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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About dezilou

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  1. dezilou

    3 week Post op

    I don't think you should, personally. Maybe something a little less harsh on your new stomach. Whenever I think about seriiously eating, I ask myself if its head-hunger or is there an emotional tie, or if its just the memory of food leaving my system. I also remember how my surgeon told me that he had someone go to a chinese buffet after surgery; her new sleeve didn't hold, cause she wasn't supposed to be on solids, and her stomach burst. She was in the hospital for 6 months, cause there was no way to surgically repair it...that keeps me from eating A LOT of things.
  2. dezilou

    Dallas, Texas Sleevers! !

    That's OK! We probably met is the funny thing! I met Kevin yesterday too! I am the 6' black girl with the curly hair, lol.
  3. I get it in my back, directly across from my staples, and usually after walking for a few minutes. I just sit it out. I've wondered if I can go back to taking OTC pain killers, so I can zap it with Aleve, but my Dr is on vacay...
  4. Even people on this board, who don't know you in "real life" are trying to make you justify your reasons for telling whomever you choose to tell, or not to tell. Here you can click off and walk away, it's not that simple in real life. Why does someone's decision to share or not share an intimate detail of their life matter to complete strangers? Do you. Don't criticize or try to guilt others with words like truth, lies, and liar. Everyone's truth is relative to their own journey. You can't judge how any one walks their path.
  5. I actually am a lawyer, and while I can't speak for every state, I can speak for mine, and during a "probationary period" you can be terminated for little to nothing, as long as its not based on what the Feds protect. As for the condescending, derogatory attitude towards others, he may just feel the need to lash out online, because he is being emasculated at home...or, may be he just needs a hug!
  6. Good luck doll! You are actually right near where I live! Blessings and let us know how you feel when you can!
  7. What is mine is mine, and this surgery was mine. I decided that I was ready for it, I picked the doctor, and I constantly massage the staples in my stomach. If I choose to share with someone, that decision will be MINE as well. This is a tool, right, not a guarantee to a size six. I'm still going to have to work harder, longer, more than ever before to reach my goals; so if someone skinny comes up to me with a "you used to be fat," question, I will tell them about the hard work I have to endure to now be worthy of that question. However, on the other side of the coin I also won't wander up to randomly overweight people and tell them either. I had it done to me, and its not the greatest feeling in the world. If they ask, absolutely I will tell them! But if I choose to. Because that choice is mine as well. I know some fat haters. To me it's like this, would I casually answer a question about how many people I've been with? No, and you would get a knuckle sandwich for asking, so why would I relay other intimate details of my life? This is as personal a choice as it gets, parting with a piece of yourself, when there are other alternatives (some would say) out there. WLS isn't one size fits all, so do what makes YOU comfortable. It's YOUR decision and YOUR life, you're not wrong for your choice.
  8. I'm four days "removed" and last night my parents waltz in with all these Christmas goodies and put them in front of me like its no big deal. My brother is aghast at all the pastries and cookies and they, who have never bought so much junk before, seem carefree and "innocent" I just smiled and walked upstairs to my room. Funny thing is, while I wasn't physically hungry, I could see how head hunger and bad habits can easily lead you down the wrong path. So for me, I think isolation and reflection this holiday season is going to be my M.O. Some people may think its the cowards way out, but I wouldn't drink in front of an alcoholic, but I also wouldn't expect them to expect me to change my life for their issues. With food, I feel the same. Marie Antoinette said, "Let them eat cake!" This holiday, I will concur.
  9. Yay! I'm home now. For those who asked, my surgeon was John Alexander. Everyone says his a genius, but with that comes things like tardiness, etc. I really do like him, outside of the actual surgery, he's such a sweetheart, that's why I was so surprised on the actual day of surgery. Can't wait to get these staples out.

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