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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Everyone Please Help Me

    I just got off the phone w/the gal who I WAS TOLD was dating the producer. It turns out its her neice who is dating the guy- his name is Ben Silverman. The gal whos neice it is was, was supposedly supposed to(if thats a sentence)tell me months ago about this & never did till two days ago. So I told her give my # to your neice & have her call me with any info. But like Pattys daughter I think this audition may have been for mnths ago & not now. We will see soon. I May have gotten my panties in a bunch for nothing;0)
  2. I'llsucceed

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    ALMOST D-DAY !!!! I Mean B-DAY!!!!
  3. Lisa- How much longer do they think it will take- before you are all healed up? Or is it a guessing game? I sure hope you'll be totally healed for Vegas & You can be the first one IN THE POOL!!!!
  4. I'llsucceed

    Everyone Please Help Me

    EVERYONE---- thank you all so much for your thoughts. Kathy- i read your post to my sister & she said it was dead on! Thank You BigT- you said it ..... I have been thinking about the possible of loosing weight & NOT being able to qualify for WLS all nite long. Everyone said such excellent things & believe it or not I have been racing all of them through my head all nite & this morning. MY background is acting- so this is also about the possibilty of a career break.( hope that clarifies it a little more as to my ambivalence La Madam) Something not to be taken lightly in this industry & at my age & weight. But I think underlining most of the posts is the fact that I need more info on the show part. I know that if given the opportunity to shake the producers hand & intro myself, I will. Like a few of you said it could open other doors. As for being on the show- well your right I may not get picked-could be thrown off in a week & so forth...But also may gain great experiences(trainers & chefs). I think for now I will call my friend & see about an appt. After hearing more I may totally decide-its not for me. In the mean time hopefully the insurance will go through & I can still set a date for the band. I don't think of the band as a sure thing, I think of it as safety net- but still just as much work. Penni- God Bless you! She was with me for 1 1/2 hrs last nite - just talking me through:0) Thank you! I will let you all know more when I find out stuff. Its just so strange, I was so set & ready & than I was broadsided & thought well- wow! what an opportunity. I mean I didn't call them, but then again like Scotty said this could end up being a BIG LOSER & in MORE WAY THAN ONE. LOLLOL I hope to be more concrete in my decision soon. Maybe I think of a clever way to do both..Maybe I'll start a new show called The Biggest BAND LOSER & we can all be on TV. Patent Pending;0) Warmly, Christina
  5. I'llsucceed

    OT - Is This Normal???

    Too cute!! - I think its normal for sure. When I was a kid I needed all my stuffed animals in bed with me till I was about 8. I need everyone in their spot. Did I mention that I had 32! But i knew exactly which one was missing everytime I snuggled into bed. Usually one of the dogs had one. I was a very sloppy child & teen. Now I am a professional organizer ( part time) & keep an EXTREMLY organized & clean home-Go figure;0)
  6. I'llsucceed

    Everyone Please Help Me

    I know that was funny about what LaMadam said & its true I have lost my humor over this quandry.(sorry LaMadam) I wish I could do both. But I am just really searching for answers & am scared of making the wrong choice. I do need you to know that I am not that excited at about the show- I am more concerned that God is trying to tell me something. Why the call now? Right after I spoke w/the doc's office saying they'd tell me next week. I am set for surgery in 3 weeks, if the insurance says yes.. I just thought I was all set in my mind-you know?? Prepared & ready..I am sorry I'm not explaining myself well. I am going to take a sleeping pill & hopefully be more coherant tomorrow. Thank you all- forevery thing [/quote-Kathy]The Bad Side: get famous, meet mean, competitive, back-stabbing people, don't win a dime, put your life on hold for months just to be embarrassed to see yourself on TV grunting and groaning, and knowing your Ex and former co-workers will see every bit of it, be at the mercy of the producers editing the show to make you look like a B**ch from hell if that's what they want to do...lose weight, gain it back months after you get home and are released from the program, be back at square one and you could have gotten the Band two years ago and kept the weight off and kept your private life to yourself.This is what I am most afraid of.
  7. I'llsucceed

    Everyone Please Help Me

    LA Madam You can't have any weight lose surgeries & be on the show- have you ever seen it? I am seriously upset & confused & just don't know what to do. I mean should I just forget about the call. Or do I try the trainers & stuff & see? But what if it doesn't work again?
  8. I'llsucceed

    Goal Rewards

    True---but you know one of those really high class expensive ones-LOLOLOLOLYou know that IS NOT WHAT I THINK. Quite the opposite-your a beautiful woman!! I can't wait for the next after picture of you with a v-neck & fitted top!! Sexy!! And Yes> I am only into Guys;o) For those of you reading into this--lol By the way, I have a great Platinum wig as well-also 2 pony tails that are shades of different blonde colors. I love them! Love ya Zoe BRIGHT- That is going to be my reward as well- Gosh How I long to look good in jeans!
  9. I'llsucceed

