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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SRHWAD

  1. Down 74 pounds. Want to lose 15 more but it's not coming off as easy as previous months...lol! Haven't had any complications or hair loss...thank goodness. What is everyone eating? How much do you eat? Would love to read about everyone's else's progress so far..

    12/4 sleevers - updates!

    That's awesome!

    Sleeved dec13

    Have not had any hair loss...

    Sleeved dec13

    Sleeved 12/5 down 74lbs...has started slowing down...want to lose 15 more.
  5. I tan in a tanning bed, was sleeved 12/4 and just starting tanning again a month out. I just put a wash cloth over my incision sites. Yeah I got a white square on my belly but only my husband and I know that. . I use to use salon lotions but after i bought my own tanning bed i been using cheap ones from Walmart and they work the same.. I have never use sunless lotions so I can't help you on that one. Either way keep your incisions covered and away from sunlight. Mine are already faded pretty good and can hardly tell they are there and want to keep it that way.

    No Energy

    I had my surgery on a Tuesday and went back to work the following Monday. Everyday the 1st week back at work as soon as 2pm came around I could barely keep my eyes open. I think the surgery takes a lot out of you...it will get better.

    All of my December sleevers...

    Sleeved 12/4 down 38 pounds...7 pounds away from being under 200!

    Updated Pictures

    Great job! That's awesome!!

    Dec 4th sleevers

    Thank you. I haven't moved for a couple days now. Kinda stuck...maybe my 1st stall? I'm trying hard to be strict to my diet but its been real hard lately with the holidays. I haven't been exercising nearly enough so if I stick to my diet and start exercising regularly I'm sure ill start losing. Started at 244, now 210...I want to be under 200 so freaking bad!
  10. SRHWAD

    Dec 4th sleevers

    Sleeved Dec 4th also!! Lost 34lbs so far. I've been having a real hard time getting protein in. I loved the protein drinks before surgery and can't stand them now. Been getting almost all my water in but not all.
  11. SRHWAD

    Weight loss pounds check in

    Sleeved 12/4 weighing 244, lost 34lbs so far. Sleeved 12/4/12 weighing 244, 12/24/12 weighing 215
  12. What's your progress...how are you doing...feeling?
  13. I was sleeved 12/4 and 2 of them are healed and glue is gone the other ones the glue is breaking up and starting to fall off. My doc told me if they get redness or start discharging puss like liquid that they are infected to call him.
  14. No way! Got sleeved a week ago today and started at 244lbs and today I weighed 219. I know it won't be that good every week but I've lost my "turkey neck" as my husband calls it and pants are already baggy!!! Loving life! Can't wait til I can eat some real food..lol
  15. My mom had the surgery 3 years ago and we explained to the kids what grandma was doing and why. I took the kids to see her the day she got home and they walked in, hugged her, and looked at me and said " she's not skinny?" Lol so then I had to explain it takes time! They are now 8, 9, and 12...I had my surgery 12/4/12 and didn't bother saying anything because I would tell them I was not gonna be fat for much longer 5'5 244lbs and they told me mom you aren't fat...lol! All my friends and their moms friends are 100 pounds lighter than me...lol kids can be do sweet!
  16. I'm 5 days post opt...I was wondering if I could have pudding..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
