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Everything posted by GoldyGirl

  1. I am afraid of Food. I said it, I can’t eat… I obsess with everything and am convinced that I will gain weight no matter if I eat healthy or not…just had 2 small meatballs for dinner so Full, and not Obsessed that I ate to much cause I feel full……I feel out of control on my thoughts…
  2. GoldyGirl

    I am Afraid to eat.....

    Thanks for everyones point of view, I was thinking it was becoming an issue, but wanted to check and see if everyone else was thinking the same thing....and I guess NOT, Thanks and Best of Luck to everyone on their Journey!
  3. GoldyGirl

    Gall Bladder

    Yes, it is because of the surgery, I had to have mine removed also. Good Luck
  4. WOW~ Good for YOU!!! Great Job!!
  5. GoldyGirl

    Stop asking me questions!

    HaHa, your post made me laugh, cause that is what I am thinking. I am just now weighing less than I have in 12 yrs! So happy about that! Good Luck!
  6. GoldyGirl

    Gall bladder or c section?

    you post made me feel better, my gallbladder was out 2 1/2 months ago, and still feeling pain from time to time, glad I am not alone.....Thanks for the Post.
  7. GoldyGirl

    Avocado smoosh

    Dont like Cottage cheese but LOVE avacodos, so gonna try. Sounds good, and another way to get in Protein, Yeah! THanks for sharing!
  8. Went to my 3 month check-up have lost 52lbs, so feeling great. However, I have a large amount of Protein in my Urine, doctor did Blood Work and I am waiting to hear back from it. He said this was not typical, so I am kinda freaking out, Has anyone else had this happen? If so what was the outcome…….
  9. GoldyGirl

    5 Months and at goal!

    WOW~Awesome JOB....I needed a Positive Story, been feeling down, and depressed....THANKS for the Motivation!
  10. GoldyGirl

    5 Months and at goal!

    WOW~Awesome JOB....I needed a Positive Story, been feeling down, and depressed....THANKS for the Motivation!
  11. GoldyGirl

    HUGE fight with the Hubster

    Good Luck with whatever YOU decide to do! It is up to you, I am sure your huband is scared for you and Loves you Tons... Just know,The Sleeve is HARD, but in a Different way YOU will NOT be hungry, but the HEAD HUNGER does NOT go away. I find my self Looking in the pantry and fridge for Food only to relise I am NOT hungry it is MY HEAD and Thoughts. I am sure you husband will have your back....Best Wishes.
  12. GoldyGirl

    kidney infections?!? scared!

    I found out today I havea large amount of Protein in my Urine, and they did blood work for Kidney function is this kinda the same thing? I am having lots of pain in my mid to lower back? Good Luck to you.
  13. What is wrong with me..?I am almost 3 months out have Lost 40+ lbs., (only weigh at doctor’s office and not weighed in 3 weeks)… People are starting to notice that I have Lost weight and I DON’T like it…I feel awkward and don’t know how to respond. Very uncomfortable with the Nice comments…I have not told anyone other than husband and 1 friend that I had the surgery. Help What is Wrong with ME..
  14. Do you still have ur Gallbalder? I had Mine removed 3 1/2 weeks post op, because of the Sleeve. Had the same signs as you and the Major pain took them 3 weeks to check my gallbalder, just a thought....Good Luck.
  15. GoldyGirl

    Mind tricks.

    yes, i am and have felt the SAME way...Even ask my husband as we are in bed, Did I eat to Much today? he Laughes and tells me HELL no... I dont know why but you are not alone........
  16. GoldyGirl

    I'm Afraid of my Scale

    I actually gave my scale away…I have always been one that obsessed with the Scale.. I will only weigh at the Doctors office once a month. ….Then I don’t even know if I am having a Stall… It works better for me mentally. Good Luck.
  17. GoldyGirl

    Food addiction......

    WHat is the "overeaters Workbook" and where can I get One. This Last few day have been tough, NO i am NOT hungry because of the Sleeve, but Head Hunger has been bringing me down, and I have been "feeling sorry for myself" cause I cant eat like the rest of the family...But tomorrow is a New day and I am doing this one day at a time...
  18. GoldyGirl

    Brrrr I'm freezing

    You are lucky, I am in South Dakota and we are getting Lots of Snow Right NOW...I am under an Electric Blancket and on a heating pad Righ NOW...and STILL FREEZING!
  19. GoldyGirl

    Brrrr I'm freezing

    Yes, My Hands, Nose,and Toes are COLD all the TIME, and Always feel Chilled to the Bone...
  20. GoldyGirl

    Pet Peeve

    Good Point, It is frustrating to hear that 40 lbs in 2 months is a SLOW loser, I am proud of my self and got irritated, and Needed a Place to VENT, I thought this was it but Feel like i have Now become attacked by lots of ppl, not you, you made a good point..BUT sheesh, a tough crowd here, Maybe i should NOT just VENT anymore...?????
  21. GoldyGirl

    Pet Peeve

    Sorry, I am VERY NEW to this Page myself and did not know there were other places to post, Actually, I am rethinking this Page PPL seem very defensive and Not to friendly, to me at least. WOW Making me think I should not hace even posted at all....Seems to be a group click already, and not welcoming to new ppl.
  22. GoldyGirl

    Pet Peeve

    Yes, I understand what you are saying, and that is tough... But that is NOT what I was talking about at all...I am talking about complaining about 30 to 40 lbs in a few weeks.... NOT Slow or not 1 or 2 lbs a week... Thats all I ment.
  23. GoldyGirl

    Pet Peeve

    I did not mean to be Snarky, just saying that Loosing 30 to 40 lbs in a couple of months is GREAT.... NOT a slow loser....I felt irritated, cause It is all I have lost and Think it is Awesome could NOT have done it before surgery. That none of us gained ALL the Weight in a few Months and NOT gonna lose it all in a few ... Just me Venting, Thats all ...No harm Ment.
  24. GoldyGirl

    Pet Peeve

    I started the Post so in a way you were....Ya seem a little cranky, it is a Beautiful day Just SMILE.

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