    Goal Rewards

    Of My Goodness Zoe, when I saw your photos I thought the exact same thing!!!! But I was thinking more like a Beautiful brunnet with bronzey highlights;) I might think differently if I meet ya in person. Do it now girl you'll feel years younger what ever you decide! You got the figure, now get some younger color:laugh
  10. I'llsucceed

    had surgery doing fine

    That is wonderful news Wade!! You are on your way skinny!!!
  11. I'llsucceed

    Wonderful Board

    Cameron, please just keep in mind that while you learn from us, we can & would like to learn from you as well;0) We all know there are different docs w/different ways of doing things. Thats why we share our stories to find different solutions to answers & concerns & success'. Just a thought:)
  12. I'llsucceed

    need encouragement

  13. I'llsucceed

    Toxic Guilt

    I could burn a whole right through concrete-Iam so toxic. Got 5 maybe 6. This was an excellent post- Please would one of the moderators STICKY IT? My printer is out - but can't wait to print it. thank you BeachBabe- for also writing HOW TO DEAL with our toxic-ness.
  14. I'llsucceed

    need advice- what would you do?

    I'm With Jack & Alex Boy what a pickle you in.. I can see the frustration. I wanted mine months ago. Than started the hoop jumping knowing that even if there was a slim chance of being covered & going local I want it. The Its only been 3 extra months & I should know VERY soon. Was it worth the wait for me-YES. Its so much less of a worry to have a Local Doctor to go to anytime & to be held accountable & the support groups most supply than to be away from home. Yes! You save a bundle but the after care is so crucial & just think How much more you MAY save if you just wait 90 days & its covered. That will buy a whole new wardrobe or a masive vacation & wardrobe! But you know in your heart what you need & From those whom have gone before you( to TJ) they are successful.. Best of luck- Let us know what happens!!
  15. Oh My Goodness Teresa, You are totally making me crack up this morning. Between this post & the swing bench, my face is hurting from laughing at your comments. LISA- Girl you have so been put through the wringer & back again. Good thing your a tough cookie - I don't think many people would have pulled through as well as you are! Keep healing Lisa. & PLEASE send us another photo update soon. Be good to yourself!!!
  16. I'llsucceed


    LOL- That cracked me up this morning! Good for you! That is a confidence booster for sure. Nice NSV!!!
  17. I'llsucceed

    Countdown to Surgery....

    Congrats on your week count down.. you'll do great on the post-op diet. Many have to do it for 2 weeks. So you'll do fine. I wish you Luck & speedy healing!
  18. I'llsucceed

    I think he likes me....

    I am so excited fro you. Feeling happy / in love or lust is so great!!! I too think I would wait just a smidge longer before I would share my band story. That way you will have built just a little more of a foundation. In the beginning I don't thinks its ever wise to spill our whole barrel of monkeys on the table. Either way _ I am happy your happy & just make sure he always treats you RIGHT.:0) Of course he likes you silly ..whats not to love?
  19. I'llsucceed

    Cross Your fingers-please

    NO News yet- But At least I Have them on their toes-lol
  20. I wasn't going to post this, just because its not that important & will be DELETING IT when its over> But would everyone please cross thier fingers for me & or say a prayer..I just called my insurance company-Blue Care Network & they say my paperwork is still under review.. I never knew how nervous I would be until I called. Now I know I want this.. I kept thinking if I didn't hear exactly what I wanted I was going to fight for it.. I must be more committed than I thought. Anyhow I believe in the power of positive thoughts & prayer & would love anyones help. I thank you in advance.. And once I here that magical "yes" I will let you all know the date & start a new thread while deleting this one. Thanks A Ton Christina
  21. I'llsucceed

    Vinesqueen, Monday is your special day!!

    Hey Crystal-- Wonderful prayers & spells of good wishes are being sent your way. Go do it Girl! Happy Happy days are just around the corner;0) WHHOO HOOO
  22. I'llsucceed

    Wonderful Board

    "knowledge is strenght" - Welcome
  23. I'llsucceed

    Where is the first place you lost weight?

    This Is My Most Desired Wish!!!!!!
  24. I'llsucceed

    Eye surgery

    I had mine in 1998. It took aprox 6-8 mnths for my eyes to not be so dry. I used natural tears for drops & after that intial phase never needed them again. I do think my vision isn't as sharp as it was a couple years ago but I am too chicken to go & find out if I am no longer 20/20.LOL I think you should go for the mono vision- sounds like you have your heart set & you've done great research - so go for it & let me know how it goes. I am sure I will do it in couple years also.
  25. I'llsucceed

    the best 5 lbs I ever gained

    A little bit of heaven in each of their eyes. Beautiful- all of you are!

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