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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by I'llsucceed

  1. I'llsucceed

    Reschedule: First chat room topic

    I wish I could-But leaving now to pick up Gunnar from the Hospital-Have fun & I'll have to join the next one:0)
  2. I'llsucceed

    WHO Fought & won??

    I was told they were both covered - but that wasn't through them directly- but through the docs office. The problems they stated were #1 the psyc eval. which I believe has been cleared up. My psyc Doc was kind enough to call & ask what was wrong. They actually told her that they didn't think I had a good understanding of what the operation envolved. LOL LOL - way off course on that one. She said they obviously didn't read her review & she was going to re-fax it over & hopes that it clears that part of the disput. #2 was I had no diet(followed by a doc) this past year. But I couldn't because I had zero insurance & never saw any docs this past yr. So I am S.O.L. on that one. #3 was something wrong with my BMI ratio. My PCP is supposedly calling to dispute that today. I see her tomorrow for a leg problem & will make sure she followed through. So I was just wondering if anyone else had anything that they did to disput stuff. I think it was Alex who mention getting her GYN to write a letter so I am also attempting that. I lied (just a little) & told each of the docs that the insurance co. said they would over turn their decision if each of them were to call personally & talk to them this week. So far its worked with one;0)
  3. I'llsucceed

    WHO Fought & won??

    Wondering if anyone has Blue Care Network in Michigan? Or when you may have been denied & than fought & won. What did you do -what did you send in- who called the surgeon or your PCP(regular dr )? How long did it take?
  4. I'llsucceed

    Member of the Banded Gentry (finally)

    OK Girlfriend- looking for more updates now---its been a whole 72+ hours. Are you running any marathons-Jumping rope-Doing stomach crunches-eating pizzas & sandwiches whole????? LOL LOL just seeing how you are and hoping your relaxing!!!
  5. I'llsucceed

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Jamie, Well my friend your big B-DAY has finally arrived!! Tonight I will say a special prayer for you & your surgeons. I just know all will be great & can't wait to hear you tell us it was a "walk in the park." I am very excited for you & wish you well!!! Penni- that little kitty is just as cute as Gunnar;0)
  6. I'llsucceed

    I think he likes me....

    Started thinking the same thing--BUT than I was like naaaww, she found a goodone, a true one , a real one. At least I sure as hope you did sweetie. Make sure you have gone to his home- no matter what!! & you should be able to call him whenever you want - no matter what!! I just know hes a good guy- if not Penni & lisa & Jenna I am sure can take care of him proper.;0)
  7. I'llsucceed

    KarenD expecting...?!!

    Oh - I hope its true!! & wish you everything your heart desires! A baby -nothing can be more exciting-nothing!!!
  8. I'llsucceed

    Surgery Tomorrow 3/18...Yikes!

    This is very true Corgi & for those of us who do struggle the taste of victory can even be a little sweeter;0) You'll do great & I hope all is uneventful just as your process has been. I wish you a very speedy recovery! Congrats.
  9. I'llsucceed

    instantaenous PB

    I feel the same way Nicole. SO we better learn our lessons now. But ya just gotta know its gonna happen at least once.
  10. I'llsucceed

    I think he likes me....

