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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by elyod59

  1. elyod59


    From the album: elyod59

  2. elyod59


  3. That really surprised me. I would have thought granola would be too hard to digest for awhile. Keep us posted about any problems please
  4. That's what I use but I'd never seen the other things mentioned here. I'll have to look into them. I split the pill into 1/4 then just swallow it. My doc said I didn't need to completely crush pills as long as they aren't the big horse pills. I also use 2 Flintstones chewable Vitamins / day. A lot cheaper than the ones at the bariatric supply places and they seem to have the same vitamins. Remember to keep Iron in multi-vitamins 2-hours away from calcium and milk. Just learned that one from my NUT. Rick
  5. elyod59

    when to exercise?

    They had me walking the halls at the hospital the night of my surgery and I haven't stopped. The only problem I'm having is my legs get sore and tired but they will gain strength, I'm sure. I live in Michigan and just bundle up and keep walking even in the snow. Now that I'm back to work it has gotten next to impossible to walk regularly but I'm finding ways to get short walks in. I've seen a direct correlation between walking and how much I lose.
  6. elyod59

    What Did You Eat At 4 Weeks?

    Am I missing something? All these posts are listing foods that are not even close to the diet I have for four weeks. My diet says full liquids for 8 weeks post-op and some people are talking about meat and stuff. I don't get it.
  7. elyod59

    Got my date

    Way to go Lizzy. I know you have worked hard to get to this point. Keep up the great work and stay in touch with the people on here. A good support network us really important for success. Rick
  8. I'm using Droid to access by mobile and I'd like to add my picture to my profile but I can't figure out how to access my profile. Help please
  9. I'm sure that by this point you have researched everything and prepared yourself as much as possible. Think positive thoughts and everything will be fine. My surgery was 1 month ago today and I have already lost 43 pounds. Keep thinking about that type of thing and lets get excited about this. Let me know if I can help with anything, Rick
  10. elyod59

    Scared and desperate

    I'm always amazed at the GREAT advice and encouragement that I see given on this site. ALL of the above comments are right on target. Keep posting and you will have All the support you can ever hope for. I'm only 4 weeks post surgery and totally amazed at how much better I'm feeling after losing weight... 40 pounds since coming home from hospital and over 30 more before that. Good luck and stay in touch.
  11. All of a sudden I'm having cramps on right side just below ribs. No new foods or anything. Anyone else experience this type of thing? My wife wants me to go to the ER but its not that bad, just uncomfortable.
  12. I went to the ER at the hospital where my surgery was done. Tests all showed negative and they just want me to follow up with the surgeon next week. I'm usually not too quick to go to a doctor but with the way everything has changed after the surgery, I figured better safe than sorry. Besides, after January 1st I'm back to having a $6,000 deductible on my insurance and last night was free.
  13. I was sleeved 2-weeks ago today. I started tracking my weight daily when I got home and was losing 3-5 pounds daily. Now I'm only losing 1 pound a day. I'm scheduled to start stage 4 today but I'm worried I'll stop losing and maybe start gaining. Anyone have suggestions?
  14. I didn't know that was on the diet. I'm glad I found this app
  15. Shrinky, cream of chicken soup? That doesn't sound like anything on the "clear liquid" diet they put me on. That might be why the pain. I don't know, just saying.
  16. Taffy, we sleeved the same day. I'm thinking everyone is different on what they feel as full. That's why they can't tell you much ahead of time. I'm starting to learn that l need to take smaller sips and then wait a little longer for the next one. I think we are so pre-conditioned to "shovel" the food in and that's why they say to chew the food more and put your fork down between bites. I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT WITH A FORK AGAIN!!!
  17. elyod59

    No Sleep

    Thanks DeeDee. They had me bring my CPAP to the hospital with me and use it first night. I want prepared for this part of recovery. I didn't realize I'd have so much discomfort
  18. elyod59

    No Sleep

    My surgery was December 4. I can't lay down to sleep and can only get a few hours sitting in a recliner before my feet go numb and then I can't sleep. This is causing extreme exhaustion. Anyone else go through this? Any advice? I keep thinking of the episode of Next Generation when they couldn't sleep and it was driving everyone crazy.
  19. I just sleeved last week and the 10-day diet was really rough on me. Lost a LOT of weight though. Near the end of it I discovered that Subway will make any foot long into a salad. I got a grilled chicken breast with spinach, sweet peppers, tomatoes and so on then had them put my favorite dressing on and they chop it up. It was incredible and VERY filling. Also try making veg soup with your favorite, allowed, canned veggies, beef broth and a small can of tomato paste. Quick, cheap, simple and filling. These things saved me. Good luck and let me know of I can help more. Rick
  20. elyod59


    I didn't really have complications with the surgery but my body was slow to process the gas they inflate the belly with. This caused me a great deal of discomfort and some severe pain but the nurses said this was not typical.
  21. elyod59


    My surgeon was Pilkington who works in Mt Pleasant and Alma. He was great. His nurse had the surgery and she recommended Alma to us. She works in Mt Pleasant but said Alma is better and I was very impressed with them. Very friendly and lots of one-on-one attention. I'm planning 2 weeks off of work but I'm a truck driver with very physical demands
  22. elyod59


    I don't know if i just stumbled into Michigan people or if this directs me to people in my area. I just had sleeve on Tuesday in Alma hospital and found this app today. Looking for information and support. Any suggestions?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
