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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Oddest promise ever extracted?

    Vinesqueen I read the WHOLE thing..Absolutely fasincating.. Seriously intriguing. In church (like you not bowing your head) I refuse to say "It is right to give him thanks & praise" instead i say"It is good to give him thanks & praise." I figure God is all forgiving & won't deny those who don't praise & always give thanks. But that he will reward those who do.. thats why I say its Good not necessarly right. Get it? Silly but I 've been like that since I was around 10. I was raised Catholic but practice Methodist for the past 8 years. I think how you have expanded your knowlege of so many religious beliefs is great & really really cool;0)
  2. I'llsucceed

    2005 Vegas Bash

    LOLololol- Jonathan-clever man! But unfortunately the dates are the same as my Mom's 70 B-day & I think we are taking her to Chicago where she grew up & of course to see Oprah!! But I will know more soon- I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdon't want to miss this bash.
  3. I'llsucceed

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    OFFICIAL ONE WEEK COUNT DOWN WHHOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Eye surgery

    Penni- When I had mine done they told me after 40 I would need reading glasses. Which I kinda do now. They said they could than do the mono-vision BUT would recommend that I just use reading glasses instead. If you could get perfect distance in both & just need reading glasses that MAY be another option instead of having the mono.. I have heard of people getting the mono & not being able to adjust. Maybe see if you get it done & don't like it months from now if you can go back to just near-sighted vision correctiveness?? Just a thought.. Well be seeing ya;0) Lol- Good Luck
  5. I'llsucceed

    Cross Your fingers-please

    Thanks all - Zoe, that is exactly what Gunnar & I did. Unfortunately he was playing around & came down hard on his leg & now is walking w/only 3 Just what I (@#@%**) needed. Poor thing I have his leg wrapped & gave him an asprin. I just hope he doesn't need x-rays. BushBaby & Blossom your both too kind. truely I am NOT.. just really an average over weight plain jane..you'll see when we meet eachother (hopefully soon). I just seem to be liked by cameras, better on film than in person;0) Penni- Feel free to relieve yourself woman! You never know how long those insurance people might be> Lord forbid you end up w/yellow-eye right before your eye operation. I will not be responsible...goof ball ;0) Thanks for your support! Your first in the pool.LOL
  6. I'llsucceed

    Eye surgery

    I had lasik also Penni- wore "coke bottle glasses" as a kid from 3th grade on. Several of my friends have had the surgery as well- only one did the monovision & she adjusted quite well after about 1 month. I pray all goes well & that it works out perfectly - sounds like you have a great doctor!
  7. I'llsucceed

    Cross Your fingers-please

    Now the office says hopefully tomorrow they may know something- She said she was put on hold to long 3 times today & couldn't wait that much.. I told her Thank you & WELCOME TO MY WORLD!;0)
  8. I'llsucceed

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Shesssssss Bacccckkk!! What a sweet & generous thing to say! Coodos girl. So this bash is fri-sat-sun. Who is booking the hotel now? I assume we could come Thurs as well...Which hotel are we staying at? Is your house an all day/nite deal on Sat- how does it go down?? What can I help with??
  9. I'llsucceed

    Settlement ideas?

    Its true, you don't know how it could affect you in the future...BUT... are you out any expense thus far or did insurance take care of it for you? Was it your time, gas & pain that was the greatest expense? That is hard to place a price on. Since your PCP doesn't think you'll have any long term problems maybe, just maybe, you should let it go. Sometimes a lawsuit(not always) can cause more pain down the road than its worth & sometimes (just sometimes) its truely not worth your time for what you end up fighting for. Either or your attorney will have the best advice.. Just know what you will have to pay him once you settle. Best of luck to you.. I hope you get what you want & heal 100%. Good Luck!!!
  10. I'llsucceed

    Cross Your fingers-please

    Well its been several weeks now- I have called & they keep telling me its under-review. The doctors office said they would call the care-mangement team today to find out what the status is & get back with me Today. Its so funny the anxiety I feel. Holy cow it literally makes me feel ill to my stomach. I don't know if I feel sick because it may be denied or sick because it may be approved? I don't like being fickle, its so not my personality. Anyhow thats the update for now.
  11. I'llsucceed

    Met Bruce Willis!!!

