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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Echocardiogram, post-band?

    Alex, My very best friend had been having little dizzy spells on & off for about 5 mnths. She had seen a few docs & they couldn't find anything. But she continued to be dizzy once in awhile to the point were she had to lay down & would feel better for awhile until she was up for a hour or so. Well, we all finally had a family(me included) intervention & sent her back to a specialist- we were afraid of a possible tumor or worse......... When she called me to tell what the dizziness was from I fell off my chair dying...of LAUGHTER!!! Her ear tube on the left side was clocked with so much wax that when they flushed it literally quarter sized balls of wax came out. She said if her hubby wouldn't have seen all the wax -no one would have believed her. The only down size now is she can hear her 3 children much more;0) Have your ears checked out by a ENT specialist just in case. Her regular PC didn't find it but the ENT did. Good luck & I sure its nothing... Keep us posted. Christina
  2. I'llsucceed

    Kellymoos, Congratulations!!

    I LOVE you Marie!! You come from good stock girl!!!!! Congrats Kelly !
  3. Here is a recent before photo taken 2005. I am looking for a standing shot (hard to find I usually stand behind something) With me is my "boy" Gunnar.. most of you know him by now;0) Thanks for the help Penni.
  4. I'llsucceed

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Jenna I want to officially be counted in. # 1 in for vegas bash please. I do wish to share a room with- whom ever doesn't matter.. If someone wants to share please PM me so we can set it up. Just need to know when the particulars come in so I can book it;0) Thanks for taking the reigns. Christina
  5. I'llsucceed

    Where's your port?

    Mine is on my Butt!! Just kiddin as you probably guessed. I just wish they could have mine below the bikkin line. but i know its not going to happen-which is fine:0)
  6. I'llsucceed

    Weightloss Challenge

    Hi all I don't think the scale is right but I was at 246.5 today. Which would be 2.5 pds gone. I just think the doctors scale was different than mine at home. I will just use the home scale from now on & pray that there isn't a gain next week. Great job everyone! Christina
  7. I'llsucceed

    My sister had a Down Syndrome baby

    What a beautiful Boy & I just love his name. He really looks like a Nolan. I am sending prayers of healing & love to you & yours.
  8. I'llsucceed

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    I do this one all the time -I yell "GOD BlESS....America!" My sister is a "FUDGE"yeller..and like others she says "FRICK" or "SUCK LE BLUE" french something, always makes me laugh. I personally like to yell"SUGAR!" OK - funny short story...its 2:23AM Monday morning -I can't sleep so here I am on LBT..There is this"zzzzz" "ZZzZZz" noise I can't figure out in my office.. I finally see this poor little fly upside down & struggling. So I blow on him to flip him over. He seems content for the moment (almost happy..Just kidding) and than "boom" over he goes again doing this stupid "ZZzzzZZzz" dance. I know he is going to die BUT I don't have the heart to kill him... So instead I'll go to bed & hope he is dead in the morning...(how mean& stupid). Thought I would give you all a little chuckly today. I am such a woose. And yes I let spiders crawl up on napkins & than shake them outside ;0)
  9. Hope all is great & waiting to hear from you Alice :0)
  10. I'llsucceed

    I went to the gym!

    Good For you!!! I tried at the start of lent & was great for 10 days. Went everyday for 1 hour-started slow & got faster everyday. But after that as usual I stopped going for 1 reason or another. Time to mount that horse again. I hope you keep it up -just don't over do it in the begining..baby steps...
  11. I'llsucceed


    I had no idea that the band switches from tight to loose & even gone from airplanes/weather & time.. Sorry to hear you are going through this! Maybe back to liquids for a spell. yuck ;0( Sometimes the more I learn about the band the more I just don't know if I should, could or would. Best of luck getting to the Doc & hang in there you might just surprise yourself how diciplined you can be;0)
  12. I'llsucceed

    Laser Hair Removel

    This was for laser treatments MAINLY for my port-wine area. Please check with your doc about the type your using for hair removel. I do know that the one type I used which was pulse-dye laser did both(birth mark & hair) & it was a definte no sun after for a month & they recommened really 2. Always they said 45 block. The current laser I get is a Candela laser. It removed my eye brown but only the section being treated & it is Thank God growing back;0) Sorry didn't mean to scare ya- I do all laser treatments in the winter as well- thank godness for crapy Mich weather.
  13. I'llsucceed

    Moderator and Privacy Issues on LBT

    Bravo -Becky- Bravo!!!
  14. I'llsucceed

    is it really worth it???????

