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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NevadaDave

  1. NevadaDave

    I Want My Stomach And My Money Back! (J/k)

    My heart really goes out to the women on this forum, it seams your bodies conspire against you to hold on to the weight ( but you will win ). I have also had stalls (one also at 4 weeks) but when it breaks a loose weight in bunches. Don't let the scale's numbers justify you decision to have the sleeve done. I would look at it like this. You are taking a road trip to Disney Land and you hit a traffic jam on the way out of town. Don't sweat it you are going to get Disney land and have a great time just a little later than you first thought. Hang in there, and you don't have to be a Super Women just run a sensible program and buy yourself a pair of Mickey Mouse ears when you get to Disney Land to commemorate your journey.
  2. NevadaDave


    Thanks it nice to hear from larger members like me, and we have the same goal weight I started at 511 lbs. had to lose 50 lbs. pre-op so we were sleeved at a similar place I was sleeved on 11/30/13 an so far down 180 lbs. total
  3. I was in absolutely in no pain when I woke up, or ever, I never used any of my pain medication. I had no sensation that more than half of my stomach was gone. I was groggy when I woke up and felt sick and very nauseous, with in 5 seconds the nurse asked me if I nauseous, I said yes, and she immediately gave a shot of some drug. it worked within 3 seconds and I felt better. So in all no pain and less than 10seconds of feeling sick
  4. NevadaDave

    Nosey folks!

    Remember that you are the same person before and after surgery, so the co workers should accept you ether way. so if you want to keep it privet then let them mind the own business
  5. I haven't had trouble eating anything except, pills are hard for me
  6. NevadaDave

    New, scared, confused

    Fears about failing also racked me, and still do a little. The thing that help me a lot is that my surgeon has a extensive support system in place. I the form of weekly support meeting lead by a therapist. I am guy so I am not comfortable talking about any thing close to being a emotional subject, but I found myself in a community of like minded people. This has help me a lot
  7. NevadaDave

    I did a BaD BAd thing

    I used to eat the whole pizza before my sleeve so all and all not so bad
  8. It's natural to have thoughts like you are having. I did not care about my bougie size, I felt this was best left to the surgeon, he is the expert. Remember the surgery is more than just physical. There is something about the surgery that changes you. I am 17 weeks out and down 170 LBS, and I could care less about pizza and alike. People eat pizza and other treats all around me and just don't care and it doesn't bother me at all.
  9. Sleeved on November 30 2013 and down 170 lbs. 50 pre surgery and 120 lbs. post. Went from a size 7x-8x to a solid 3x. Doing O.K. I haven't been to adventurous with my food yet.
  10. I was sleeved on 11/30/13 and my hair went from curly to straight and a tiny bit of loss. Also after sleeving I have a super sensitivity to any thing sweet. most slightly sweet food is just to sweet to eat
  11. NevadaDave

    Question from Pre op to Post op.

    I am 4 months out and I still use a baby spoon, It mostly helps me controls the speed that I am eating.
  12. NevadaDave


    I felt the same way too, since I was disconnected from food I felt disconnected from people and the world. this didn't happen to me as fast as you but it lasted about a week. congratulations on your surgery this sleeve thing really works I am 16 weeks and los 165 lbs. and feel good
  13. I kind of a newbie (13 weeks), but beside the physical changes the surgery does to your body, there are mental changes that I did anticipate. The things that were important before surgery about food, drinking just don't matter any more. I don't think about food and drinking wants and desires.
  14. NevadaDave

    Band or Sleeve

    The thing that made the Band / Sleeve decision for me.. At my surgeon’s office all of his staff have had WLS. Two of the Gals have first had the Band then had a second surgery to have the sleeve. They said the quality of life is better with the sleeve
  15. NevadaDave

    Surgery at 500 pounds?

    No I did loose 125 in 7 weeks. the 125 comes from my pre op loss plus my post op loss. this is about 50 pre op and the rest post op. still it has been fairly fast, I was 511LBS on sept 1 of last year
  16. NevadaDave

    Surgery at 500 pounds?

    Hi, I started out at 511LBS and I am 7 weeks out from surgery. I have had 1 doctor refuse to operate on me, but I found a doctor that would. I had to lose at least 40LBS to 50LBS before surgery. This sounds impossible when you first hear that you have to lose that weight on your own. But for some reason it worked for me this time, I think the reason I was able to lose the initial weight was I had a surgery date and I didn’t have time to fool around. Surgery went very easy for me, the hardest part is getting in all your water and protein that I need. So far I lost 125LBS and don’t miss food at all. Good Luck and keep fighting your worth it.
  17. NevadaDave

    pre-op question

    I didn't eat junk at the end because I had to loose 50lbs before I could have the surgery. I had to fight my head a lot with thoughts, like I will never have this again I will never be able to eat that again. I also had to fight a lot of crazy thoughts about what my last meal would be. When I quit eating junk food I felt bad for about a week, I really think I went through withdraw from the junk food. I must have be addicted to all the fats and sugars. So my suggestion is to get the junk food out of your system before surgery, you don't want to go through junk food withdraw wile recovering from surgery. I am 7 weeks out from surgery and food is the last thing on my mind now. Good luck and for me the surgery went very easy.
  18. NevadaDave

    I am scared to go through wls

    I was scared to death to have the surgery, I delayed it for years. For me the surgery was a walk in the park, no pain no problems. I am six weeks out with no problems, I don't think I have 100% of my energy back, but it not a big problem. I think this is because my body is going through a readjustment period because my weight loss has been rapid, maybe to fast approximately 70 pounds after surgery and 125 pounds with pre-op diet.
  19. HW: 511 lbs SW: 446 lbs CW: 385 lbs Sleeved 11-30-2012 So from 9-1-2012 to today down 126 lbs
  20. I am also 6 weeks and I just started to have this also. I will try some antacids, but also looking for a solution. I am glad to know this goes away.
  21. Hi all, I am 3 weeks out, and I knew I would be a new sleever at Christmas. I got myself psychology prepared for not eating any holiday treats, and I am not having any problems with that, I could care less about food now. but what I am having trouble with is being home by myself because all of the holiday event revolve around big feasts. Both I and my friends are uncomfortable to have me around. This is something I didn't anticipate. Is there any clues from people that faced this kind of thing before. Thanks
  22. NevadaDave


    From the album: NevadaDave

  23. NevadaDave

    Tomato Juce

    Thanks, I think I going to wait for a while, I was tired of drinking sweet things
  24. NevadaDave

    Tomato Juce

    I am two weeks out and I was wondering if any body had any experience with tomato juice?
  25. NevadaDave

    Wanting to leave my SO?

    I am also two weeks out like you, and I have been (very) over weight all my life. When it come to relationships being over weight we tend to feel like we are second class citizens and accept relationships with people that don't treat us as we deserve. Soon your weight wont be an issue because you had surgery on your body from now on we have to do surgery on our minds. I cant help to think maybe we don't feel like second class citizens because we are overweight, but we became overweight because we feel like we are second class citizens. Maybe your SO is some of the emotional weight you have to loose, and please don't ever accept any one that doesn't treat you like the most special girl in the world.

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