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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    3 Cheers For The Monitors Of LBT

    Well if the lotto thinggy won't work how about drinks on me in Vegas--WHHOO HOOO!!! I will buy for everyone!! Of course I would like to do this around a craps table & oh yeah you should all have a least one chip on the table for good luck-LOLLOLLOL
  2. I'llsucceed

    Surgery this Friday...very nervous!

    Welcome Scotty! You and I both weigh nearly the same & have about the same goal. I too have had your same struggle about to tell or not to tell. I firmly beleive your surgery will go off without a hitch. So don't worry about that. You'll know when your ready to tell your Mom, so don't worry about that right now. Maybe when you start to really drop your weight will be the time to tell her. That way she will see how great your doing & won't have the excuse to worry so much about you (or is it about her- my mom is the same way)LOL I really think between your friend who I assume will be back in a few weeks & this board you'll have enough support to get you through the first couple weeks. I promise you can count on me anytime. I check the baord daily & will be happy to lend a shoulder or ear at anytime. You are going to do great & be just fine. Congradulations to you Scotty!
  3. I'llsucceed

    The hardest part?

    Oh my Gosh Blossom- I can't wait to ask my Doctor more about this. This was the best news yet- that there may even be the slightest chance that we could maybe drink & eat is exciting. I am more doubtful than hopeful but its a least interesting that your Doc is on the fence with it.
  4. I'llsucceed

    When U Least Expect It

    I struggled with whom to tell about my hopeful up coming surgery. Even told a sister & than decided to tell her I decided no mnths later because of her back-handed support. Than today on the phone I was speaking w/my eldest sister. I wasn't going to say anyting & something inside me needed to share. To my surprise she was so supportive & happy for me it gave me goosebumps. She even has offered to take her vacation time to be with me during & after surgery. She lives out of state. I thought she might be supportive but never expected such overwelming positive reinforcement. Just goes to show you never know where your angels may be.
  5. I'llsucceed

    The hardest part?

    Leatha- What besides pushing the food through faster & allowing us to eat more will happen if we do drink while eating? Is it that we won't get that full sensation? I just don't know if I can do it. At least at every meal _ I don't know if I can. I love water & drinking- I feel thirsty alot of the time. What are your thoughts?
  6. I'llsucceed

    Message Boards for Dummies

    Also how do you "bump a thread" for someone? Or can only monitors do that? Where does the thread go once it is bumped?
  7. I'llsucceed

    What irritates you?

    Claraluz- Thanks & yes I do believe that my Mom can keep a secret. However, if she were to slip up one evening over a glass of wine or something, than I guess I will cross that bridge at that time. I do know that eventually when the weightloss is very noticable that my one sister will probably guess what I did. Again at that point I woin't lie any more but tell her yes I did- But really don't wish to discuss any details & change the subject. Whew! Gives me the chills just thinking about it. Come to think about it maybe I WILL LIE & say I've been really running alot more & taking this great new diet pill.LOL LOL I think that may be easier.
  8. You'll be in my prayers tonight- sleep well
  9. I'llsucceed

    2005 Vegas Bash

    I would love to come & meet everyone. I hope I can scap enough together by then. Just think Trish if my insurance hurries up - you & I both could be through our mushies by than. Thank God for the margaritas. Anyone a big Texas Holdem player? or Craps- I love them both. Would also love to get a little sunshine on my face.
  10. I'llsucceed

    When U Least Expect It

    Thanks all for sharing- And PAULA I wanted to say that it really has been a huge struggle to keep it a secret. A major mental fight- I ALways feel I can count & trust on everyone. I guess because everyone CAN count & trust me. But alais that isn't always true the otherway around. I wasn't going to tell anyone I had my upper-eyes done either but I tend to almost brag about it to complete strangers-LOL - LBS however comes with the cost of little failures. exp. Not losing fast enough for someone else-gaining maybe-having it removed maybe-not being able to succeed on my own-ect-ect-ect. Maybe infact you did the better thing by telling more people. I think that sometimes I may feel more accountable if more were watching my every nibble;0) Either or isn't it interesting how we all want to include others but exclude them at the same time. Excepting only the comments we can stomach & sometimes blamming their words for our own failures or excuses to binge. Wanting only certain help & certain saying at certain times. In our hearts I think we all know MOST want us to succeed. One of my biggest fears is succeeding. When I am thinner what will I have left to be sorry about. This is a huge mental thing I need to uncover & figure out fast. Thanks for listening.
  11. I'llsucceed

    Scheduled for Surgery in 4 days

    Welcome- The best advise I can give is set aside a few hrs tonight & read-read-read- all the information you can find here. Get a piece of paper & start making your list or better just print out the "posts" that list good food to have pre-stocked. Congrats on your date & we all wish you a great surgery! Remember Preperation is the key to being successful.
  12. I'llsucceed