    Babs-that sound like a blast- I watch celebrity poker all the time- i love holdem! & craps.... So glad to hear you & Lisa had a great time. I hope to see you both at the bash coming up. Sounds like the two of you know where all the hot spots are. would love to see the photos Lisa!!!!!!!!
  12. I'llsucceed

    is it really worth it???????

  13. I'llsucceed

    Support Group Topics....

    NancySmiles & Greg - you guys need to chime in here- they both help run our support groups every month & do a Hecky of a job. They should have great imput. I have been going since Nov & have learned alot. Trish- I wish you lived closer & or had a group near you- maybe you could actually start one yourself!! Like meet at a coffee house or something- its a great way to meet others that have the same problems & success'. I've never been to NM. Maybe one day I will go & we can meet up;0)
  14. I'llsucceed

    Chat room ideas

    What a great idea Penni is it possible to have side-by-side chat rooms on one screen? maybe one for a LBT subject & one just to get to know you chat? I'm not that great with computers so I don't really know.
  15. I'llsucceed

    Hard a really bad night last night!!!

    Wow- What a crappy nite. I felt your pain with every-word. I am not banded but I do know they say walk-walk -walk to get the gases out & even suggested swimming. Oh wait, the swimming was for female cramps.:0) Just thought I could get you to smile this morning. Everyday is going to be better..All the bandsters will promise you this, so get a moving as much as possible today & tonight you'll sleep like a baby;0) At least I hope so. Good luck!
  16. I'llsucceed

    Madeline's Mom, This one's for you!!

    Have Fun & Than more Fun & than get that band- Fly safely home & be a big Looser!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck
  17. I'llsucceed

    Has Anyone heard of this..........?

    well said Audrey... I am sorry Beachbabe that you are going through this as well.Once you do find out why you were denied you will be able to fight more & combat any issue they throw at you. You could even use your examples. I sure hope you get it !
  18. I'llsucceed

    I'm Sick!

    I'm here for the long haul too. I hope NO ONE leaves, for ever & ever till were old & gray. A bunch of old skinny Farts;0)
  19. Hey Jan Welcome - I hope you find all sorts of answers here at LBT & loads of encouragement!
  20. Glad to know your healing so well- In the next week you will improve dramatically. As soon as you see some yellowing of your skin that means you are almost all done healing. You got a good price for your eyes & ears. Just my upper eyes ran me $2800.00 but he is one of the best in Michigan.. I bet you will be extremley happy with your results, in 9 months you will even look better & a full year from now even better than that. that is one of the bonus to having your face/eyes done. Congratulations!!!
  21. I'llsucceed

    Hearing Rumors

    Paula Like everyone has said if you feel fine than I am sure you are. But I was raised on the better safe than sorry.. Do you think you could go to a local PCP? Just to maybe have a once over. I think you would have a real peace of mind & hopefully it would only cost you your co-pay. Thinking of you - Christina
  22. I'llsucceed

    The Pledge

    I do solemnly swear .... I Pledge Not To Be Involved In Any Open Forum Threads That Violate The Guidelines Set By The Owner Of This Board. ~Christina
  23. I'llsucceed

    Echocardiogram, post-band?

    Good deal!
  24. I'llsucceed

    Kellymoos, Congratulations!!

    Kelly, Sorry about the heal fast thing..Call it a BLONDE moment!! Anyway- good Luck & thanks for volunteering your time;0)
  25. I'llsucceed

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    everyon is so very nice...thanks for the compliments & the Pms. TRISH - I can wait for our after photos either. It just seems so distant. PAULA- silly...wasn't really hiding, just love that little "family guy"character. Have you seen the show?-so well written..I love when he yells"Victory is Mine!" Bright-sorry about that, my name is Christina.. I love Dublin, Its been about 13yrs since I've been there but loved it! Back-packed the whole UK-tons of fun-Thnxs a bunch! Its more fun putting a face with the posts isn't it???

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