and lasts 10 weeks. I will be 60 in October and have never run - but damn it I'm going to try my hardest to do this! My daughter said she would train with me, her husband is a runner and she wants to be able to run with him.
    Wish me luck!!
  10. Like
    Oliver's Mom reacted to No game in Godiva   
    Martin...I bought you those because I t truly care about you. And you've been getting so small lately, I thought there was something wrong and when I ask you lie and tell me diet and exercise !
    I am not a stalker. And I don't have a fatal attraction!
    Why would you say that? Is it because I watch you when you sleep?? 0_0
  11. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from NtvTxn in Support Group, who attends one?   
    My program has a monthly meeting. There is one for those who are > than 6 months post surgery, followed by one for pre-ops, newbies, and those who have had surgery and are < than 6 months post surgery. It was required to attend two prior to surgery but I went to 4. Many of the people in the > than 6 months stay for the 2nd meeting. There is usually a large group that attends. It's nice to have folks in all stages of the process - the conversations are great, the info & the tips are great and it's nice to be around in person those who are travelling the same road. There was no meeting in December, but I plan to attend every month. I like it and I feel supported. Similar to how I feel about this site.
  12. Like
    Oliver's Mom reacted to No game in Why Lie?!?!   
    I think the weird thing about this thread is that it refers to "lying"
    I wrote this on a different thread also;
    I really don't think that choosing not to tell "everyone" is out of shame, not loving yourself,
    or lying!
    We all are just different...people in my life know about it. And yes I've even told a few strangers about it. But it is my choice my decision on who and when to tell and I reserve the right to change my mind about it everyday!
    So live on people some like to tell, some don't!
    And some of us are all over the place
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    Oliver's Mom reacted to jennyannk73 in Why Lie?!?!   
    It is a good thing to educate.... And I do it myself. But no one should feel compelled to share anything personal that they do not wish to.... And just because you choose to have the surgery, you should not lose your right to keep whatever health information you choose, private.
  14. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from jules58 in Interested in people over 55 who have had the Gastric Sleeve.   
    Hi, I'm 59 and had the sleeve on December 3, 2012. So really I'm new at this myself. But I have to say it is the very best thing I've done. I feel and have felt wonderful....no issues post-op - lucky girl. I like to think that my experience is the same for the majority of folks. I left the hospital completely off all of my Diabetes medications, my high blood pressure medication from 2 pills per day to only 1/2 of one of the pills. From the start when I began the journey (information session in August 2012) to today, I have lost 40 lbs. I've always been a 'rule-follower' all of my life, so following the 'rules' and plan of my medical team is good for me. I'm happy to be an ear, a friend, a cheerleader for you. You will do great!! I just know it.
  15. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from No game in I win!   
    YAY!!!! Great results from all of your hard work.
  16. Like
    Oliver's Mom reacted to rsmont77 in All of my December sleevers...   
    Lets have a positive thought day today!
    List the positive things that have happened since your surgery!
    For me, my knees don't hurt much, neither do my feet, I have a desire to exercise, lost quite a bit of weight and down 3 pant sizes.
    I know we get frustrated with the stalls, when we get stressed our bodies tend to hold weight, find a way to destress. I sip on tea and exercise to help
  17. Like
    Oliver's Mom reacted to *Dean* in Decaf Coffee- When is it too soon?   
    I think there's a mistake on your paperwork. Decaf isn't fine! blech!!
  18. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from The.new.g in Shoveling   
    27 inches so far and its still snowing!! Its windy & cold. The governor has banned driving. Reminds me of the Blizzard of '78!! In the past I would bake, bake bake during a snowstorm. This time, I made a chicken stir fry, made greens & onions and a zucchini & yellow squash sauté. Now I have plenty of healthy foods to eat - and plenty of snow to shovel.
  19. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from slojo in Who feels great?!   
    I too had a simple recovery. I feel very fortunate for that and for having the sleeve. No more diabetes meds. The eating is beginning to feel like my new normal. My surgery was December 3rd.
