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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed


    25 pds- Your doing a great job!! kkoooodos to you & congrats on your band!
  2. Best of luck & congrats on your new lease on life!
  3. I'llsucceed

    Beginning the process...

    sounds like you have done your homework & than some. What great parents & know they must be so proud of you for taking this step. I wish you luck - keep us posted.
  4. I'llsucceed

    Group Hug!!

    ((smmmmmmmmmmmoooooooochies All!!!))
  5. I'llsucceed

    Weightloss Challenge

    Dear Johnathon, I'll Succeed here or Christina for real. I am yet to be banded. So I don't think I am in the best mental position to help everyone reach a weight loss goal. So I think I will wait till I am banded to participate. But if you all feel differently, I will post in weekly to say if I did lose/gain. Good Luck
  6. I'llsucceed


    Kelly- when you had to dispose of the pie, did you feel satisified or no not really?.. This is another area I am afraid of not being satisfied in my mind.
  7. I'llsucceed

    Band Surgery Tomorrow

    Hot diggia dee dog- Your on your way to a beautiful thinner you! I wish you a speedy recovery & an easy adjustment phase!
  8. I'llsucceed


    Great Thread- I still keep wavering on getting or not while I wait for my insurance to go through. And this is a HUGE reason why I think it will help me. Some nites I just can't get full. Even last nite I ate an entire pint of Ben & Jerrys. I was even feeling pretty sick 2/3 through but for some horrible reason said" COme on you can finish - you need to eat those last bites". Why ? Have no idea.. Hat e it ...yes I do & can't wait to have the band help me through until my mind can sort things out. Thanks Tracey for sharing.
  9. I'llsucceed

    Check out my hole

    Vera- was there any extra cost you had to endure for this revision?
  10. I'llsucceed


    anwar - I think his name is Babs- I like him as well.. You mean the one with the dreads right?? I like him & OVER ALL - BO to me has the best voice & stage presence. I am not even a huge rocker- but man I love his voice.
  11. Best of luck to you! Come home safely & heal up quickly!
  12. I'llsucceed

    Can U Feel The LOVE

    WhooHoo That is great news PAT & you've been banded for 2 years!! I hope I will be able to tolerate it slowly just like you. Thank You La Madam for the post also. My nutrianist said no carbonated drinks immediately post-op. But i do agree w/you about the coke. I was more interested in using my tonic Water has a drink mixer and that is definetly carbonated.
  13. I'llsucceed

    i'm approved

    You'll Do it Wade--Congrats on your big day & keep us posted. I just love the name wade... Good luck
  14. I'llsucceed

    Can U Feel The LOVE

    Thanks everyone.. Great suggestions & I think this may be a case of trial & error. I just love that tonic. So once I am banded - i will probably try it & it may be an error ;0) But Delarla I also love cranberry juice & grapefruit in vodka so I may just have to give up tonic. I sure hope to be banded by Vegas & at least down a few pounds. Penni- Jamacian rum I may also try ..sounds like dessert - But as for Kahlua, can't do it... it did a number on me yrs ago & well I just can't even think about it.. Have you ever had one of those nights. I was only 24- but boy I remember it well.-yuck!
  15. I'llsucceed

    Check out my hole

    GeezWizz - what a story & an amazing photo- Thanks for sharing - I am going to bring this concern to my Doc when I see him next. Glad your doing better.
  16. I'llsucceed

    Mind-bending NSV!!!

    That is a beautiful story- I am very happy for you!
  17. I'llsucceed

    I can't wait to be obese!

    "She isn't big, she's just a bit fluffy." Fluffy- thats the best one yet! Out of the mouth of babes She must love you tremendously- she described you as a sweet fluffy lovely thought of love. I can just see that little face defending you. I love it!
  18. I'llsucceed

    Irrational Guilt

    Scotty, I would talk with a dietian I don't think you are getting enough calories & your body will tend to store what little you give it instead of expelling & burning them. Also you should be thinking in terms of inches than weight. If you haven't measure yourself yet, do so & measure again 1 month from now. This is always a better scale to go by (But of course you already knew that;0)) You just needed a little reminder. Your success so far is huge & will continue- be patient & good to yourself.
  19. I'llsucceed

    Weightloss Challenge

    O you guys - how about this one Since I am not banded & have been free for alling the past month. For every poung i gain you guys have to loose that as well..... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO I crack my self up !!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding you guys but hey I thought I would get in on the fun... But no I really wan't to wait before my liquid diet starts to set my goals. But I will be watching you all very carefully( not really-lol-no pressure) my little"ginny skinny pigs" You are all my inspiration & I wish you success.
  20. I'llsucceed

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    They held my paperwork up for 11/2 wks at the doc's office- they knida forgot to send it in - so it just went in last Monday;0( I am going to call mid-wk to the insurance co & check on the progress. But for now I will simply live through you vicarously;0)
  21. I'llsucceed

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Well HOT DIGG-A-DEE Dog Jamie. I know you must be so excited about your date. Please keep me posted- You are off to a tremendous start- way to go!! Christina
  22. I'llsucceed

    update horror story

    I am so excited to hear you are doing well & i hope that feild day your attorney has brings you a life time of joy & good health!!!
  23. I'llsucceed


    Oh Please don't go - this is coming to an end & if you just check back in a couple days it will all be gone. You know us women - "can't live with them.. Can't live without them" or was that men-hhhhmmmmmm?? anyway I hope you reconsider & stay - maybe just take a little vacation ;0)
  24. I'llsucceed

    Positive Thread - Apology

    I am glad to see this "zit" has finally popped. Well written Penni. Just a suggestion do you think it might be a good idea to close some of these threads that were about all this stuff? That way it won't continue & will fade away. Just thought maybe it might help. Happy & blessed Sunday all ;0)

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