    Getting Banded on Wednesday Feb 16

    Thats great only two days to go- way to take charge of your life!! Have you spoken or lined up a nutricianist? I was told that its very important both before & especially after to get the right amont of nutrients for your body to heal properly & also when your on solid food to maximze your weight lose. Hopefully there will be one for you to work with even if its only via fax & phone! Can't wait to see your progress.
  13. I'llsucceed

    Going in on 3-2-05 for evaluation

    I hope all went well & that your ready to go to the next step! good luck
  14. I'llsucceed

    I'm Approved - Uhc

    Tamay- WHHOOOHHOOO That is great that you have your date- I wish you sooo much luck w/the big day & hope all is perfect!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Lapband Advice and Encouragement

    You CAN DO IT Wade!! We are all here for you. Leatha that was inspiring- thank you for writing such a great reply.
  16. I do not think that it should be removed. Now that the rebuttal has been posted along with it people can be informed on both sides & make an adult decision. I would want to know every problem that my own physician has had prior to my own operation---- so thats all this is just more information. Besides as to the rebuttal the monies probably didn't figure in all his other costs(time off work-travel-ect.) & I don't care if it happen 4 or even 6 yrs ago. It still happened & warrents to be told. So do any other problems bansters have with any other doctors. This is why we have this site to inform us of the POSSIBILITIES. We are all adults and I am sure can make our judgements based on all our knowledge not just one THREAD.
  17. I'llsucceed

    New noises coming from my body...

    Your right Paula--- Still anewbie & a little conserned about the noises. Will these go away as the months pass or will this be a permanent thing to live with. Anyone know?
  18. I'llsucceed

    I hate fat people!!!

    Big T-, I have had such similar thoughts myself. Just yesterday I was at the dog park & this little dog about 15 pds ran into the back of my legs & I began to fall backwards. The gal next to me tried desperately to hold up my 245 pd body but down I went & hard. My biggest fear was I am going to kill this little dog from smooching him. I thank God I didn't & got up, with the help of 2 people & walked around the park for a bit. I told the people I was walking with, my first thought was "I was going to kill the dog"-really like in a joking manner. To my surprise some of them where saying-most definetly that I might have & that it must be so hard for me getting up & down. I thought they must be kidding. They were talking horrible things about some fat person! Thats not what I was. Of course it is what I am & have been for a couple years now. Like you I still feel like the skinner person I once was decads ago. Sometimes I think its God's little security blanket for me. At least I feel better inside than I look outside. Anyway-Your not alone;0)
  19. Wow Dwayne that is an incredible experience you went through. Thank goodness for your wonderful wife. I am so happy you are alive & well. Have you ever considered doing a marketing idea with your story. Its not for many - but if you did take your story public (i mean like a news story) to inform others, I just bet you might find a capable Doc here in Michigan to do the surgery for free. He in return would receive (air time & publicity) for free which cost alot more than $15000.00. Or maybe try going directly to a Doctor you've choose & present the idea. You would be astounded at what you can get if you only just ask. I know a large amount of companies & people that swap services for publicity. Its a win -win. You deserve the best & for free! I hope you get it. Best of luck from right here in Royal Oak ;0)
  20. I'llsucceed

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    Penni--Thank you so very much for all your selfless work. I am sure it took you alot of time & effort. So thanks a bunch. The photos are all so incredible to me. They really, I mean really give me hope that maybe I can do it once & for all, that just maybe this will be my turning point. What a great job to all of your transformations. Well Done!! I can't wait to show my mom ;0)
  21. I'llsucceed


    Well I finally did it.. I gave out & got cabel in the basement to help me workout with. I figure its a good investment. I also put my pool table up for sale & want to get a restriction machine kinda like Bowflex but not nearly so expensive. I got on the treadmill for 2 whole miles. I was so happy but banged up my hands pretty good from swinging them around. I could only go 2.3 - 2.4 fast but I was happy. I got EXTREMLEY swollen fingers & hands. In fact had to keep them upright most of the time. Also experienced a major FLOATING sensation when I got off. But I think a long time ago it happened before. Any way if there is anyone who want to keep track of workouts with me let me know;) Now I am hungry -lol lol:0)
  22. I'llsucceed

    HI - I'm new here

    Welcome farm girl!
  23. I'llsucceed


    AAAHhh Thats the best way to start your day- It just puts a spring in your step- way to go Blossom. On that not I am off to the tread-mill. First time in ....wayyyy to long!
  24. I'llsucceed

    New to the board!

    Welcome Brenda- Where are you from? This is the best support group(friends) you will ever need!
  25. I'llsucceed

    I'm still alive..

    WOW! thats great news!! I've been thinking about you. Wondering what happened & hoping you would succeed just as you did! Rest well & Congratualtions to your new life!!

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