    Eve, Hi - I am still a little like you in your thought process. I am yet to be banded & waiting on insurance. I have 100 pds to lose. No other health problems but gerd. I felt too that the band is going to be work. I am especially afraid of the possible hair loss & body noises & I know its silly but the scar from the port insicion. Like Alex said the one thing that really makes me want it- is the fact that when I fail my next attempt at losing weight; I will have that to stop me from failing to the point of no return. I lost twice w/atkins. Was on super strick - never once- cheated atkins for 9 mnths & lost 35 pds & many inches. But it just didn't last & couldn't. Too hard to do forever. But from what I have learned of the band, you really can eventually eat anything. Weather it be good or bad. The good news is if you fill up on smart food first - you will not be hungry. How cool to not be hungry! I can wait - i just know that with that "BAD BOY BAND" I am sure to lose weight & when & if I start to faulter- it will kick me back into gear. Anyway- just wanted you to know that I understand *exactly* what you mean. I even haven't told my entire family because I am still afraid of failing. Maybe after I lose a 100 pds & keep it off for a few years in a row I will tell them & my friends;0)
  15. I'llsucceed

    (For Ladies Only) What to take for BAD cramps?

    TOOOOO Funny- I swear that was EXACTLY what I was going to say. LOL It really works!!
  16. Terri- do you know where you can buy unjury? all the info I found thus far is just about reveiws. I would like to try some. thnks
  17. I'llsucceed

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    Great new shots everyone!!! Bushbaby- I love your curvey shot w/your jeans & blue top!! Zoe- you Look beautiful & your right time to tighten up those shirts & show off that figure w/ a great fitted v-neck! Francesa-What a transformation- Simply fantastic!! Trish -love the new avatar- adorable smile & beautiful hair-I'm jealous Jamie- Can't wait to see an after shot- your family is beautiful Denise- You don't even look like the same gal- i love the longer hair..pretty! Everyone else, so many to mention- love each picture & each transformation- what inspiration!
  18. I'llsucceed

    Best Tuna!

    The starkist albacore is also my favorite. I truely enjoy the prepaked bags w/pepper & lemon & also herbs. they don't even have to be drained. With atkins that regular mayo is what you are to have. Any type of low-fat food will always have more carbs in it than a regular food. Atkins is all about low or no carbs. Do be careful with your calorie intake & the sugars on atkins. It can sometimes be more harmful than good. I did loose 35 pds on atkins but a year later on it came and more. I think a modefied version of atkins is better than a strick one beause of the calories. Good Luck Check out the existing tuna Thread- it has awesome ideas.
  19. I'llsucceed


    I just recenty spoke w/Ryan through a couple of pms. I do believe he is here for any & all of you at anytime through a pm. I also believe that he will begin posting sooner than we all think. He knows how important he is to us & we are to him. I have not pmed Kelly- Has anyone?? We need her back just as much & I hope she realizes that this place just insn't the same with out her & her family. we miss you Kelly! I too was going to go but than I said naaaaaa! Its kinda like the band getting a unbelievable TIGHT FILL-eventually it will calm down or maybe we need a unfill of some-sorts. I got an idea but I 'll send it telepathically :0)
  20. I'llsucceed

    NSV...My band just cost $10 less

    Thats great- You should buy yourself a lotto ticket & make that $9.oo you found in your pocket & $1,000,000.00 you won because of your band!!! Good Luck & Happy Birthday
  21. I'llsucceed

    Eating and Drinking at the same time?

    Great post- learned alot & had no idea of liquid calories-as applied to soup. thanks La Madam
  22. I'llsucceed


    Maybe you can try and PM her if she is still listed under members.
  23. I'llsucceed

    Packing for Belgium

    Now that is the way to get your band in stlye!! what a trip - I hope you can go a day or two early just to enjoy a site or two. I can't wait to hear how well your doing & wish you luck.
  24. Hi Bren- I am not from your neck of the woods but wanted to say congrats on your band & I am so happy your doing so great. I look forward to knowing your success stories hear on LBT. Good Luck & keep losing;0)
  25. I'llsucceed

    Moderator and Privacy Issues on LBT

    Oh my Lord!! I can believe that there is still this drama going on... I think all the women should stand up straight & tall & all the "Children" that are playing here on LBT should be grounded & sent home. Now I really mean what I say... not being silly or trite.. If there are moderators whom are causing problem- fire them! If there is a user causing continued destress to others--send them packing. If this issue or issues what ever they seem to be are constantly continuing - ask those involved to stop or leave. I seriously do not know all what has been happening but I do believe that it should quickly be resolved. I like Marie too- never once saw a problem... that being said if it is causing such a whoohaaa, maybe, just maybe she could step down as a moderator. Maybe she shouldn't.... Maybe there should be a set guide line for all moderators to follow from here on out & if that set of rules is proven broken - well have them step down. As to double names- seriously again child's play. Ground them , tell them its wrong & stop or send them home. My thoughts only-of course I don't have all the facts. wishing you luck at the play ground I'll Succeed Just one more thing- Alex I have never met you - but I do LOVE you for what you do! Thank You Very Much

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