  20. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from DebLW in Extreme fatigue-is it my age?   
    I was easily tired for about 3 weeks. For the first 2 weeks it was 2 naps a day then early to bed. But the next week was better (week3) and by week 4 I was back to my normal schedule and feeling energetic. You've been thru a lot surgery wise, adjustment of food, etc. Be kind to yourself, and you will soon be feeling better.
  21. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from slojo in Who feels great?!   
    I too had a simple recovery. I feel very fortunate for that and for having the sleeve. No more diabetes meds. The eating is beginning to feel like my new normal. My surgery was December 3rd.
  22. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from attractiveval in 3 month photos / 50lb loss   
    Wow!! You look great! And I LOVE that you're wearing a belt in your recent photos!! That's one clothing item I have not worn in years!! Keep up the good work and good luck to your partner! You will make a great team working on this together.
  23. Like
    Oliver's Mom reacted to Kapoorvilla in Conversation with my PCP might encourage others   
    I went in to see my PCP having been sleeved on 12/5. I told him I was disappointed with my weight loss compared to others. I know. I know. We should not compare ourselves but we all do. I weighed 280 when I was there in his office in November. The day I was in his office I weighed 252. Today I am down to 247.6 I am thrilled to be loosing but when I read about the people who lose 70-100 lbs in 3 months I just have to wonder what am I doing wrong.
    My PCP shook his head and ask me to consider my journey in its entirety My biggest recorded weight in his office was 386lbs in 2006. I fought down to 270 by 2008 and then bounced around 260 to 300 until I received by sleeve in 2012. All you dieters know that in order to lose over 100 lbs and keep it off for years I had already made major changes tommy eatting patterns. My PCP explain to me that because the surgery was not a big shock to my body I did see the big change.
    I most definitely eat less calories on a continued bases now but my NUT actual ask me to up my calories from the 900 I was doing to 1300-1500 pre surgery. Does anyone else think that is kind of comical. I have seen many stalls over the years even when doing the right things. My PCP say the body has set points where it will not want to let go of more. That is when I need to up calories a day or two the back off. Also I must up what I am forcing the body to urn during a stall. That is very hard for me I am no fan of exercise but I press on.
    My PCP told me to realize had I not already had made so many changes before surgery I would have seen a bigger difference but I would have been at a much higher starting weight to begin with. So I guess it all evens out in the end. This made me feel better about the lost post surgery. My hope with surgey was it would take me down the next hundred as my body seemed unwilling to go down below 260 even after that 6 month supervised 900 calorie diet the NUT complained was to low. So I do feel an accomplishment to be at 247.6 it is my lowest adult weight. I certainly hope to keep moving down the scale.
    My current limits 800 calories 50 carbs and 70 Protein. I try to walk uphill at 3mph for 30 mins 5 times a week. Yes it is a journey but I feel like I am running the hardest marathon ever!
  24. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from The.new.g in Shoveling   
    27 inches so far and its still snowing!! Its windy & cold. The governor has banned driving. Reminds me of the Blizzard of '78!! In the past I would bake, bake bake during a snowstorm. This time, I made a chicken stir fry, made greens & onions and a zucchini & yellow squash sauté. Now I have plenty of healthy foods to eat - and plenty of snow to shovel.
  25. Like
    Oliver's Mom got a reaction from Geminidrive in CARS BURIED IN SNOW...DOORS N WINDOWS ARE BLOCKED! SNOWED IN...CONNECTICUT   
    In the past I would bake during snow storms. Now that I am post-op WLS I satisfied my need to cook by making a big stir fry, made some greens and then a pan of sautéed zucchini & summer squash. I put the music on and sipped my Water and then my herbal tea while I did this. The end result - I have a bunch of healthy foods for the week. 27" inches here in MA so far and still snowing. No driving ban, but people are walking everywhere. I like to look at it as an adventure. We'll be back to our usual routines soon enough. It's going to go into the 40's on Monday and be above freezing all week. Having lived in NE all of my life, maybe I am just used to it. Stay warm and stay safe.

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