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About GoldyGirl

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 09/08/1973

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  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom,
  • City
    Rapid City
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  1. GoldyGirl

    Cramp Help !

    gallbladder, I had mine removed a month after surgery.
  2. GoldyGirl

    VSG to RNY anyone?

    lack of restriction has Never been an Issue, I honestly think my Surgeon took out too much stomach, I can hardly hold anything. Best of luck
  3. GoldyGirl

    VSG to RNY anyone?

    Hello, I had the Sleeve January 9th 2013. Had Gallbladder removed February 1st 2013? Contained to have pain on right side, and acid reflux. I reached my goal weight of 155 in August, My start weight was 263. I continued to lose weight, and be sick. Throwing up, nausea, and heart burn. Surgeon found out I had Bile Reflux in October. I lost down to 130lbs, and was in hospital for dehydrations every few weeks until November. I was revised on November 21, 2013. I ended up in hospital December 8th, for extremely Low blood pressure, and dehydration, was in hospital for 6 days. I am slowly getting better. They have my blood pressure under control with medication, and I am starting to be able to keep small amounts of food down, I have gained 4 lbs. I did not want the Gastric Bypass, but it is what I had to do. Surgeon said I should be much better and able to start working out by end of February. Good luck, and keep us posted.
  4. GoldyGirl


    HaHa, LOVE it!!!
  5. GoldyGirl

    I Hate Food

    just to add Sleeved Jan 9th 2013 Bypass Nov 21 2013
  6. I HATE food, I was sleeved, had nothing but problems, Bile Reflux and was revised to the Gastric Bypass on Nov 21st this year. I can honestly say I have NOT been hungry in a Year, Every time I eat I am bloated, and stomach rumbles, and feel sick...I HATE food and I HATE eating, wish I never had to put food in my body ever again....Feeling Terrible.
  7. GoldyGirl

    Gummie Vitamins

    where do you get these? I HATE my chewables, they make me sick to my stomach....they are chalky and gross, soft chews sound better....
  8. GoldyGirl

    Pissed Off Husband

    I found and had my first session with a councilor, on Tuesday, and I will see here again this coming week. She told me to take it one day/ and sometime one hour at a time.... Little baby steps. Thanks for the kind words, and Merry Christmas to YOU too!!!
  9. GoldyGirl

    Pissed Off Husband

    Well major set backs, I was readmitted to the hospital on Saturday afternoon Dec 7th and just released this afternoon Dec 11th.. I was admitted for Low and static BP, dehydration. Once I was in they found out I was low on potassium, magnesium, Iron, and Protein. I also had low blood sugar. So Basically I felt like a Pile of SHIT. As of today they had everything stabilized and sent me home with lots of meds. I am still pretty weak, and somewhat dizzy but much better than I was this weekend.
  10. GoldyGirl

    Pissed Off Husband

    I am 2 weeks post op, from the RNY, Heartburn is gone, I have not thrown up once. I have had some nausea, doctor said that is normal. I am still up in the air as to if I have done the right thing or not. I am still an emotional rollercoaster. best of luck with what you decide to do. My Doctor is very Happy even though I am still Losing weight...... You have been through so much. I often think of you and how you are. I'm going through the same terrible GERD issues and very PAINFUL spasms. Did the surgery work for your GERD. Does that feel better? My surgeon is pushing me to do this RNY and I'm fighting it. Hope you feel better and are on your way to a 100 percent recovery.
  11. I know and when you are in the middle of it, does kinda piss me off, I know I know, but one friend told me Yesterday, sometimes YOU JUST NEED To CRY. and I did. Then I cried again today. In these forms, People always say their "Journey" I am actually calling it my "Rollercoaster Ride"...cause there are Many Many ups and downs, I have had lost of problems. 3 Surgeries this year. So I am hopping it for, a much better 2014. Just go with your emotions. When you wanna Laugh, Laugh, when you wanna Scream, Screa, and when you need to Cry Just Cry. Best of LUCK>
  12. I just had my BYPASS, I had the Sleeve in January, so I am on day 11 of liquid diet and have 3 more weeks to go. Yes I am sick of the shakes, but knowing I am gonna be stronger and healthier make it worth it. I did have a moment today and lost it. I actually sat on the kitchen floor and cried, then I got up drank my shake and went on. So I understand it is NOT easy, but it will be worth it, One day at a time......we should keep in touch cause I Have Mental days too but I think that is normal......
  13. just force yourself, after day 3 and 4 it did get easier. I know honey, it Sux, But you can do this just be strong and know it will all be worth it come summer and cute Shorts and tank tops..... Im trying but right now i feel like a crack head on withdrawl....its like i need food my body is in shock i feel like this is the hardest part i wish i had more to eat....like more options
  14. it will get easier, Make sue you follow your doctors pre op diet, you Have to shrink your liver so he can do his best work on your surgery. It is not worth messing with. I just kept reminding my self ALL the times I had OVER eaten to get my self in this mess. and then counted that food as the food I wished I could eat on the Pre OP diet days......it helped. Just one day at a time soon you will be done and ON your way to the LOSERS bench!!! and YOU will be so Happy!
  15. GoldyGirl

    Really Really Upset

    what is you starting weight? how tall are you and how much do you have to lose? The less you have to lose the slower it goes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
