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Everything posted by GoldyGirl

  1. I cannot be the only one that absolutely hates the “small bathroom stalls”…..You know the ones where you have to straddle the toilet to open the door and when you sit down your thighs and arms hit the side…..Well yesterday, I had to use the “small stall”….I started to sweat and was over come with panic as i entered... Then I sat down…WOW what the hell, I had enough Room!!!! WOW for NSV!! I love my sleeve, today anyway….
  2. GoldyGirl


    Protein Protein Protein, Water Water Water, Move Move Move....Good Luck it will happen!
  3. I am 4 months Post Op and NEVER hit a STALL… Yeah for Me!!!! Okay, Okay, before everyone goes Ape ****, I will tell why. I only weigh Once a Month at the Doctors office. Every 30 days I get on the dreaded scale, and it is becoming my Friend, because I am always Much Less than the last time. Yes, I am Know I am Stalling Just like everyone else, but I don’t know when that is so it helps me mentally not focus on the negative and just plugging along doing what the doctor tells me.. Just a thought if you are getting frustrated with the daily or even weekly weigh ins, Don’t do it to yourself, Weigh Once a MONTH!.
  4. GoldyGirl

    just have to share

    AWESOME!!! Congrats to you!!!!!
  5. GoldyGirl


    How tall are you?
  6. GoldyGirl


    haha, Fat and Jolly....That makes me laugh!
  7. I think everyone Needs to go eat a cookie, and take a deep breath!
  8. Eating Smaller Amounts, Watching my Carbs, and Exercising, and IT is ALL true!!! Keep it simple.
  9. GoldyGirl

    eating bread!

    I am 4 months post op, and still a few bites of Bread and I am FULL! Not Fun at all, even feel sick. But everyone is different.
  10. GoldyGirl


    I went back to my doctor, 3 weeks ago, told him my back was hurting, and I so needed to take Ibuprofen. He told me as long as I take with FOOD and in Moderation it would be find...So I took every night for about 3 days, after I ate dinner. Good Luck.
  11. GoldyGirl

    I have something to say!

    I am 4 months post op. I have been doing the whole eating plan as the doctor has told me. I have been sluggish and tired. I am working out at least 5 days a week with a Trainer. My trainer is telling me I have to up my carbs if I wanna have more energy and get stronger…But I am Scared, so your post is refreshing to hear. Thanks for Sharing!
  12. GoldyGirl

    Once upon a time...

    Awesome, Made me smile this Morning, Thanks!
  13. GoldyGirl


    I know what you mean by discourgaged, I have been there too. I actually gave my scale away BEFORE i was sleeved, because I knew How I become, and would weigh ALL the time. Good Luck to you and Glad you Smiled today!
  14. GoldyGirl

    Weight Loss Questions

    I am 39 but 5' 8" and Starting weight was 261. I have lost about 65 in 4 months. Dr thinks a good goal weight for me is 160~165. I just let him take out as much as he thought he should.
  15. I am 4 months post op. Still Not eating much, I had 80% of my Stomach removed. There are some days I wake up and feel so Damn tired and dizzy. Help, What are your thoughts?
  16. GoldyGirl

    So Flipping Tired

    Thanks, I am not writting anything down, I will watch Protein and Water! Thanks for the imput
  17. GoldyGirl

    Pet Peeve

    I am really tired of Reading Post about So Discouraged, Down in the Dumps, Slow Loser….Then find out you have LOST 30 or 40 lbs. in a few weeks or even a few Months. We are all here because WE could NOT lose weight. So Who ever lost and kept off 20, 25 or 40lbs in as little as a few Months…. Sorry to sound harsh, But Enough of the Complaining. Stop Weighing every few days, do what your Doctor said and look at yourself in 6 months…Lets Keep this Positive it is about a Life Style Change and the weight will come off in time………..OK, I am Done Venting
  18. GoldyGirl

    Tanning after surgery

    I LOVE Tanning Beds....Gonna start tanning this week!!!! and Be so excited to actually fit in the bed like a normal person!!!
  19. GoldyGirl

    4 months out.. & so stressed

    I am also 4 months post op, and the whole Head Hunger is now KICKING my Butt....This is gonna be a day by day journy. Good luck and I find it helps to only weigh once a month.
  20. I am UNDER 200lbs!!!! I weigh less than I have in 12 yrs!! So Excited, Would Say I LOVE my Sleeve, but it is Still a LOVE/HATE relationship.....as to still tummy problems, and not eating to much varity....but WHOO HOO, under 200 and WILL NEVER Go back!
  21. GoldyGirl

    Not as much support as I thought.

    I am 4 months post op, and am learning each day that.... I AM DOING THIS, ME, ALONE. I have to Stop paying too much attention to everyone’s comments; I have spent almost 40 years doing that. NOW I am trying to listen to myself and do WHAT I FEEL is right for ME! I have always thought that was a selfish way to think, and If it is so WHAT! I Need to be healthy. So spent your time with the Positive! Best of Luck!
  22. GoldyGirl

    Pet Peeve

    LOVE it, I feel the same way, I dont think anyone that has had WLS, Needs help with adding a few spoonfuls of food.....LOL.
  23. Pink Lemonade (the sugar free) and Vodka...
  24. GoldyGirl

    Changes are a comin...

    When do you get the "Sleeve"? I am 4 months post op and still riding the Emotional Rollercoaster!!! Good Luck!!
  25. GoldyGirl


    Mine did not but I wish he had... I had mine removed, a month after sleeve.....be glad to have your taken out at same time!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