    HOT DAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you - so does he have any friends????? LOL
  11. So Spring is in the air, you can actually smell it. After much debate & prayer I have decided to go for the band. I'm hoping my insurance gives me an answer tomorrow as they have promised. I started the liquid phase this morning."Steping out on faith." Had huge energy this morning as I drank my Breakfast & began purging, the kitchen that is; First the junk drawer- no more need for all those pizza coupons & restaurant menus (at least for the next 4+ mnths) out they go! Went to the frig. which is filled now only w/milk,yogart,diet coke,Fruit 2/o Water & condiments. Next cupboards-all temptations in the trash. Lastly all the old Vitamins & the like: Gone is the Flax seed oil,St.John wort,Acti-zyme supplements,Chromium GFT,Apple Pectin,Omega-#3,ginseng & Complex B&C, & tons of diet aids --Many have been expired & most all I won't be able to take in pill form after the band- so out they went. My biggest worry I figured out this weekend was really only one thing. I LOVE TO EAT. I was worried about not being able to pig out anymore after the band or simply eat till I felt content. Or socialize & feel normal w/out complications from the band. I know that is the WHOLE POINT, too not be able to pig out, but seriously that was my underling worry. Silly Huh? I didn't know that was preventing me from my decision till I went grocery shopping yesterday. All I thought of was food & meals & what I could fill up on the most. I knew I was there for my liquid phase stuff but all these other thoughts filled my head. I am Sick. Literally-emotionally. I am also tried of that being my goal through out the day-what will I fill up on next instead of enjoying the day & activities. What an eye opener - I know most all of you already got this part but for me it hadn't hit yet. So I said quietly & calmly to myself "You start Tomorrow. Today you'll prepare & thats it." I didn't make a huge deal of it (no grand start like most diets) just said softly-ok go drink your breakfast & thats it. I usually would have had charts made out w/colored tags & smiley faces saying "You can Do it" but this time NO Spectacular event, just a new day & a new start. As to the show "Biggest Loser" - I called & left my # w/Debbie who's niece is dating the producer. Turns out Deb was supposed to tell me back in Nov- But got busy & just told me now, so who know if they still need people. I'll meet the guy if & when its possible but I'm not holding my life up any longer. This morning I took measurements & my weight & placed this post. So to those of you in the weight loss challenge-LOOK OUT, I see a big loss coming my way;0) Thank you all For caring & your support Christina psalms 118:8 "It is better to put trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man."
  12. I'llsucceed

    #1 Worry-Stop Thinking Just DO IT

    Between you & lisa I better bring my depends down to vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I'llsucceed

    I Will Get My Band On 3-29-05

    I wish you luck Jennifer- You'll do great!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!1
  14. I'llsucceed


    Our Doc said only to eat Hulless popcorn. Which there are wonderful websites for or you may be able to find it at the local specialty store. Something about the hulls on the kernels may cause a problem so it is better to avoid them. www.americanspice.com/catalog/20700/Popcorn_&_Seasonings/ Ladyfinger_Hulless_Popcorn.html?DEPT=9&o... - 42k - www.blackjewell.com/ - 7k -
  15. I'llsucceed

    Weightloss Challenge

    Jonathan-- You ARE SO COOL! I don't know how you can do that computer stuff & the weight entry looks like a breeze! Nice work. By the way everyone- This liquid diet is gonna kick ya'll butts(said kiddingly /sweetly & motivatingly) Of course I know it will be mainly all Water but, but who cares!!;0);0);0) WhooHOO
  16. I'llsucceed

    12 days til surgery and now sick

    Thank goodness your feeling better & just in time!! You still have a week left so keep yourself healthy & wash your hands all the time;-) I hope things go well & look forward to your update! Best of luck!
  17. I'llsucceed

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    Kelly- Wow you are for sure the shrinking Momma! You look great!
  18. I wish you so much luck. As long as you have done all your research on these Doctors backgrounds I am sure you will be very happy with your outcome. You will really need someone with you for several days after & I would be leary of flying soon after surgery because of the amount your having done. I hope your able to extend you time in Mexico & recover a bit before going home. I do think its a good thing to have it all done at the same time. You'll be happy to heal everything up at once.
  19. I'llsucceed

    #1 Worry-Stop Thinking Just DO IT

    Good one Denise & Alex!! I forgot that I do have documented stuff over several yrs on rashes & diets from my GYN. I will be driving there tomorrow & have her write a letter. Thank you.The BMI thing I just don't get - but ask My PCP tomorrow. It was 39 when the paperwork went in & is 40 now so??? Jenna- thanks for the encouragement as well- I will try my best "sales pitch" this next week w/no stone unturned. I just won't let the fight go more than a month or so. I would rather self-pay & deal with it later. I need to get moving on with my life-social & work wise. LAURA- good suggestion but unfrotuately I am self-employeed & wear all the hats, but I'll have a talk with myself just in case I come up w/something-LOL:0) Thanks everyone & good nite- Tomorrow is another day & one never knows.
  20. Hope all is well-my name sake;0) I sure hope your resting comfortably in you rown home & healing quickly. Please let us know how you are. Christina
  21. I'llsucceed

    Member of the Banded Gentry (finally)

    Thank Goodness all is well- I am very happy to hear you are home & doing well. So what was it like for you?? Any troubles or all smooth sailing?
  22. I'llsucceed

    #1 Worry-Stop Thinking Just DO IT

    Thanks Paula- but they already have all those letters. They were in the orginal documents. Plus receipts from gyms & other diet centers. All 27 attempts fully documented except for diets like cabbage soup & slim fast ext... I'll keep trying for a bit but thanI don't think I will wait long & will have to be self-pay. Its to tough emotionally to be on hold for me.
  23. I'llsucceed

    #1 Worry-Stop Thinking Just DO IT

    I also asked what if I pay for it on my own? If I have a complication will I be covered or will it be considered a pre-existing condition. The lady said that I have a NO- pre-existing phase in my coverage & that sure I would be covered.LOLOLO Just not for the initial surgery>> Oh MY Gosh.. that really is just mixed up- so I understand Delarla. Thanks Zoe for the tips & thnks everyone else-Patty,Betty,Sharon,Jamie(you lucky gal you)Marie, Bright & anyone else I forgot! I'm sticken to this liquid phase no matter what-Also just got off the phone w/my Mom(I love my mommy;0) & she said fight like heck but in the end keep my date & somehow we would work it out! She is the GREATEST! But OUI!! the pressure. she really can pack it on... saying-"well you made your decision & as long as you'll go through with it & do it & follow the rules-we will figure out how to pay for it" I'm not ungrateful don't get me wrong, just she can pack on the pressure in a manner that stiffels me(always could). But maybe she is the drill sergeant that I need;0) Good thing I don't have your guys phone #s-you all would have taking them off the hooks by now! Thanks for listening.
  24. I'llsucceed

    #1 Worry-Stop Thinking Just DO IT

    First let me say-HOLY CRap! again-thanks need that to get out . What a rollercoaster. !st I finally make peace with my decision. Than 2nd I am denied & 3rd aunt flow visits unexpectedly. HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP -I HATE TODAY! Ok I'm through. Second I want to say- Thanks all!- Delarla, you made me laugh with the sign deal. Scotty, that great news to hear about the satisifaction part.(I feel you & i are so very similar). The insurance jerks say its 3 things- one that my BMI ratio is not something or another.Ratio whats ration its 39 & fricken counting!! Two, they said that there was no recorded weight loss this past year that was supervised by a physician. Of course there wasn't-I HAD NO INSURANCE & Never went to a doctor!! Thirdly they said there was a ?? as to my psych eval. Well I spoke w/my psch Doc a moment ago & she said & I quote"What the HELL!" She said she would call over there asap & ask for a reason that I fell into 2/3rds the majority of evaluations & that i was fine if not GREAT for being a candiate. I also called the PCP & the BAND Doc & asked that they both call BC/BS network for answers. I did lie & say that the insurance CO Said that if they called & spoke w/the decision makers that they would maybe over turn it;0) We will see- At least I go one Doc calling & hopefully by the end of the week the other two will call. I don't want to wait & am trying to keep my March 29th date. I'll keep you posted & thanks for the support! GGGGGRRRRRRR! I'm so angry!
  25. I'llsucceed

    #1 Worry-Stop Thinking Just DO IT

    Holy Crap!!! I Have Been Denied

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
